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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. "You will have a political awakening in your nut!!11" "Food bank, slave labour...death camps"!!
  2. Both. Him and Thauvin. Thauvin especially as he hasn't really got a burst of pace so cutting in from the right is more suited.
  3. I rescued my first cat, found her shivering in an alley with a large hole in her leg.
  4. I'm worried about how many cliches we're going to be able to fit onto this page.
  5. Intelligence gets in the way, I've found instinct a far better resource.
  6. A proper radical left wing cadre should do what is right not worry about what people think. Looking forward to a re-energising of a politics of inclusion and some home truths. Do you think Trotsky, Lenin and Che sat around worrying about what people think? You tell people what to think and if they ain't thinking the right thinkings they disappear in the night and their children get little tin badges for making the call.
  7. Yoko breaks his programming. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rQpnb_k938
  8. They are telling you something else...
  9. The Backstory..... http://www.robertphoenix.com/content/re-branded-russell-brand-the-iilluminated-christ-or-globalist-fool-for-hire-the-birth-chart-deconstructed/
  10. Didn't have a father from 6 months onward so ideal for programming (loose self-image). On the other hand has a very good star chart so might rebel....
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gb_qHP7VaZE
  12. I still like him. Just showing he's more mysterious than people realise....
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