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Park Life

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  1. Park Life


    Did you say Polenta fucker!!?
  2. Totally agree with that. But we are where we are..We should be looking for massive rebates or some form of control. If the EU were serious and not just plain stupid or careless or didn't give a fuck...I'd imagine that monetery backstops would be inplace to help host economies cope with the influx of transient labour in the event of one country taking up too much of the slack. Try flying into Germany and getting free healthcare or a job without perfect German. No chance. All the Ghanian taxi drivers here talk about is when they are going to move to England.
  3. That's a really big question... On a very basic level multi-nationals (these are the new States) they are coutries if you like they suck up assets like water, oil, minerals, patents (even on food and our bodies) and intellectual property etc (thousands of farmers in India are comitting suicide every year cause they've lost control of their seeds)..It's what all this privatisation is about. The cycle is about using public money to build up assets - say railways or water networks and then privatise them at a much lower value than their actual cost, then these assets transfer from common ownership to private ownership... This has been really going down the last three decades...It gets to a point that it becomes harder for countries to raise money (but from private interlinked capital -the banks and multi-nationals who are in cahoots) and especially now as many big companies only pay a fraction of the tax they should pay...The populations of coutries start to become a drain rather than a benefit (this is starting to happen). This gets to a point where countries can't function - Greece, Argentina, Mexico (twice)...Pretty much the whole of Africa and soon more countries like Spain and so on...Japan will be an interesting one cause it has the oldest population for any advanced country...Once one big country becomes defunct there will be a chain reaction and the system will collapse (the money side).... ....Assets however are immune to this especially the natural ones everyone needs...Hence the gobbling up of these assests planet wide...Soverign debt will break the system it might be a big EU country or it might be America or Japan...I said about 10 years ago that the next big war would be against the banks and their forces...When we send troops to fight for oil we're fighting for companies...Just as Empire has little benefit for the common man these new wars have little benefit for us either... They will bring in a system of limited credit probably digitised, competition and growth will no longer be the watchword....SUSTAINABILITY WILL. Ring a bell? GREEN has always been the colour of our elite.
  4. I believe in free movement of Labour if there was a counter balance when one country is being sunk by the weight on its infastructure. If there was some kind of EU compensation that helped us build infastructure when it is clear to everyone that we're taking on too many people then that would be a step in the right direction. But there isn't..The Germans are laughing at us.
  5. It's just pieces of paper and the black economy and work without contracts and the lack of baragining power has driven down wages in the UK and infact many jobs aren't even advertised in the UK... The black economy of Italy is bigger than the real economy. A lot of banks stay afloat with drug money and service cartels and crime. Wages against (buying power) has fallen in the West to 70's levels. THAT is another FACT. Capitalism was always seen as a holding mechanism. It's a passing phase and will be replaced. It will be replaced when the elites have full control of assets (not money). Sadly the left in the UK won't tell people the truth because most are now well off and part of a political class. If people really knew the truth then heads would be on spikes,
  6. Marx explained it many years ago. Capitalism's greatest wish is to create a hostage ecomony where the bargaining power of the host labour force is erased by the influx of cheaper and more desperate labour force. He also predictied the centralisation of decsision making and the rise of oligarchs and the concentration of wealth ie the EU and the multinational elites. He went on to say that this was Capitalism's weakness cause at some point the re-destribution of wealth would become so weak that the system would collapse from inertia. Bigger and bigger monopolies would appear and challenge the power and law making of soverign states (that has been ramping up for a couple of decades). The only thing he didn;t forsee was capitalism ability to borrow continually from the future (that is the phase we are in now). Even that can't go on and we see the system lumbering from one fiscal crisis to another. When they crippled the wealth distribution by moving manufacturing to China and so on...They replaced it with credit cards so people had the feeling they could still buy stuff...UK has the biggest personal debt on the planet.
  7. I know this is a cluster fuck here and all you book-reading, ivory tower, soft power, tofu munching vegans are filling your boots. BUT uncontrolled immigration from the EU (mainly white) is destroying the negotiating power and job security of the British working class and lower middle class. That is a FACT.
  8. It's a tiny tiny minority DB. It's like 0.05 of the Muslim population of the UK. The papers make a meal out of it cause it's distracting you from the real enemy...You're leaders.
  9. Well if we don't get out at some point we'll have to join the euro and that will be the city fucked.
  10. The probem these days is that politicians of all shades are basially careerists (bar a handful) and they see the EU as yet another pasture for them to retire to or be given token jobs in as they move on. It's a dream for the political class most of whom have never worked at a real job a day in their lives. The expenses scandal was a real eye opener as to the nature of these cernts.
  11. I ended up saying 'Winter is coming' before every line and falling about laughing...
  12. Just finished Season 1. Highly recommended.
  13. Comparing one country to the whole EU... Here is the real comparison. "By 2020, the combined economic output of three leading developing countries alone -- Brazil, China and India -- will surpass the aggregate production of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States," said the 2013 Human Development Report, prepared by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). BRIC includes Russia as well.
  14. We can go around the houses on all the EU mouse law but if we can't sign a free trade deal with India with 1.4 million Britains of Indian descent and a common business language...We need to have a good look at what this shit is about.
  15. It doesn't take 2 years here cause we have an opt out. We're also negotiation a wider opt out to protect the NHS.
  16. If the workers want what's theirs they need to do a revolution or shut the fuck up. Even if we leave the EU most of the social contract will remain in place (like they fuking invented it) or we won't be allowed to trade with them. The Germans are fuking the whole EU and their dream is to move the financial hub to Frankfurt. Their singular interest in keeping it going is that the euro standardises their exports and makes German goods 'seem' competitive. If the EU was for real then we should be giving Greece money to rebuild not lending it from vulture banks. Nothing the Germans say about the EU is real...They know it's a total scam.
  17. Yes and also at my friends company in France it took him 2 years to sack a secretary.
  18. That's why there is record unemployment in the EU.
  19. You know all this soul searching about immigration and so on we go through...Well even five years ago it was really difficult for people born in Germany of non-German extraction to get their citizenship...This is the country that lectures us about our behaviour with regard to the EU. They're taking the fuking piss.
  20. It did feel like there were two seasons left and compacted into one.
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