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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. The shadow is the key. Find strategies to work with it and surprising things can happen. It works in space time (it doesn't really adhere to reality as such - it wants to overthrow all schema placed in its path) and resides in the unconscious...Trivial don't interest it. It is fundamental to me as it is most people who have recognized its footprint. In situations where I am unsure or have anxiety it kind of takes over - like hitching yourself to a turbo it says and does what's needed in that moment...It can be magnificent but it can also cause problems. The important thing is to know it is part of you. It's very creative used correctly. But never let it take over....Ever...
  2. Because when you were younger you felt inadequate. So the super ego goes to work cause it don't like the pain and creates this other you (the shadow) and it pesters you to be more like it. It tells you that you are a no good cock-a-roach and a deadbeat so you try out some of its high risk (to your core self) antics...Some end well but some end badly. When advertisers sell you stuff they are essentially talking to your shadow (this idealized self) not you. The shadow does have a purpose mind it criticizes you especially when you stay in life cycles and relationships/friends that you're comfortable with rather than ones that will expand your horizons or test you. The serial killer is where this super ego has taken over unchecked and totally subsumed the identity. Be more serial killer but in short doses.
  3. I understand that but they'd be less likely to start if the whole EU started threatening to cancel shit. Cancel the def orders immediately obviously and give it all to Airbus, Racal and Raytheon.
  4. Yeah but we can't hit back if we were in the EU and used all its architecture and courts and so on we could with mutual support take a chunk out of Boeing (again).
  5. Forget about the shadow. It isn't you it's an idealised you cobbled together by your super ego. The suit is too tight.
  6. Bombardier Boom! There will be more of this kind of stuff just to ram it home with reg to the single market.
  7. This whole life coach thing is cobblers basically.
  8. https://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/momentum-turning-in-favor-of-europe-by-george-soros-2017-06?barrier=accessreg
  9. All that what you said is exactly what is going to happen. Over time the power of the referendum result will fade - they know it we know it. Corby has been designated to block any meaningful Brexit when Labour come to power.
  10. It's all about the feedback Labour are getting from their researchers. The country is on the edge with reg to Brexit...As soon as they get the greenlight Labour will push this single market stuff to the front burner. Not ideal but the nature of UK politics right now is that Brexit is too hot to handle if you take too firm a position and don't take the country with you. Labour have their eye on power. As I've maintained all along proper Brexit won't happen anyway...Already been pushed back to 2021.
  11. We haven't got a single striker who can operate effectively at this level.
  12. One of the best places for creative writing is the University of East Anglia.
  13. Why don't I set you some ''coursework''. There are a lot of intensive 6 week courses in Film/Novel writing that are probably better than getting drunk for 3years and losing your mind to acid.
  14. I read everything he posts in that Eric Morecambe voice.
  15. Creative writing course at Uni? Check your privilege.
  16. It gives them time and connections. A lot of the luvy world in London is about having the time (not having to work) and having connections. It's why actors, musicians and artist are predominantly middle or upper middle class these days. They have the base to build from. Often the talent is secondary anyway. A lot of it is branding and marketing if you can buy that you're half way there. If you're working class forget about it. Once the dole laws changed in the late 80's the working class creatives/voice was pretty much snuffed out. BBC is nearly all Oxbridge, art/fashion/literary world is full of kids who already had money etc....The art doesn't matter in the final analysis its more about positioning. "I'm missing a lot of working class bands," Weller tells Gigwise. "I think there's a lot of middle class bands around. Some of it's good obviously, but I'm missing the fire and the anger of the bands who I've just come off a council estate or a block of flats and have got something to say. That's not to say they're not out there at all, because there are still some bands out there, but generally I'm missing that. "Whether that's just a thing of the past...when I was a kid, right, even though it's a cliche but that's because it's true, music and sport were escape routes from your pre-destined future.'' Paul Weller
  17. Nobody really wants to do a normal job. As you say it's a necessity if you want a lifestyle. Most creative types never make it but that isn't really why they do it.
  18. A lot of them are already loaded.
  19. Watched 'Get Out' a low budget dark horror/comedy affair. Thoroughly well made and enjoyable low budget fare.
  20. London is full of them.
  21. That's a flaws analogy because there are plenty of piss takers/artists/musicians who are making a living doing what they love.
  22. These threads should be printed out in large Gothic font then silk screened and and hung in the Tate Modern. /Arttastic
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