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Everything posted by Park Life
They and the party machinery are too scared to say it now but things will change over the months. Some form of FOM will happen and we will be in the EEA. They are seeing how this can be spun... The establishment are too intertwined with the EU as is business to even contemplate a total break with the Sector 7. I do realise how inconceivable this sounds at the moment.
Labour stopped talking about Globalism ages ago. Most of them are now in on it...It won't make any difference who wins the next 3 elections unless a new party is formed. We're coming to a very crucial moment in European history as now much more than before there is a recognition amongst large groupings that the Status Quo isn't working for the vast majority. Once this realization hits Germany and its started to in the East where there hasn't been anything like the promised resurgence of jobs and living standards then all these neo-liberal structures are going to start to collapse. Austerity and the creation of free money by the elite is the last gasp it has no other cards to play. Think about it this way a vast proportion of our GDP is people buying stuff not people making stuff. Multinationals are done with Europe and it can't provide jobs with just mobile phones, white goods and financial services. If Germany hadn't kept its manufacturing base it would have been game over already. Even flagship stuff like Airbus have been illegally subsidized by the state and they have been in court for it two or three times now. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/jul/01/brexit-britain-elites-run-amok "It’s that latter point that has the U.S. Trade Representative and other federal agencies worked up. The European violation of trade treaties is no academic matter — it is the main reason why America has gone from being the dominant supplier of jetliners around the world with three domestic producers to a faltering competitor of Europe with only one domestic producer (Boeing). WTO found that without a continuous stream of illegal aid to Airbus, Europe couldn’t have accomplished that feat; in fact, to quote a June filing of the U.S. Trade Representative with the WTO, in the absence of illegal aid Airbus “quite probably would not have existed at all.” http://www.forbes.com/sites/lorenthompson/2012/07/16/european-lies-about-airbus-subsidies-set-stage-for-major-u-s-retaliation/#12144fb26ac5
Companies offshoring Labour need to be subject to internal tariffs. It's a piss take. See companies have been getting a free ride and with the aid of the state which it has massive influence over. It's the state the provides the infastructure for business wether it be communications or education or subsidies in the form of tax breaks, grants and cheap loans ie tax credits. When companies and the state are colluding against the people its called Fascism. It is the definition of it.
Technically we should be discussing Globalism. It all started with these 'free trade deals'...What that allowed in the 80's is for the West to move manufacturing to the East without being penalized. It allowed Thatcherism to import coal instead of digging it here (from Poland etc..)....It allowed EDF to buy power infrastructure in the UK. It destroyed the bargaining power of the old unions and fraternal groupings of organized Labour in tight knit communities. The importing of Labour came relatively late on the scene it was tiny amounts in the past 50's, 70's (Carribean/ Indian Subcontinent). What's happened is that China has its own middle class now and wages have gone up in the last two decades....Vietnam and Cambodia aren't as cushty for the purposes of Multinationals....Even India and Sri Lanka (garments/shoes) wages have been rising...It's why Nike and Gap and Apple got caught out...Then there is buildings collapsing in Bangldesh...It ain't good for the brand as their target group is very sensitive (18-35 yr olds) to concerns about the production chain. Half your Porsche is built in Poland. What Capitalism has done is decimate its original host (The West)....High cost of living, low birth rates, dwindling housing, high taxes, rising depression and suicide, crisis in healthcare and education, generally declining quality of life for all apart from the top 10%. Immigrants are just pawns in the game.
You'd see a proper race war if half of Munich was suddenly non-white.
The refugees sit around the main square here drinking all day.
Was trying to work out if we could get bi-lateral free movement deals with individual countries as maj voting now applies if we exclude the A8.
They won't. He's toast.
It's not in the EU last time I checked. In saying that I'm pretty sure there are thousands of stories of people using the NHS and fucking off without paying.
