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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Imagine the cognitive dissonance you have to live with to be a Tory.
  2. Yes but I've already relented on New Girl I fear going full metrosexual.
  3. Looks like the sort of thing women watch in bed with chocs. So I can see why Germaine Gemmill likes it.
  4. ha ha classic....It's a ploy I often use with Mrs P. She's not real sweetie it's all in yer head...))Hides bra behind sofa.
  5. Gemmill is a big butch ginger bloke with house cleaning robot in tow.
  6. Looks like SA is preparing to cause trouble in Lebanon. It appears they are considering air strikes for which Hez has little defence. If it goes to a some kind of ground war than Iran will probably be drawn in. They've upgraded their air defence recently. SA would be no match for Iran but I guess 'others' are hovering on the sidelines. https://www.thenational.ae/world/mena/iran-air-defence-improved-but-not-game-changing-analysts-say-1.624475
  7. The heavy sword is always about brute force and used primarily in duels (two handers). Battle swords due to longer fighting needs are lighter with a longer blade and hardened tip to penetrate armour.
  8. I got into New Girl in the end via Parky Jnr. There are some really funny ep's.
  9. Yeah good film watched it a few times. When we were on Sardinia Mrs P kept wanting to get the ferry over but I wasn't having any of it...Having seen some of their antics in Nice and Monaco etc...True Story.
  10. They are quite tough and generally underrated as a mafia. Not keen on the French either.
  11. He's got all those Frenglish words in his armoury tho. In the fukin Dictionary an all...
  12. What did he do? Curie is an easy one. (Although born Polish). Sheeesh...
  13. I had to check. In case there was blowback. I could only remember the Genoa treaty.
  14. Neither of us would beat Boris at scrabble tho.
  15. Napoleon was born in Corsica to Italian parents. His real name is Bounoparte which is the giveaway. You learn something every day innit.
  16. Those two need a BBC2 sitcom to display the full spectrum of their talents.
  17. Neighbors nicked 2 feet of my mams garden when they rebuilt their wall. I had to send the boys round.
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