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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. We need another Beardsley to buzz around the big man.
  2. Thought we were keeping (I'm married to 10 women) Cisse?
  3. Park Life


    House of Lords is full of these loveable scoundrels.
  4. Curry would be better. A thin line of curry paste just under the nostrils. Brilliant. Women love it apparently.
  5. There were a lot of rumours players not listening to him at training.
  6. Park Life


    Take the jug back to the table. Got nasty looks from the help when I asked for chilli sauce at the wedding on Fri.
  7. Park Life


    Sugar hangover? Might as well go on the roof and shout you're gay!!
  8. Actually thinking about it, increasing hours at work actually reduces 'value'. The real value in your labour is your ingenuity and foibles not really about grinding out the hours. It's why Capitalism will ultimately fail because it refuses to recognise this....
  9. Just ask for what you want and keep asking.
  10. Hollow and positoned there by the race that created us.
  11. I'm like a magnet to the hat bloke at parties. I see them as easy prey.
  12. This is the currently accepted word from on high but it is bollocks. You can win from anywhere with the right man and the right programme....But the society of the day has to be able to understand what is on offer.
  13. Olive growers get massive EU subsidies. You can just make up stuff and it's like money coming out the fax machine.
  14. Too complicated and more expensive. You'll have to do studies and book learning.
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