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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Spectre. I was disappointed after all the hype. Now MrsP wants to see it I'll have to watch the fukin thing again. Skyfall remains head and shoulders the best Bond of recent times. My heart sank during the titles when something sounding like an outtake from X Factor came blaring out...Brilliant locations and a really svelte new lady just about saved it from Quantum territory. 6.7/10
  2. The mewling late at night was an issue apparently.
  3. Might have a good chance to take them to EU court for Human Rights. • the right to life; • the right to a fair hearing in civil and criminal matters; • the right to respect for private and family life; • freedom of expression; • freedom of thought, conscience and religion; • the right to an effective remedy; • the right to the peaceful enjoyment of possessions; • and the right to vote and to stand for election
  4. They get free military grade hardened comms stuff don't they?
  5. Fuck me sideways. Within a year or two a very high percentage will be encrypted the other half have obfuscation software running. I wonder if a reality show is in the works.
  6. They've been doing it for ages. I reckon this is so they don't get into trouble with the EU and so on... Theresa May is to propose a major extension of the surveillance state when she publishes legislation requiring internet companies to store details of every website visited by customers over the previous year." http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/nov/03/may-calls-for-internet-companies-to-store-details-of-website-visits https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/111448 http://lifehacker.com/5935863/five-best-vpn-service-providers https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/trackmenot/ https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/zenmate-security-privacy-vpn/
  7. UK passport sexist apparently. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/nov/03/new-uk-passprt-sexist-seven-men-two-women-history
  8. We vere only obeying ze orders! Turns out Porsche are fucked as well. Lot of internal bits same as VW inc the engine management.
  9. Drapes look silken. The swish of a good drape is priceless. Priceless!!
  10. The Leftovers has been very good. Get it watched you tinkers.
  11. Costumes, music, period setting, architecture, drapes, peasants below........Family intrigue, dopey Yanks, lovely cars....A veritable cornucopia of feastments.
  12. This and Suits is what I use to dim the burning fires that is Mrs P. Big pot of Earl Grey and Downton. Spiffing.
  13. Who will catch Gemma when he escapes from the big house?
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1enFNYqLF9A
  15. That roomba has a nice vibration to it I guess.
  16. Yeah but you're missing the 3 other forums.
  17. Come on Nel you can do it. Nel roughing up the Justices...From what happened this morning I think he has 2 of the 4 on his side. http://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2015/nov/03/oscar-pistorius-appeal-state-seeks-murder-conviction-live
  18. That's a very important bit of military hardware.
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