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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Anyone who can play football will want out. Some of the clingers might have more to gain from relegation ie allowed to hang around for want of alternatives.
  2. I need to have a chat with Ashers. Shit is getting ridiculi.
  3. Even if there was an interested buyer Ashley would ask silly money I bet. Now the telly money is do big I can't see him leaving......Ever.
  4. It'll be a year by the end of the summer. He's already turned down a paltry offer couple of months ago. He's one I'd like to keep. edit: It's actually to 2017.
  5. I can't fathom this Abeid/Raylor scenario. This alone is losing us games.
  6. Think the paralysis of ambition has finally got through to the players. You can see most of them are going through the motions with an eye to getting away...Especially Sissoko. I don't even think that Aarons has signed a new contract.
  7. Here Fish I predict 0-3 for the Hull game. Take some of the pressure of ya.
  8. Our Kind of Traitor (2010) A Delicate Truth (2013) Are both good if you haven't got round to them.
  9. LVG is a winner and ManU will be there for maximus pointus. Plus some of them are playing for their futures at the club.
  10. Got to say though there didn't seem the same intensity from the players that we saw in the WBA game. It looked like they thought (especially when one up) that they'd done enough.
  11. Einstein is trying to contact me from the grave the dopey fuck.
  12. It's Jabbas last game in charge so I don't think he'll give a shit.
  13. What kind of a man does this kind of thing?
  14. Second views are like a letter from a friend, you start filling in the blanks yourself...There is already a relationship with the material. The main problem with it is that two people worked on the script independently and months apart. The characters are undeveloped and haphazard in their motivations.
  15. Chukka Chukka - Chukka - has withdrawn from leadership contest. One clown out the way.
  16. Isn't this the geezer who was really highly rated a couple of years ago?
  17. It's the biggest fuck up of a franchise I've witnessed in my lifetime. Truly tragic stuff. It blows my mind that Scott was so off key with Prometheus...It shows how tight the script (O'Bannon - Schusset) must have been for Alien - 'truckers in space concept'. Also the smaller budget gives for more ingenuity in most cases. There were 3 other scripts in consideration for Prometheus (can be found as pdf on interwebs) and at least one of them is massively superior imo.
  18. Mrs P can't get through it she says it's too moving. Twice I've tried to make the Parky crew watch it and twice I've failed.
  19. Alien and Aliens are benchmark sci-fi and they have worn well. I got the blu ray boxset just recently and was taken aback how well these films still carry over time. The dark claustrophobic interiors is like being inside the body of a great monster, never mind the actual monsters. The biggest gaff with Prometheus is how glossy and shiny and well lit most of it is. No visual mystery. What should have happened is that all that new fangled tech should have stopped working as soon as they arrived with them paranoid and bumbling about in red emergency lighting.
  20. Politicians carry on like the EU is a mystery that they don't know much about....Yet them and those before them got us in pronto. Mmmm...
  21. I've never liked the look of him.
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