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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Me and the P had a few months apart a few years ago....It's all highs and lows. Did the usual thing, rang round x girlfriends.
  2. I'd say it's almost impossible these days to be an elite athlete without some kind of 'enhancements'.
  3. I reckon they just sit in a room and order takeaways watching box sets of Dexter. Or is that me?
  4. http://www.primeminister.gov.gr/english/2015/06/18/prime-minister-alexis-tsipras-article-in-der-tagesspiegel-german-taxpayers-are-not-paying-for-greek-pensions/
  5. Yeah I never got through the 'Keys of Enoch'......Good for stealing ideas from though.
  6. Ordered the Necromicon the other day, should arrive today or tomorrow. Coincidence? I think not. What other things would you recommend in that arena?
  7. Have you read any of that stuff ToonOTL?
  8. It NEEDS flying monkeys. Possible food source.
  9. The Martian day 35 Fixed pump with some blue tack. It was no biggie. I am still alive. Today I will make a disco top 20 on my space ipod.
  10. The Martian day 34 The quantum gyzmo is failing on the nebula water pump, I need to fix it or I'll die. This is serious.
  11. He's already been to Russia twice in the last month. Probably to offer them a naval base. Nice.
  12. Greece will join BRICS. Germany will be angry.
  13. The problem with this book Gem is that I'm more space opera and not some geezer trapped on Mars in a bathtub going on about heat exchange rates.
  14. Mirror are saying only pot noodles available in the canteen.
  15. These are good and loads of em... http://www.amazon.com/James-S.-A.-Corey/e/B004AQ1W8Y The fucking Martian...Lord.
  16. I don't deal in fantasy novels rasta.
  17. It's on. We're at Vanishing point. Hope those UK bank stress tests were for real....
  18. Only start started watching Black Mirror. Very good writing.
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