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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Varafoukis wants to cut a deal with the IMF rather than the troika.
  2. XCom. I have it running on Dos Box.
  3. I used to think that too. That it was a convenient 'enemy'...But I don't believe that any longer. The public at large dazed by continual war in Muslim countries and somewhat resisting it or tiring of it have to be continually fed on a diet of how 'dangerous' fundamental Islam is (which taints the whole religion as there is never much detail given)...This has to be ongoing and systematic. This is what you find 'odd'. There has to be continual relatavising of interventions all over the planet for the home audience....Much like those propganga films during colonial times of India and Africa...But much more subtle now. Something like 90% of the terrorism documented in America and Europe is by non-muslims. When's the last time you saw a news report or docu about that?
  4. Nothing Israel or America ever do is labelled terrorism, if it is criicised it's done moderately and in hushed tones. It's why the whole whistleblower stuff revealing the overwherlming state apparatus in the West makes them so edgy. One trapped in an embassy and one trapped in Russia. Make no mistake 'The West' wants to wipe Islam out as a competing force by way of demonising it and culturally erasing it as a beleif system. It is to all intents and purposes being turned into a 'dirty' religion. But here's the fucking news...The West will lose. No state or country or monarch or whatever has ever beaten a religion in the long game. EVER. Oh yes Christinanity rolled over as a balancing and moral touchstone as soon as it saw how much money it was going to make. All these wars, the coulour revolutions, these coporate backed dictators, these cleansings, these dronings and so on...ARE coming back to haunt us. I guarantee it.
  5. If we took one of Everton's CD's and Lukaku we'd be looking at top 7 that's what's so frustrating under the current regime. Think Mou was referring to Luk not fighting for a place at Chelses which isn't unfair and does cast a tiny shadow over the player...But then as others have said Ramy can't even get a game and he's pretty much at his peak.
  6. Doesn't seem as good as the initial hype. Close control is poor and he should be scoring more. I haven't checked if Everton create many chances but they seem a fairly attakcing side.
  7. There's no mystery here. The corporate owned media are at war with Islam. The vast maj of the terrorism in America is carried out by non-muslims who acc for about 4% iirc.
  8. Revolutions fail not cos of ideas but due to the fact that the masses are basically donkeys (can be easily swayed or made passive). People who enjoy the spectacle of football aren't really that interested in remaking a club in their own image or into something for the greater good ie the community or for some kind of long term overarching ethos. It is a small percentage who have a vision or love of football who see its role greater than 'a day out'. And now the hammer blow is the TV money which has taken supporter power completely out of the equation (think this was always the aim). All activities are over time monetised and colonised by capitalism and so finally it has become with football. I can't see any escape but the slow decline of the game into circus of millionaire - preening players and oligarch and delitante owners who treat clubs as personal vehicles for publicity and entertainment. The bodies of football are corrupt and in the pockets of the media and multi-nationals so I don't see them coming to the aid of the game, a game they are hell bent on exploting and destroying as an expression of mass consciousnes and tribal focus. They won't... Put a cap on wages. Rule against the loan system (exploited by the big clubs) Put a cap on spend as against debt. (Should be a debt ceiling which clubs can't go above and no player transactions if the go above it). Limit foreign players. Go back to one sub and one keeper sub (this is a huge advantage for rich clubs with star benches). Push for fan ownership and board level representation. Investigate phoney sponsorship (Emirates) and miriad of other things...
  9. It's the equivalent of when Bolton put Sammy Lee in charge or when ManU had Giggs. Although both are probably better than Crawler.
  10. It might be nice at some point in the future to have Toon manager that isn't a bare faced liar. It's really getting tiring picking through vacuous comments riddled with lies.
  11. I just don't want to see the full horror of a grinning and skipping Pardew.
  12. Those who want to go to Mars should definitely be sent. The more the better.
  13. I'm sure you're gonna make it Stevie.
  14. Yes. It's why I've taken drastic action like stopping fags immediately.
  15. Club wanted him, Nolan and Hughton gone. The core of the resistance.
  16. No. But it WAS a heart flutter. Think it was stress plus smoking a lot of fags that night. I'm on the artery cleaning and blood thinning mix (as above) and stopped smoking....I'll feel the benefits in a few months.
  17. Got Lecithin in Budni but had to internet for Spirulina.
  18. Think it's salvageable but to balance that with anti-austerity will be the trick.
  19. Had to go to a couple of places to get all that. It's a real pain here.
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