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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. I'd be very surprised if the establishment lets the UK leave the EU. It will be a deal around EEA with some tweaks to FOM that can be spun to the populace.
  2. The ECB and some European countries have their own problems. Spain, Portugal and Italy are in breach of their budget rules. ECB is pumping billions a month in to keep the euro steady...And these countries don't have their own currency for countermeasures. Italy is 139 % debt of GDP. We're far healthier than these. http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-eu-commission-forecasts-idUKKCN0XU0OM Italy’s banks, and its government, face difficult decisions. The danger is that their pain spreads further. The problem is obvious. Many Italian banks — or most, according to pessimistic observers — do not have enough capital. In addition, they labour under €360bn of bad loans, €200bn of which are extremely bad. The weakest banks desperately need to raise capital, but investors are hard to find. The bigger lenders have committed to underwriting new share issues for their weaker rivals but they, in turn, have needed external support." http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/f5355f50-061e-11e6-9b51-0fb5e65703ce.html
  3. The immigration case has been made badly and has clearly been hamstrung by mad decisions made in Brussels. Countries with wholly incompatible economies were given free movement with neither thought nor diligence nor care to the impact on the richer countries. Sheer stupidity. The case could have been that free movement was a goal for the recent joiners not a right. Even countries like Portugal has lost 20% of its population, probably its brightest and youngest.
  4. He gets about more and does a hell of a lot of talking to normal people. nb Brussels and Cameron could have avoided this...He could have asked for a bit more and they should have seen the oncoming crisis and given him a bit more and together they could have spun a pretty good case. Brussels like all the failing centralizing architecture that has been consigned to history just thinks it's too big and knows best and people shouldn't have too much say on how things work cause they're all idiots and racists and nationalists etc...blah blah blah..
  5. The Blairite faction of the PLP want Corby out at all costs and they have been at it for ages...They know no matter how he dresses it up he isn't really a Europhile and never has been. This the soft right grouping (that hijacked the party many moons ago) has all but lost any sense of solidarity with the rank and file of traditional Labour voters (who are patriotic and localist and strongly tribal and regional). The Blairites who do most of their scheming and falaffel gorging in hip London dens and can be seen taking the air by the Thames while discussing cross dressing and man bags and water projects in Africa are nothing short of stunned. Now that house in Tuscany and posing for pictures with actors and fact finding missions to Brussels (where they hoped to end up in their dotage - see Kinnock, Blair and others)..is on the line they are playing at naked survival politics and trying to rid themselves of the only person in the party who is still pretty close to the grass roots.
  6. Pound beginning to firm up as well. UK won't be alone defending the pound as comfort agreements would have been triggered with counter parties.
  7. http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2016/06/24/brexit-the-morning-after/?module=BlogPost-ReadMore&version=Blog%20Main&action=Click&contentCollection=Opinion&pgtype=Blogs&region=Body&_r=0#more-39816
  8. Proper begging it was. Lucky the EU don't have an army yet.
  9. It's a disaster. One would imagine that the cabinet and Whitehall would have had plans in place. It's clear they never imagined Brexit would win.
  10. Absolutely smashed them. Almost daring them to take us on. They can't do it. This lot are made of custard and absolutely shitting themselves and their 300,000 a year jobs. Italy bailing out banks today, Deutsche Bank shares are down 80% in 10 years and the euro being supported by billions of QE a month. Tear the fucking lot to shreds.
  11. The left caucus woman just now giving the EU parliament some hard truths.....Austerity, sovereignty loss, globalism etc...Ending by having a pop at Farage mind. Some geezer just goes "Growth does not guarantee jobs".
  12. It'll be EFTA first then some kind of fudge around EEA and listening carefully reveals that freedom of movement with some tweaks will also remain. This is all London Labours' fault. First they lost Scotland then the North (Euro elections where clearly old Labour voters voted UKIP) and now their mighty condescension has seen 70% of the working class vote for Brexit. It's a cry for help. Now these scum like Lammy and Khan want an independant London. I mean it's surreal. Labour are finally completely out of touch with their old support base.
  13. UK won't be leaving the EU. Do you numpties actually believe the establishment are going to let that happen? Wait and watch.
  14. Ha ha! Up yours you falaffel munching, book reading, pseudo-left wing - do gooders! As Orwell said, "The only hope lies in the proles".
  15. Been too busy to 'curate' both boards.
  16. Obama has been very wise and considered and known to listen to key advisors. Pulling back from creating a further mess in Syria probably came as a shock to the Saudis' who along with Qatar and Turkey were gagging for regime change, which won't happen now. The worry is that Billary is a screeching hawk and all bets are off if she gets in. WW3 probably.
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