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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Those monkeys are on peanuts. We need a proper year 0 approach with the backroom.
  2. Said that to some bitch reading it on the underground. She looked well pissed with me.
  3. This stuff is Beyond the Thunderdome of Globalfuckwitterty.
  4. It's such a standard PR release (Bishop written all over it) it's basically totally cloaked. There isn't even a hint of vision in it and the claptrap about 'Head Coach' means we don't want any cernts who will quesion our idiocy.
  5. Wor ist die Ubahn? Die kartofeln sind ist sauer.. Das Mittfefeld ist gefangen im Polen (the midfield is trapped in Poland).
  6. I can well believe they had no back up plan. However if it was to be Carver they would have announced it by now. Think it will be Garde in the summer. Let the survival battle commence...We need 4 wins and a handful of draws as the bare minimum.
  7. 5 Carver articles out of the last 6 in the Chron.
  8. I encourage them with my fake feedback tbh.
  9. Fairly good read. Although jamming the feminist foot in the door of just about any event is getting a bit tiresome.
  10. Amen to that. It would play havoc with my investments.
  11. Thnk we have to stand back and understand that these groups are only tools (not in their minds obviously)...It will only end when they have run out of their usefullness. Without money and logistics to feed them they peeter out pretty quick. Loads of jihadis are not just there due to some kind of calling many are actually there cause they are making money. American foreign policy the main driver for chaos in the middle east decided to break up these 'resistant' (oil rich) countries as part of a dual strategy with Israel who desperately need water for the 'bigger Israel' plan they have in the works and the want to get part of the Tigris under Israeli control. When you take down such places like Libya and Iraq and soon Syria they plan to leave them as micro-states and micro-factions all vying for power and all disorganised (easier to control). You know a Caliphate here, a Kurdistan there, a place for the Shia another for the Sunni and so on.... The middle east will never be the same again. The chaos and death we see now will go on forever (that's the plan). Only one country has the power to engage in a long protracted proxy war against America and its interests. Iran. That proxy war is already ongoing all over the region. Iran doesn't really want a stand up war against Israel and America cause it will last only a couple of weeks with massive losses to life and infastructure. But IMO this is exactly what they should do if they do it right. If I was Iran I'd hit Saudi Arabia (refineries/tankers/block the waterways) and Israel together now while there is plenty on the U.S, plate. Note how quick Israel ran out of shells just hitting Palestine.# The airm would be to crash Western oil economies and currencies which are very fragile right now and deal a hammer blow. Right now is their best chance. After Iran can continue with a guerilla war as the country can't be colonised and that could tie down a broken Western economies for decades if not take down Capitalism itself. A broken American economy would suddenly have another enemy: It's own people. Highly armed and hungry. China might use the opp to take Taiwan and Russia might see it as a window to nick Ukraine, America would be overloaded and all over the place. Over time Iran will be surrounded and would lose bigger without the chace to cause such great reciprocal damage. America has to go to war with Iran it's just a question of when. We need to stay the fuck out of it.
  12. Brave bloke. Think it is pretty much correct IS have a very strong core and it is way off reservation from its beginnings (foreign funding and training). iirc their best fighters are from Chechnya and Bosnia, these are battle hardened veterans. Bit of ariel bombing isn't going to make much difference to the facts on the ground. Ultimately we're going to have to put boots on the ground and its going to have to be a mix of our best elite forces. Is there the will for this? I don't think so.
  13. It's clear you don't watch it.
  14. Although he is my fav philosopher I think here is waywayd. I shall with the greatest of hesitation and sadeness rip his casual over referenced interior monlogue to shreds later. The dialectic tropes which he positions to create the 'spark' of his article are not only flawed they are just plain wrong.
  15. Tragic stuff. Cameron saying "No conversation can be private". He's chomping at the bit to add more snooping laws to our portfolio. UK is already one of the most watched countries on earth.
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