Mate I kind of understood and believed in the whole shabang till Greece happened. Then I saw it for what it was a banking cartel and a hostage currency. I put aside all my worries about creeping Federalism (cause I know the Germans aren't evil)...The early ideas of the EU, the scope, the outreach, the getting money and opportunities out to the periphery....The social contract it was all good. I used to have a moan on here now and again about it as more and more legislation started piling up...All rubber stamped by bored and overpaid MEP's voting depending on which grouping the are in....Smaller and smaller debating times and the sneering disregard for national sovereignty when nations said no to treaties. Ultimately we could have swallowed all of that in the name of co-operation and subsidiarity. But when they broke Greece it was unforgivable, I was with some Greeks in Berlin around that time and they literally wept when they talked about their homeland. The EU crushed Greece because a few fucking banks wanted their money back and in the scheme of things its peanuts but the ECB wouldn't relent and Schauble (the one in the wheelchair was on German telly grinning). Even the IMF which is the mother of all evil wanted to cut a deal ffs! It's a political project not a social project, its an impenetrable construct deliberately so that the higher ups don't have to answer to the people. But you know it could have worked if they had (and after Brexit they still might) become or at least offered to become more transparent, sensitive and flexible (I mean we're talking about the future of millions of people here). America wants it because it wants an EU army to confront Russia (you see how its moved east as fast as it can and finally stopped at Ukraine), they also want it so they don't have to fanny around dealing with nation states - yeah get TTIP through in one quick go... But it still fucking could have worked, it should have worked and it should have been a beacon to the world on how rich countries invest their surplus in the periphery and over time opportunities are there for everyone...But they haven't been...The German surplus goes to Wall street and they are ready to fuck countries over for pennies because the Corporate round table and the banks have taken it over. The EU could literally fund half of Europe forever without blinking, the ECB has access to financial instruments and money markets and could print bonds over any length of time if properly backed by some of the richest countries on the planet...But these cunts choose not to and for why...Short term greed and financial leverage over weaker states. We won't be allowed to leave and it will be an EEA deal with some tweaks around free movement. Deep down I want us to leave but in all reality the only hope this monster has is if we continue give it heart attacks and make it look at itself in the mirror. nb Some of these Tories are insane though and might still fuck it up.
You haven't corrected any of it. I know if you work here the company and state pick up pick up half your health insurance but isn't the point I was making. Our monthly health insurance bill for the family is like a second tax. The system is rigged against England where it is far easier to access the social net and the jobs market. It's the main reason Germany has a labour shortage even with free movement. Germans who haven't been to London in a while simply don't understand what I'm saying with regard to the infrastructure being at breaking point. A studio flat in Surbiton is 280k. The rent for that is 950 a month. That's the rent you pay in Hamburg for a largish one bed or a small 2 bed.
They're good people. My German friends are a little naive about the world but hearts of gold.
See this is the attitude why we left the EU. Germany is taking the piss. It doesn't pay for an army (NATO is carrying the load), it barely pays for healthcare and it created a currency that only it has benefited from while decimating half of Europe. Merkel and co have set aside 1 trillion euros for greening projects while people are starving in Athens.
Have you seen the building regulations in Germany? Imagine 5 bibles stuck together. He'll need to register a GMBH (I used to have one) that and the insurance that comes with it (you have to set money aside so the company can't take the piss) There will be a couple of months of paperwork with lawyers, the state, the Stadt, etc...it will cost about 35,000 grand....It's easier now but that's how it was till very recently. Lot of small German companies go for Ltd registered in London but causes other hassles... If it's to do with building where you might make a mistake you have to take out special insurance here even the architects need it so they are protected against millions in damages in lawsuits. The Poles come here and join German companies and they are terrific workers. There are two saying...Never invade Russia and never start a company in Germany.
