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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. It was brilliant. Even Mrs P as quiet afterwards....Might have been mulling over some new tricks.
  2. This new back tax or whatever it is... Pisstake? Is it time to say enough is enough...You snail munching, mayo on chips snorting...Bratwurst gobbling fucks!
  3. In Germany they charge for doc visits to discourage the old who just like talking shit to the doc and other melingerers. Cause Germans pay ludicrous money for healtchare, I think the average works out at euro 350/400 a month for working families they over compensate and get down the docs for every sniffle etc... The NHS is the best thing on the planet.
  4. We're missing some of the key brand signposts right now and it takes time even in perfect conditions to get them all back...
  5. MPs, including former coalition ministers who have since returned to the backbenches, have declared more than £7.1m earnings from second jobs and outside interests, according to parliamentary records. An analysis by the Guardian shows that 26 MPs declared more earnings from directorships, paid employment or shareholdings than they did from their parliamentary salary, with more than 20 declaring more than £100,000 in outside earnings in the latest register of members’ interests.
  6. HF is like Edward Scissorhands obsessively cutting and snipping graphs in his ongoing internal battle with the dark regime.
  7. Some new rules coming if Labour get in regarding fan representation on football club boards. /clutchingatstraws.
  8. @anothernsoul. Like 65...Nice and moody..Afternoon coffee and brandy stylee.
  9. We're signed up to bail ins btw. Although it might be counterproductive as you suggested earlier. There isn't a single UK bank in the safest top 20 list...
  10. Ultimately we're never going to get the rich or big companies to pay proper tax, there just isn't the will or political capital in it.
  11. Their manager said he wasn't a key player for them anymore. Looking at his last season at that club tells you everything...Another cheapish punt on a semi-crock. Annoying thing is that with Cisse getting back to his best a loose forward/attacking midfielder like Siem fits the bill now.
  12. Every few years they say they are going to crack down on it.... It's the equivalent of taking on their 'masters'....Believe it when I see it. Nominee (not you) accounts in offshore banks are notoriously difficult to pin down as they hide behind a layer of names, trusts and financial tools. The big fish move their money around anyway...The only way is to inavade the 63 or so islands and city states and shut them the fuck down.
  13. Her sentencing has been quite tough in the past. I'm perplexed at the lightness of the sentence especially as the def are trying to get him serve less than a year in prison...
  14. Park Life


    I don't link to RT that often as it goes. His book is has caused some stir here. Historically of course it was the Germans that taught the CIA their business. Of course there are huge slush funds to buy news wether it be intelligence services or multi-nationals...6 corporations own 90% of the American media. I think one can look at the specific coverage in isolation (some of it is good and some as you say propaganda)...I know when BBC are doing propaganda and when they have their 'public good' mask on....It's silly to use blanket bias with regards to specific media stories...ALL media has its paymasters/men behind the curtain. For the middle east I will compare Al Jaz, RT, BBC and a couple of others and then get my own divination of what is actually occurring in the fog. We live in a time when ALL news is shaped and manufactured to fit an agenda. I don't look for truth I look for the angle.
  15. Agree with all of the last sentence. What Norway did with all that oil money which we didn't....It now funds a lot of their social schemes. http://www.nbim.no/en/
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