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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Sweetie please stick to the Western Imperialism script.
  2. Nicos...Wha...What? What is this?
  3. Radical Islam v Global Warming v Craft Beer.
  4. What's this shit about global warming? Hey! Eh?
  5. The globalist game is to get division going between communities to distract and tire us while they get on with the bigger game.
  6. http://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2015/nov/23/meet-the-young-supporters-of-swedens-far-right-video
  7. Costs rise to 31bn http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/nov/23/trident-nuclear-renewal-costs-rise-by-6bn-defence-review-reveals
  8. He's announced we're buying the F35 multi-role fighter from America. 28 straight away and then upto 135 or summink. Gonna cost a lot. But there isn't any money for anything else.
  9. Just started it. Good stuff. Thanks.
  10. Notice Ed's switched to the Global Warming gravy train.
  11. Good article by Robert Fisk in the Indi http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/isis-in-a-borderless-world-the-days-when-we-could-fight-foreign-wars-and-be-safe-at-home-may-be-long-a6741146.html
  12. Not understanding everything he was saying added another level of mystery.
  13. This is going to be annoying on so many fronts. He'll be dancing around on the touchling and there will be that signature.."Oi..Hey! Hey! whenever there is a touch on any Palace player.
  14. Benny in serious trouble at Madrid. Could be gone.
  15. Don't think we'll go down but there is a general lackluster approach among some of the players especially Sissoko in these games where we struggle to get purchase. Mitro is still pretty green from what I've seen and our weird persistence with 2 DM's really stifles our attacking play cause neither are box to box. This is all compounded by the fact that McC doesn't seem to be a great motivator of men.
  16. I know why you want to only talk about airstrikes. I'm talking about Frances disregard for Libyan sovereignty and Syrian sovereignty. How they are a central part of the merry NATO bandwagon and screeching from the front whenever they can. Not the French people but the leaders and especially Sarkozy. Look up the facts. If we are to deal with Isis successfully than we have to do it from a position of self-awareness and self-actualization. We have to admit to ourselves our part in its creation and armed with proper knowledge and inclusiveness of all parts of our communities set out our stall to rid Isis from the arena. The debate is lensed to continue duplicity - the huge arms sales to Gulf states by France the scratching around for oil and gas concessions and reliance on Gulf money to prop up our banks and stock market. These are the levers that need to be addressed. Beating Isis is piece of piss but there has been a strange reluctance to do so since 2012. If Syria falls to radical Islam then you'll fucking know about it cause then there will be a real and sustained progression to their mad and barbaric schemes. If we don't get nuked by Russia first. You need a bit of critical distance from your French mates. Believe me I'm angrier than you are cause I was talking about all this happening 10 years ago. There is also now the real danger that the Front National will win in 2017.
  17. You know nothing about Syria.
  18. One thing you've proved (Mr 6 weeks) is that you have absolutely no clue what is happening in Syria and I notice no real interest in it. The French elite have been screeching for the overthrow of Assad since 2011. They along with NATO want Syria divided into 3 parts and they fantasize they might have some neo-colonial reach in the matter. America was talking about getting rid of Assad back in 2006!! Before there was any kind of 'uprising'. The plan is to isolate Iran. Cheney and Wolfowitz talked about it in 2003 and published the PNAC document. The French elite are clueless lapdogs of American hegemony and traitors to the state.
  19. Cause IS is nothing more than a regional threat with some tactical reach to disenfranchised Muslim communities in the West.
  20. The UN is bought and paid for. French are the foreign policy donkeys of the planet from Morocco, Libya, Tunisia to greater Africa.
  21. Fuck me you sexy bitch. Bear in mind she called it back in 2012
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