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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Thanks mate but it's factually incorrect on many of its key points. Whoever wrote it is out of touch. Some basic errors: Patriot wasn't withdrawn from Turkey cause of Russia it was withdrawn when Turkey started bombing the Kurds who Germany was arming and training. The 'rebels' - well there aren't any rebels they are pretty much all various versions of AlQ or iPiss and the smaller groups are aligned to the bigger ones. There has been some infighting of course but there isn't really a moderate option of any kind. AlQ avoids fighting iPiss and other factions fight each other one week and then join up to fight Assad. There are areas where Assad avoids iPiss and areas where other Jihadi's avoid Assad and fight another group on a whim/rumour or change of paymaster. The mercernaries, chechens, blackwater and jihadi's in the FSA have mostly moved over to one or other bigger Islamic factions (especially when Saudi money started pouring in)... Leakage from factions to other factions is ongoing depending on pay and fear or what area the fighting moves to this is fluid and ongoing (hence Nato didn't really know where to bomb most of the time). The Jihadi factions (they all are) took over large areas not cause they are good but it was Russian advice to concentrate fighting around strongholds and settle in for a long war which will favour the regime and \ also give time for others to get going in Syria (Russia, Hezbollah, Iran and other volunteers from America and UK) - There are upwards of a 500 American, European and UK veterans fighting against iPiss (I know a couple of them). I stopped reading when Mark said that America had given tacit approval for Russian intervention (that is complete bollocks) as the hysterical day to day responses of Pentagon goons shows.... Netenyahu was told 4 weeks ago by Putin when he visited that Russia was going to intervene and some logistical and political things were smoothed out with the Israeli's. It's clear with the opening air strikes that the Jihadis (wherever they are and whatever the call themselves) are in a panic and hundreds are crossing back into Turkey. The Russian jet crossing into their airspace was a warning as Turkey are one of the main culprits (it is the key RAT RUN for supplies to iPiss and others) and were infuriated when Obama refused to do proper air strikes (chief of staff have a list of targets over 120)...But he didn't do it due to some generals and a modicum of sanity - what's left of it in America. This is why the false flag SARIN attack was cooked up but samples taken to PORTON DOWN in the UK revealed it wasn't the type Syria has...Mi6 to their credit helped in this told the Americans this. My guess is it was a stunt by Turkey and Al Nusra to get America in. Russia will end this within a few months. It's serious as it was in Ukraine and appearance of nuke subs in warm waters underscores this. Syria has taken delivery of T90's, nightvision, S300 over the last month and although Assad might have been holding back some of his elite units and 2 dozen or so 3rd gen jets incase of some other intervention he is more than likely to let loose while the going is good. America isn't going to lift a finger if some NATO backwater like Turkey is taught a lesson. Some day soon Turkey will have its own war against iPiss coming the other way, Kurds and elements funded by Iran. I hope they get fucked.
  2. http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/news-and-comment/liverpool-manager-job-j-rgen-klopp-is-an-impact-coach-an-innovator-who-will-try-to-rattle-the-a6680981.html
  3. He won't put up with any of that shit. It might remain but that will be symbolic and in name only. He is known to get player he wants. He wouldn't have signed if he didn't have final say on transfers. The other thing is that all though he comes across as friendly and funny he is a fanatic of sorts and won't brook any flim flam. Players he doesn't like or don't fit will be shifted immediately. Under all that PR smiling and giggling he is proper no nonsense and some players will break once his fitness regime is in place.
  4. He's clearly one of the best and most charismatic coaches in the world but I'm not sure Liv have the players or the finance for real success. Not sure they will be able to get the 3/4 world class players you need to win the PL/CL. With what he has now 5th is possible and expected and perhaps a tilt at 4th. It will take a season or two for him to have the team playing how he wants with the players he wants. If he goes for the high intensity pressing thing the rigors of British football might be against him.
  5. The quicker Iran get that nuke the better. Nobody has time for any more talking. We're all tired of this shit. Edit: Just realised that looks bad but what I mean is it will give them leverage and calm down all this PINAC bullshit about invading Iran using Syria and Turkey as NATO staging posts. I wasn't saying they should start nuking people.
  6. Perhaps Cameron should be asked why we are supplying head choppers in Syria. Why our allies seem to be other head choppers and Jihadi funders in Qatar and Saudi?
  7. Well done. Love watching the Germans get niggly and irritated.
  8. U.S. and Saudi warn Russia. Honestly has America got no shred of shame left? Wtf are the Saudi's gonna do order more gold toilets? More bilge in the Guardian. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/oct/08/russia-pay-price-syrian-airstrikes-ashton-carter-us-defence-secretary
  9. Basically and although kept dark by the MSM these are proxy wars now between NATO and Russia. In Ukraine and Syria. The elite are all in and trying to create an anti-Russian vassal state in Ukraine (like we did when we left India and created an artificial country - Pakistan)...These anti-states are there to wear down assets of the long term target...The 'West' will be pushing for a limited border war with Russia via Ukraine (hence the sabre rattling in the EU and NATO flunkies). Russia understand this hence have had to commit proper support for the anti-regime elements in Ukraine. The same goes for Syria. If Syria falls Russia is more or less frozen out of the middle east and then the war can be taken to Iran. Russia cannot allow it and have pretty much made it clear that everything is on the table with the appearance of Russian nuclear submarines in warm waters.
  10. There's basically no free Syrian army and if there were moderates there a year ago most have joined up with Ipiss cause the pay is better. Qatar and Gulf states want pipelines through Syria to access EU markets with gas. America likes the idea cause it would be a blow against Gazprom. Like in Ukraine Russia has a red line in Syria and Obama is really confused about what to do now faced with an actual opponent that can defend itself.
  11. RT journalist rapes state dept goon. 55secs in Ipiss in full panic after only 4 days of Russian airstrikes. Hundreds of desertions crossing back into Turkey. Friendly skies no more my little mercenary friends.
  12. See they start crying if they have to run about.
  13. At some point he's going to be a good player 2/3 years down the road, but it's not what we need right now.
  14. Russia launched 26 cruise missiles at hard targets in Syria today.
  15. I've given you his career stats. Also voted worst player in the French league. Looks shit. Is shit. Back in France by xmas for 5m.
  16. Compared to our squad I'm Maradona. iirc his stats are 1/6 goals and 2/8 assists. The Wham bloke is double that. And that's from the French league where they have cocktails at half time. Seems to have no burst of pace either or athleticism. 12m worth of junk. Junk!!!
  17. His career stats are awful and that's taking into acc the puffy french league. Might get better as he gets older but that's no help to us now.
  18. Park Life


    I'm only messin.
  19. Think the survival line will be high this season as the promoted clubs are all well tooled up. Gonna need 42/43 to stay up.
  20. Little camping tents have gone up in the tree lined areas of the local parks. It's messing with my vibes man.
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