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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Hot and sexy. "A Pakistani living in London thinks that Syria is part of Islamic land"....
  2. Morning Comrades. Some Russian on Syria and Immigration etc..Terrorism... He says American/UK strategy is to keep Europe weak and mass immigration is part of the tactics.
  3. Don't be silly Renty. You've been worthwhile reading in this thread and clearly a person who thinks cogently and deeply about various issues. Our core beliefs are basically the same and the left wouldn't be the left if we didn't discuss everything into the ground.
  4. @HF that's even worse that I thought I had it in my head the value target rate was at 8%. We shouldn't be mixed up with the Americans with all this horseshit. Mi6 has historically advised against every single misadventure we've cooked up in recent times and been duly ignored by Ministers. Cause recent Govt aren't there for us. They are basically PR guys for the Banks, the arms and energy industries. America is done for but Eng and Europe still have it in them to build a more humane and sustainable broad left coalition with traditional ideas of justice and fair play.
  5. Obviously you know a lot more about it than the actual drone pilots themselves. Unreal. They quit in large numbers cause they can't live with themselves. The U.S. drone war across much of the Greater Middle East and parts of Africa is in crisis and not because civilians are dying or the target list for that war or the right to wage it just about anywhere on the planet are in question in Washington. Something far more basic is at stake: drone pilots are quitting in record numbers. There are roughly 1,000 such drone pilots, known in the trade as “18Xs,” working for the U.S. Air Force today. Another 180 pilots graduate annually from a training program that takes about a year to complete at Holloman and Randolph Air Force bases in, respectively, New Mexico and Texas. As it happens, in those same 12 months, about 240 trained pilots quit and the Air Force is at a loss to explain the phenomenon. (The better-known U.S. Central Intelligence Agency drone assassination program is also flown by Air Force pilots loaned out for the covert missions.) The Air Force explains the departure of these drone pilots in the simplest of terms. They are leaving because they are overworked. The pilots themselves say that it’s humiliating to be scorned by their Air Force colleagues as second-class citizens. Some have also come forward to claim that the horrors of war, seen up close on video screens, day in, day out, are inducing an unprecedented, long-distance version of post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD). But is it possible that a brand-new form of war—by remote control—is also spawning a brand-new, as yet unlabeled, form of psychological strain? Some have called drone war a “coward's war” (an opinion that, according to reports from among the drone-traumatized in places like Yemen and Pakistan, is seconded by its victims). Could it be that the feeling is even shared by drone pilots themselves, that a sense of dishonor in fighting from behind a screen thousands of miles from harm’s way is having an unexpected impact of a kind psychologists have never before witnessed? **The British army in Afghanistan had a completely different strategy and that inc befriending locals and deploying what in army parlance is 'low kinetic' posture. ie Winning with intelligence and patience not shooting the fuck out of everything.
  6. Others like them have come out over the last few years and honestly some look like broken men. Subconsciously the human spirit is aware of its actions regardless of the methodology. Isis are insane and cowards and we must not do anything that helps them recruit.
  7. They're hitting civilians night and day for ffs! All this whacky terminology has been cooked up so they can sleep nights. Fukin 23yr olds sitting in Utah doing 12 hr shifts hitting people with no real idea who most of them really are. My Afghan friend told me that children wet their trousers when they hear the drone whirr. That other children who have a kind of gift are posted at high points round gatherings like weddings cause they can hear a drone a mile away. This is the nature of the life they live.
  8. Dialectically western 'morality' ceased to exist after Nietzsche wrote 'Beyond Good and Evil'. He knew his chocolates. In other news ground crews were caught writing 'moral high ground' on 500lb bombs with a 300m blast radius. In the Gulf wars about 10% of the munitions were precision guided so we can drop that pretense.
  9. With these moral high grounds you are spoiling us.
  10. I'm gonna keep my posts simple from now on as if instructing children.
  11. Against all sane advice the Americans dismantled the Iraqi army aspects of which started Isis.
  12. @HF it's why the IDF collect mobile no's. The ruse is that people have been giving up their numbers and have been promised forewarning of air strikes. Military commanders in Israel are cock a hoop about this scam.
  13. Thinking about it to any guests popping in we must look like a pack of left wing loonies.
  14. This is a good article and mirrors some of our debate in here. It also emphasizes that one of Isis's goals is to divide the Muslim community in Europe and bring anger against it in general so as to radicalize it. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/why-islamic-state-jihadis-are-enraged-by-france/ Why France in particular? Salafi jihadists are enraged by France: According to the Summer 2015 issue of al-Qaida’s English-language magazine “Inspire,” “It is France that has committed crimes in Mali and the Islamic Maghreb. It is France that supports the annihilation of Muslims in Central Africa in the name of race cleansing. They are the party of Satan, the enemies of Allah the Almighty and the enemies of His Prophets – peace be upon them.” France was a colonial power. There are 4.7 million Muslims living in France, many of them in poverty. An estimated 1,550 French citizens have left for Syria or Iraq; and some 11,400 citizens have been identified as radical Islamists by French surveillance data. Salafi jihadists also consider France to be especially corrupt." France did its second biggest arms deal to the Gulf states in 2012 some 8 billion worth. Some of which is now in the hands of various Jihadis. http://www.nationalinterest.org/feature/france-saudi-arabias-new-arms-dealer-13533 http://www.politico.eu/article/france-us-arms-jet-gulf-paris-un/ https://news.vice.com/article/if-the-us-wont-sell-you-weapons-france-might-still-hook-you-up France IS NOT a neutral actor.
  15. If the French populace knew the truth about what their leaders have been upto they would be hanging from trees.
  16. Please stop this 6 weeks thing. French screeching for the overthrow of Assad and more intervention goes back to Sarkozy along with French screeching for the destruction of Libya. This 6 weeks thing is nonsense in your head. *Football has started.
  17. The whole imperialist project of the last hundred years was built on ideas of moral and cultural superiority.
  18. Good lively debate this. It was needed and perhaps a positive side effect of Isis's real intentions. To divide us. The gentle allusions to historicity (is that a made up word) and the cannon of Western Philosophy are at the deeper levels of the debate and worth exploring. I suspect it's going to get worse over the coming months. Power only starts modulating itself when met with an equal or superior force.
  19. Think there is like 8,000 vids on civilian casualties in the ME. Psychopathic killing machine.
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