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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. His Eaton tie wrapped around his heed.
  2. It boggles my mind that you don't think 'the other side' do the same things if not worse....Ask that bloke holed up in Moscow. The 'Western narrative' stinks. Russia tried to join NATO a few years back which would have been the final moment for Glasnost. There are only narratives there is no truth. I've re-sent the PM would a proper link.
  3. @ MF And then use the healing hands?
  4. Its members have been dubbed the “pinstriped Nazis” and they refer to their demonstrations as “evening strolls” through German cities. But on Monday night, an estimated 15,000 people joined Pegida, or Patriotic Europeans Against Islamisation of the West, in a march through Dresden carrying banners bearing slogans such as “Zero tolerance towards criminal asylum seekers”, “Protect our homeland” and “Stop the Islamisation”. Lutz Bachmann, the head of Pegida, a nascent anti-foreigner campaign group, led the crowds, either waving or draped in German flags, in barking chants of “Wir sind das Volk”, or “We are the people”, the slogan adopted by protesters in the historic “Monday demonstrations” against the East German government in the runup to the fall of the Berlin Wall. Associating themselves with the freedom demonstrations has given Pegida protests an air of moral respectability even though there are hundreds of rightwing extremists in their midst, as well as established groups of hooligans who are known to the police, according to Germany’s federal office for the protection of the constitution. “The instigators are unmistakably rightwing extremists,” a federal spokesman said. It was the ninth week in a row that Pegida had taken its protest on to the city’s streets in the eastern German state of Saxony. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/dec/15/dresden-police-pegida-germany-far-right
  5. Neo-Sort of Far Right-anti-Islamification of the Fatherland! Spreding like wildfiire in the East. It's a concern cause the Germans have a history of overdoing this kind of thing.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dlnlCfX0KA
  7. Germans reject Greek proposal... http://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/feb/19/greece-requests-eurozone-loan-extension
  8. The fish in the lake are edgy.
  9. Russia is being punished cause it didin't back down over Syria. NATO promised Gorbachev that it wouldn't infringe on Russina boundary states and it has done ever since. Russia has no choice reg Ukraine it can't allow an EU run Nato base on its doorstep. I hope we don't test this cause we will suffer not America. America is in deep shit with regard to BRICS and its failing economic and financial influnence blackmail all over the place inc Africa whre China is now cutting the deals. The Hawks in the Pentagon are psychotic.
  10. I go to RT and AlJazz if I want another POV. And why haven't you replied to my PM Bollinger BOy?!!
  11. The whole of the western media is corporate controlled and bent. Anyone who thinks otherwise is deluded. The BBC coverage of the Palestine is a disgrace as is its coverage of Ukraine.
  12. The cloned version of CT.
  13. Getting a bit tired of using the Tom Yum paste. What kind of noodles are you using and what broths do you knock up?
  14. Your plan to survive on cream teas is a little short sighted fella...
  15. America/UK got mashed in Iraq and Afghanistan...(by local tribes)..We got out of Helmland asap... I can't imagine a stand up war with Russia...Nato would las about a week...It's badly organised with a coalition of the unwilling...It's one thing bombing civilians all over the planet it's another taking on Russia. America won't risk a nuclear exchange to save Europe. Think again.
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