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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. The Tb3 is fitted with 4 Tesla coils reducing its mass.
  2. It's that moment in the pub where I get the benefit of the doubt.
  3. Charged particles interfere with mass. Or the effect of mass on its surroundings. The universe can't tell if the mass is there or not breaking down its laws. A Tesla field would reduce interactions with space time. The ship won't actually be in space time once the field is charged. Get on first obviously and the field might cook the astronauts but one step at a time.
  4. Bend space innit. Wormholes. If the planet is still around for another 50 years we'll see proper space travel. They know that certain types of magnetic field reduce mass. Universal laws don't operate (hey look mass) if the info field is broken. Think the best they've managed is reducing mass by 8 percent so far. The issue is how do you create a giant magnetic field around a ship that doesn't use loads of power (mass again).
  5. Mass is the biggest problem. Once we understand how to get rid of mass we can get up to near light speed. If we haven't blown ourselves up before that of course.
  6. Single Array. There are just too many stars for some of them to not be home to inhabited planets.
  7. @The Fish They've been coming here for ages imo. But we're probably too backwards to warrant real interest at this point.
  8. Will someone think of the muggles?!! Of course this has always been the outcome the shire renegade Tories want with reg to Brexit.
  9. I did let out a huge involuntary sigh when I read that earlier.
  10. Gemmill is operating on one ball you have no such excuse.
  11. One of the best scenes with Luke at the end. Nicely done. I especially liked the touch of the two suns.
  12. They will when we threaten them with Marmite.
  13. Twitter and Facebook were traps all along. They are in total cahoots with the intelligence services. They don't even have to do the work people just give out all the data.
  14. I know it might dent my reputation as a hardened and cynical film reviewer on here but I quite enjoyed it.
  15. Yeah but if fatty rolls over skinny will be dead.
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