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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. When I'm a bit depressed it's either Bourne, Manhattan or Leon.
  2. Stigilitz http://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/jun/29/joseph-stiglitz-how-i-would-vote-in-the-greek-referendum
  3. He gives a good talk here..
  4. Yeah I made a few quid the past couple of weeks. Don't feel bad about it cause our masters would clean us out first chance they had.
  5. Yeah but let's hope the euro goes down a bit more.
  6. There's been a lot of talk about issuing Govt paper (promissory)...notes and that might work but it would have to have time limits wouldn't it? Otherwise the Greeks could issue them willy nilly. Like they love to and back to the beach.
  7. MrsP will happily watch Mad Men cause of whatisname but The Wire....They just don't like reality in any shape or form.
  8. Park Life


    That would have been a fiver on the Metro.
  9. Barclays do euro accounts...You could use this in the future to mess around and make some free cash on euro fluctuations.
  10. You can't trust the Germans with europe.
  11. I'd do it now at around 1.43. As time passes either the ECB will step in or the Greek threat will fade and the euro will stabalise.
  12. It's almost impossible to watch serious things with women.
  13. The intransigence on transfers is on purpose it isn't ineptitude.
  14. He's got some nice shirts as well.
  15. The old tricks are the best. Btw Deutsche Bank exposure to derivitives is greater than the whole German GDP. 78trillion or summink... I would have thought they would have been pushing the hardest to stop unraveling and grey areas coming to light.
  16. Cor sounds good. W brothers/sister - it's about time they got someth8ng right...
  17. Asian markets open euro getting smashed all over the place. Will be 1.50 to the pound by end of play tomorrow. If you have ways of converting into euro do it. ECB will start defending it but no telling where the stops are...
  18. People want authenticity dear boy. Authenticus. "Daddy one is going to be a pop star!"
  19. Too many witnesses dear boy. A dark and dingy pub in any English town and it would be on.
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