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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Problem is also the MP selection process that weeds out the radicals and those that can't be bought.
  2. Lovely. Need a bit of yoghurt with coriander and mint paste on the side to counter the chilli count.
  3. UK threw away 20 billion pounds worth of food cause we're conditioned to buy too much and we've been brainwashed that it should look a certain way. "About 20m tons of food is thrown out each year: equivalent to half of the food import needs for the whole of Africa. Some 16m tons of this is wasted in homes, shops, restaurants, hotels and food manufacturing. Much of the rest is thought to be destroyed between the farm field and the shop shelf. The total bill to the nation is estimated to be more than £20bn. The issue has come to the fore as supermarkets fight off criticism over billions of plastic carrier bags handed out free each year. Lord Haskins of Skidby, a former government adviser on rural affairs and chairman of Northern Foods, said yesterday that tackling the mountain of food wasted in this country every year would help to preserve the environment and go some way towards feeding an expanding global population in the face of unprecedented food shortages."
  4. Infact its taken to bringing the third world to the first world: Wallmart. Capitalism can't work and hasn't worked for a while now (surviving on soverign debt) because it destroys the means of production and restricts excess. It's not organic. There are old airports in England full of cars that weren't sold last year and have already been replaced by new models. These will quietly be lent out to fleet purchases. This happens to keep prices high. It's waste on so many levels. Capitalism is nonsense.
  5. You know its over when the elite start talking about saving the planet.
  6. Capitalism was always a holding mechanism. Even our masters want it gone.
  7. Something bad is coming for middle England.
  8. Socialism is the future of the whole planet as it is the only organic and inclusive ideology there is. Fraternity across nations and the sharing of wealth and skills is the only sane way to go. The destructive and Luddite waste of Capitalism will be like a bad dream.
  9. It's needed for the nukes mate and the Queen likes it. Will never be allowed out even if Mi6 have to work weekends.
  10. Chukka is Tory lite. It might be painful in the short term but England need a real left alternative and a real left alternative is the only one that has a chance to get Scotland back. The Tory party is that weak on vision UKIP had it lurching to the right on immigration and europe.
  11. People over 50 in mid/southern England are effectively running the country. Dark ages doesn't cover it. England for a long time led the world in free healthcare, education and a strong social framework and it will again.
  12. Podemos yes, but Syriza not so much as they are more reformists rather than out and out 'looney left'.
  13. I predict he'll be involved in some kind of gun fiasco within a year.
  14. Just came in to post that. When the evil one stirs you know something is up.
  15. He's still learning. Has the making of a decent left back in 2 years.
  16. Just get him to apply for a Brazilian passport and double his value. Get his hair curled and dyed black.
  17. This left wing Labour can't win is a myth. Media ownership needs to be looked at and their needs to be regulation with regards to political coverage during election years. People outside the UK shouldn't be allowed to own UK media and manufacture victories. I mean these are the basics right? What the Capitalist does is bog standard - create a voodoo enemy ie immigration while at the same time flooding the market with cheap labour. And take over the printing presses. Start wars to keep the peace. Go on and on about Climate change while hiking up the prices of climate sensitive goods. Promote feminism whilst increasing the yacht harem. Hard line on drugs whilst flying in the supply from Miami via Columbia.
  18. Don't have to be massively cost effective either. Get money down the tree, employment (remove some welfare dependency), increase casual spending for the masses, reduce debt. /laissezfaireeconomics. Widen congestion charge to M25. New tariffs on goods made outside the eu (ie China). Make Wales a free trade zone (for manufacturing only). Send a letter to Google, Amazon etc...For back taxes of say 500m each or shut them down. Companies trading in the UK but registered in Lux, Monaco, Gibralter pay a new sales tax (the parky tax) 15% on transaction not later after the figures get massaged.
  19. Nice overview. Get the Varoufakis book btw.
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