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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. It's a good company and I looked into it a bit. The thing is PJ did it all by herself and sent pics in and all that stuff. We're meant to meet them next week but MrsP won't hear of it.
  2. Cor looking forward to this one.
  3. I've been in the gym for 5 months and by the looks of things in way better shape. Why don't you do the gym? Cuts out all the air pollution for a start. Do the Omega oils that's good for knees.
  4. Running is the worst kind of exercise for over 40's. Cycling is much better.
  5. She's had an offer to do some modelling from a local agency (she's 13 now). Mrs P caught me encouraging her and has given me a right telling off! I mean if she wants to do some modelling is that out of order?
  6. We'll be bombing climate change next.
  7. Who the fuck is Sam Harris? I started looking up Robert Harris just in case. Wiki: Qaker father and Jewish mother. Next.
  8. You shouldn't be running much nowadays, it's murder on the knees. Join a Gym and do more low impact stuff and build up cardio etc...
  9. Shameful stuff and totally out of order. Cameron has to do what he's been told, he doesn't really understand any of what this intervention might lead to and he isn't bright enough to weigh up the deep responsibility of leadership. The Labour ranks are disorganized riddled as they are with Blairites and careerists.
  10. Pretty sad watching Newsnight.
  11. One of the reasons the plane was shot down is NATO wanted the S300 in Syria to take a closer look at how it works and listen to its signatures and protocols. They will will try and get the Russians to fire one in the next few weeks.
  12. As I said a week ago there will be mission creep and escalation. Getting us to start bombing is a move towards a grand coalition. The stated aim to get rid of Isis masks the real intent of taking Assad out before the Russian airstrikes balance the field too far. They simply won't stop and will play any angle to break Syria into 2/3 statelets. They were talking about it in 2006ffs! Israel gets to keep the Golan Heights and will in the coming years spread out in its search for water. Then they will go after Iran. It all depends on Russia now. Russia is going to have to fight this war sooner or later they know it. They grey wolf moves down from the hills. Winter is coming.
  13. Problems for Camecon. http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/dec/01/cameron-has-failed-to-justify-syria-airstrikes-mps-committee-says
  14. The Circle. Intriguing and well written.
  15. Now that's what I call a target rich environment.
  16. Not on my watch Ringo. Every last one of you that have erred will be hunted down and erased by Parkenstein.
  17. You should read up on Hitchens before quoting him. Good article here on how his position changed and he became bedfellows with the Neo-Con Wolfowitz. http://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/hitchens-and-iraq If, as Hitchens once said, hatred was what got him up in the morning, the first three decades of his career were motivated more than anything by a contempt for American foreign policy and the hypocrites and evil characters who carried it out. As late as 1998, Hitchens hated Bill Clinton much more than Osama bin Laden. When Clinton ordered Cruise missile strikes against Afghanistan and Sudan after Al Qaeda bombed the United States embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, Hitchens wrote a series of columns dissecting the American retaliation: he concluded that Clinton had chosen to kill innocent people (primarily Sudanese) in order to distract attention from Monica Lewinsky. Wag the dog, not Islamofascism, was the cardinal sin, the scandal that got Hitchens to the keyboard."
  18. The challenge we face is the diabolic partnership between the Gulf states and America both of whom together are playing out their Geo-political fantasies in the ME. A continuous Shia v Sunni war and the destabilization of the buffer to a GREATER ISRAEL and the final goal which is Iran. You notice you never get a peep out of Isis with regard to Israel and Beirut is being targeted. Some days I wonder if they really know what they've started and whether they still believe they are 'molding' the conflict.
  19. They probably know a bit more about it than you Farage.
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