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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. He's fat, he's round..You can buy him for a pound..etc..
  2. GOP debate. Trump "Gonna build a wall" Cruz "Bible is better than tax code".. Carson "Tithes are better than tax"..
  3. We need to see the research.
  4. Bankster puppet and blissfully unaware of his Sith Lord status.
  5. People wouldn't know quality if it hit them in the face.
  6. Park Life


    Monster Munch spicy are still a fond memory.
  7. Park Life


    You do it medium or quite spicy Ringo?
  8. I can only prod my charmlings it is not for me to guide.
  9. One of the most technologically advanced companies on the planet has come up with this:
  10. And fukin driverless Google car...What the fuck is that about? Scams everywhere. 2 years, 5 years, 10 years...Much longer. When can I get one?Google says the cars should be road-ready by early next year, but that testing would take more than two years. At that point the technology will be ready for the next stage, which is likely to be greater pilot testing. Current expectations are that these self-driving cars are at least five years away from being mature enough to create a real, non-prototype product, but it may be far longer until you can buy or hire one for personal use." What is all this shit?
  11. You'll notice how they've glossed over making a habitat on the moon a mere hop and a skip away. Bush said 2015, Obama said 2020 and now Nasa are saying 2025 and others are saying 2035 etc.... It's just bollocks. But why this endless bollocks about Mars?
  12. We don't have the tech to go to Mars in any survivable way and won't have for ages. Yeah people in silly tents gabbling around in Hawaii is preparation for Mars. Nearly every month there is a story somewhere about this Mars trip. http://www.theguardian.com/science/ng-interactive/2015/nov/09/space-oddity-how-astronauts-prepare-life-on-mars Look at the state of it. Winds on Mars reach 700mph or summink..And what are tents gonna do with radiation levels... I don't understand the point of these fairy tales about Mars.
  13. "Israel has received $124.3bn in military assistance from the US since its founding, according to a recent congressional report. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/nov/09/obama-netanyahu-us-visit-military-aid-israel.. Wouldn't have continually taken the piss without American money pouring in.
  14. "You gonna use it or pick your teeth with it" ?
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