Of course I agree with the last bit reg language....But 80% of Europeans speak English and about 25% German... Where are they gonna go? It took me 3 fucking years to be able to hold a conversation in a bar... EHC is for tourists. It's touch and go if you aren't German (even if you are an EU citizen) and don't have a job to get healthcare without being in the health insurance system. You're going to get a bill. You have to then work out who will refund you....UK? Germany? NHS? In the UK you turn up regardless from where and get treated if you are a EU citizen. Ise I swear to God Mrs P tried to pay when we lived in London and still talks about it now how they laughed and waived her away.
"In Germany, there is a two-tier welfare system - part based on contributions, part non-contributory. An EU migrant made jobless in Germany would get up to 70% of current salary in the first year of unemployment. After that, the unemployed go onto a non-contributory system called Hartz IV. Germany has objected to paying those benefits to EU migrants who have not made sufficient contributions through work. But that policy has been challenged in the courts." http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-25134521 My mate Gordon was unlucky in that he had a job when he got here but the company went under so he hadn't contributed enough into the system, within 4 months his unemployment money just stopped and he started getting bills from the healthcare company on top of that...They basically told him he hadn't paid in and it would take months to follow it through the system and challenge it...They offered him 50 euros a week and told him to move in with his girlfriend. So when Cameron was trying to negotiate a new deal it was a strange experience for us watching it on the news. Yes you can't just come here register and say you're looking for work. You can't sign on and you can't access healthcare unless you lie and say you're here on holiday...
Go on then. At last count 11 Brits I used to know here gave up and went home. We could compare my healthcare bill with a comparative German in the UK.
There's no 'tax credits' here, no social housing for immigrants (there is for refugees) and unless you want to sit in a class room with 50 Afghani women who when asked decide they aren't going to even take the language test and you have to beg the teacher to take the fucking test and you haven't lost heart then hey welcome to Germany. It's piss take.
I know you lot are good lads and with what is going on there is anger, soul searching and a fair amount of navel gazing and perhaps even a little misplaced guilt. If only you lot knew how the Germans see us, how they laugh and chortle at us and how they were convinced with the Eu they had finally fucked us over big time... There is no such thing as free healthcare in Germany and try coming over hear and accessing the social net. The system is nothing like France or the much fairer Spain where Brits are treated without question and the NHS is billed iirc... If you so much as get picked up by an ambulance here you get a bill for 800 euros. If you want to work here you are required to be fluent in German to at least B level and if you work in a big company you need business German (that takes the average punter inc me 5-8 years). Yes it keeps out a lot of job seekers...Same in Holland where Dutch is impenetrable as a language...The Turkish who have been here two decades are sneered at and discriminated against because apparently even the ones born here don't speak good German. You see they all say freedom of movement but basically it means get to England.
The way EU demographics works by concentrating wealth and ideation into smaller and smaller cantons - think Western Germany, Northern Italy, SE England it began to sow the seeds of its own destruction. It hasn't managed to redistribute wealth and opportunities fast enough to counterbalance this (one of its stated aims)...The short term results of its hegemony has finally clashed with its long term delusions. Immigration brought down the Roman Empire because its over reach in grasping for taxes and tributes in the form of land out paced its ability to manage the periphery who simply just started to ignore the rules. Immigrants who settled at the edges of the empire and over time further in simply stole land, ignored diktats (Germanic mainly) and overwhelmed the bureaucracy). It just got too expensive to keep sending armies out everywhere. A balanced and cohesive Europe working together is a great idea but they just ran wild with it and expanded it too fast with little grasp of the realpoltik. You can do that you see if you don't have to answer to the people every few years.
Labour lost vast swathes of the 'heartlands' to UKIP/SNP many moons ago but they pretended it didn't happen. Tories limited the damage to themselves by offering the referendum. No matter which way you cut it this is a mass revolt by significant sections of the populace and it began long before the referendum campaign.
She's more a Europhile than Cameron. 'The City' pretty much the funders of the Tory party will be on the case. London is the center of of euro exchange and currency arbitrage on the planet. No deal that threatens that will happen imho. Here's her clumsy defence of FOM.