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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. He makes good points reg the surplus and the Marshall plane etc,,,Not sure if it is in that vid.
  2. Feminism was invented cause the globalists realized they weren't taxing women. /Lock it.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBTGILyE_lQ
  4. http://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/may/20/nhs-treats-transgender-people-as-second-class-citizens-says-watchdog Katherine Rake, its chief executive, said those seeking to change their gender often faced an “incredibly troubling” experience, with the process taking “a considerable part of people’s lives”. A support group for transgender people also warned delays were leading to patients considering self-harm and suicide. Campaigners said it was vital the NHS honoured 18-week targets that should cover both referrals of patients by GPs to one of the country’s seven specialist gender identity clinics, and, later, their listing for surgery."
  5. I can put it on but can't keep it up.
  6. Should it be available on the NHS? Boom!
  7. This is right up your street innit? You can block it but the dangly bits are always a worry...
  8. She reckons men can't really be turned into women by surgery or summink... http://www.theguardian.com/education/2015/oct/23/petition-urges-cardiff-university-to-cancel-germain-greer-lecture
  9. Saudi Arabia is exporting terror planet wide it has a bottomless pit of money and eager suppliers. 500 Tow2 anti-tank missiles have arrived in Syria over the last weeks and another 500 promised. SA took delivery from Raytheon 13,000 odd via America only 2 years ago. And it is only the Pentagon holding them back from supplying MANPADS (hi-tech anti aircraft missiles) the worry being they will be used later on civilian aircraft. Qatar and SA opened up their prisons and gave money to the families of all who went to fight in Iraq, Libya and now Syria (as did Turkey but more slyly mainly to old Russian republics). Better get frosty this war is coming to Europe and its foot soldiers are already arriving. Saudi sympathy for anti-Shia "militancy" is identified in leaked US official documents. The then US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wrote in December 2009 in a cable released by Wikileaks that "Saudi Arabia remains a critical financial support base for al-Qa'ida, the Taliban, LeT [Lashkar-e-Taiba in Pakistan] and other terrorist groups." She said that, in so far as Saudi Arabia did act against al-Qa'ida, it was as a domestic threat and not because of its activities abroad. This policy may now be changing with the dismissal of Prince Bandar as head of intelligence this year. But the change is very recent, still ambivalent and may be too late: it was only last week that a Saudi prince said he would no longer fund a satellite television station notorious for its anti-Shia bias based in Egypt." http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/iraq-crisis-how-saudi-arabia-helped-isis-take-over-the-north-of-the-country-9602312.html Isis is completely off reservation and unpredictable a far cry from its early cosy relationship with its funders...Even talk now of opening up a front in Saudi itself. Honestly I'd piss my pants the day that happens.
  10. Neo-colonialism gone mad!
  11. Ha ha English people casting stones about peadophilia....
  12. You must think....Think..Go deep. Deep!
  13. HF is going to have to dig a bit deeper into the liberal boudoir that passes for his mind to posit some kind of counter strike.
  14. Couldn't watch more than a couple of mins of him.
  15. Russian airstrikes hit home as terrorists squeal.
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