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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Would depend on the outcome of the satanic rituals.
  2. To cut through all the analysis the English are basically self-serving cunts and traditionally soft right. The Lib Dems ran back to the Tories thus doubling the effect.
  3. There's no mystery here at all. The old fraternal working class doesn't exist any longer or not in large enough amounts to carry old Labour ideas. UKIP was set up to pull the Tories to the right (not just on immigration/EU) but also hoover up working class votes where there was issues with poverty and jobs that might be blamed on immigration. The political and financial elite in the UK is divided on the EU. The financial elites paranoia is the move away from London to Frankfurt and the political elites fear is soft left EU legislation that impinges on their lawn (human rights, workers rights, etc..) I'd say 70% of the MP's want to stay in the EU but only 50% in the Tory party. nb I don't believe that this situation can't be rectified by Labour however because people can be steered on what to think over time and even who they are. The Tories have know this since the Thatcher days.
  4. Won't get through the house will it...Along with half the Tories, all of Labour and all of SNP voting against it.
  5. Haven't you and Brand done enough damage to Labour?
  6. Getting behind Chukka Ominous. Ticks all the boxes. Hates old Labour, never had a job, public school, half -black, expensive watch, posh accent, shaved head, big ET telegenic eyes, caught altering his own wiki to inc Obama, the demena of a cunt, Notting HIll mafia. No wonder Labour are dead. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJvdK_WRa28
  7. I saw enough today. Although the players looked scared there was a game plan and some kind of structure there.
  8. Carver was shouting so much it kept their players away from that side of the pitch.
  9. Hull are gone. We'll get 6 points from the last two games. Open the Pinot Gris.
  10. Are you honestly saying Hull will win away at Spurs?
  11. They get sponsor bonuses for being in Europe.
  12. Hull won't win another game. We''ll get 3 at QPR. It showed today that we've finally woken up.
  13. Guti gave everything. Considering the circumstances not a bad performance. Cabella best game for us so far.
  14. Looks like Burnley have saved our arses with that win. Hull last two games are horrific.
  15. Now the election is over 'the bastards' in the Tory party will start to make their moves. Look out for divisions surfacing soon. The 1922 want Cameron out and the 'one nation' Tories will start to reign in anything that looks too divisive. 50-60 Tory MP's will cause havoc in some of the votes that are coming up...
  16. It will take a couple of years before they realise they've fucked themselves. Also it doesn't matter what constitutional or federal types of sop the Scots are dished up....UK is run from Brussels on a great many things that will grow as the years pass. And they don't do deals.
  17. If the Scots think they're getting anything out of a maj Tory Govt they're in for a shock. All manner of squealing and cries for this and that will fall on deaf ears. Tories won't ever break up the Union. Tories have no traction in Scotland and no motivation to do anything significant. Labour have to show that they have a vision not just this Tory lite shit they peddled at this election. Chukka Umuna although clearly groomed by the Politburo is not the ans.
  18. Saying upfront you're going to build 100,000 houses loses you that many votes automatically in the SE.
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