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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. http://www.techrepublic.com/article/windows-10-violates-your-privacy-by-default-heres-how-you-can-protect-yourself/
  2. Think they were an asset or parts of it were but they have gone 'off reservation'.
  3. The main thing with IS is to cut off the money and logistics. Seeing as it is American foreign policy to break those countries up they haven't to this point really taken IS on. If the yanks really decided to it would be over in a couple of weeks. We need to stay out. There will be massive blow back from this over the coming years.
  4. Employment levels are nothing to do with people.
  5. Quite. No doubt there will a drill going on the very same day as the 'terror event'.
  6. Some huge sci-fi Alex recommended has finally arrived. Tiring picking the fucker up.
  7. They can't wait to get back into Syria. Well unhappy that Russia has thrown a spanner in the works. Ukraine was punishment for that.
  8. If you're on win7 stay on it if you're on 8 then 10 will be better. There are some worrying aspects to 10 however in the way it handles your private info. I'd read up on it before upgrading even tho it's free.....It's free for a reason.
  9. I guess American nukes on UK soil isn't even discussed anymore. Making us a Tier one target if anything happens with Russia.
  10. The whole of Europe bar Finland and Holland are moving to the left. Neo-Liberlalism and austerity don't grow economies and money funneled up the tree rarely comes back down, the much vaunted trickle down has failed demonstrably. Fairer distribution of wealth and higher taxes for the rich and big business is the only way Capitalism will survive. Left wing in European terms is soft-right we aren't talking about a sea change we're still really talking about tinkering around the edges. Sovereign debt has primarily been caused by a smaller tax base across the board which has been the direct result of de-industrialisation of Europe (bar Germany) and a smaller tax marquee which is easy to avoid for multi-nationals. If the West don't address this there is no way of getting debt down. That's just a fact. The Tories are still borrowing huge amounts of money.
  11. "Don't try this at home," said Saul Villeda of the University of California, San Francisco, an author of one of three papers published online Sunday by the journals Nature Medicine and Science. He worked with mice that were roughly the equivalent of people in their 20s and 60s. Researchers repeatedly injected the older mice with blood from either the younger animals or other aged mice. Those that got the young blood did better in learning and memory tests than the mice given the older blood. For example, they performed better at recalling where to find a submerged platform in a maze. Villeda said the researchers are trying to figure out what's in the young blood that made the difference. The two other papers, from Harvard University, focused on a substance that is more abundant in the blood of younger mice than old. That protein, called GDF11, is also found in human blood and its concentration also appears to decline with age, said Amy Wagers, an author on both papers.
  12. Too many gates not enough keeper.
  13. Lizard just means ancient bloodlines preserved through marriages. More cold blooded. Like Charles came out with this shit that he was related to 'Noah'.
  14. He's got Hitler down as a satanist, that can't be right.
  15. Our masters have a different religion (a very old one).
  16. Icke was writing about it 25 years ago and went on record for Heath to sue him for defamation something which was obviously never taken up. Back then of course everybody just dismissed it as Icke was deemed a top 'nutter'.
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