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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. And as Fop rightly pointed out, those are in the majority only splitters and religious nutters, but when you come to the to main christian churches is a view neither shared by the Catholic Church nor the main Protestant ones. I have no problem in teaching the biblical creation in a way to make people to respect nature and existence and be careful with our resources etc. This isn't necessarily bound to contradict the big bang. That simply isn't true in many countries though, such as most the islamic world and the US. About half the population of the US believe the world is 6000 years old. Many believe Armageddon is imminent. This level of ignorance can only have massive negative effects on mankind and our future on the planet. ....yes but we shouldn't drag our little talks down to the lowest common denominator..
  2. It is a big spoof by the FBI anyway - just like the fake moon landing.
  3. Actually, it's a bit surprising the media have focussed solely on nursing staff for this one (well, not surprising, more annoying). After AfC this will affect ALL NHS staff, except clinicians, including me. Rat's cocks! The worst discreprancy I think is seen in primary care, where GPs have been awarded HUGE pay rises with reduced hours (most are now on over 100K with no mandatory call out), whereas the rest of the staff have to make do with less than inflationary rises. The whole thing fucking stinks tbh. I'm one of those evil agency staff that are looked upon like scum, particularly around the nurses. I do this because my wage as a permanent NHS employee would be absolutely pitiful. When you get right down to it, agency money isn't all that fantastic. I only make a fraction of what my agency charges the hospital for my time. I make about half of the hourly rate, and I know this because I've seen the invoices that my agency sends out. The thing is though, it is harder to stay employed as agency staff. I have ZERO job security, and can be let go of over night. Technically they're supposed to give a week's notice but I have friends that were told just not to come back the next day because the job was done. Where I work now there is no permanent staff, we are all employed through and agency and the department prefers it that way. Why? Because we have to work to keep our jobs. If we are shit, they simply let us go and get someone else. It's probably the best department I've ever worked in because of that, we all have to work to the absolute highest standard because if not we're gone. Just out of interest if someting goes wrong are you/the agency insured?
  4. I see people talking about the universe as if it was a given...We know virtually nothing about the universe.
  5. What a good idea I'll have Gooch please I'd go for Lampard if I were you..£140,000 a week apparently. Most of it on pies. Footballers wages are insane. I agree. But there's so much money pouring into football then I suppose it's only right that the players get a cut. I'd rather see the likes of Lampard and Terry get paid for providing the entertainment (although with Chelsea it's hard to class their football as such) than Murdoch, Glazer, Shepherd etc getting all the cash. Obviously I'd prefer it if ticket prices/replica shirts/sky subscriptions etc were cheaper, but that's never going to happen sadly. Come the revolution I will shoot every last fucking mother one of them...But perhaps start with the Southern clubs first..
  6. What a good idea I'll have Gooch please I'd go for Lampard if I were you..£140,000 a week apparently. Most of it on pies. Footballers wages are insane.
  7. .....but in the case of the nurses they have a lot more power than they realise...Public sympathy bank for a start.. Doubt there's be much public sympathy if we were to strike and hospitals would be virtually shut as a result. People have sympathy for nurses but we'd be called worse than shit if we weren't doing our jobs and people were turned away from A&E, operations got cancelled etc. They would call the army in....to cover and the scum money grabbing fat arse management that you see swanning around on £50k would have to roll their sleeves up....Of course the the agencies would be overjoyed..I bet the agencies charge as bomb as well... About £30 an hour for someone that would be doing my job.. The problem with the nurses is that (without some forgivable generalising) they are very hard to 'rabble rouse' being the type of people they are. The first step I guess would be to get you all out of the RCN and into Unison. But at some point nurses are going to have to take diruptive action of sorts...But you will have to be inventive and NOT go directly up against management.
  8. .....but in the case of the nurses they have a lot more power than they realise...Public sympathy bank for a start.. Doubt there's be much public sympathy if we were to strike and hospitals would be virtually shut as a result. People have sympathy for nurses but we'd be called worse than shit if we weren't doing our jobs and people were turned away from A&E, operations got cancelled etc. They would call the army in....to cover and the scum money grabbing fat arse management that you see swanning around on £50k would have to roll their sleeves up....Of course the the agencies would be overjoyed..I bet the agencies charge as bomb as well...
  9. Just seeing if these little darlings have are organised at all or have any kind of formal protection etc... Yeah, I'm in a union but they don't encourage industrial action. It did say on the news tonight that they were considering it today though after the pay announcement. Which union is it? RCN. I suspected so....They have always been moderate tory leaning lapdogs...Who are the other you can have?
  10. .....but in the case of the nurses they have a lot more power than they realise...Public sympathy bank for a start..
  11. Just seeing if these little darlings have are organised at all or have any kind of formal protection etc... Yeah, I'm in a union but they don't encourage industrial action. It did say on the news tonight that they were considering it today though after the pay announcement. Which union is it?
  12. This was a lovely thread about he universe, mysticism, Einstein....Turned into some drabbery about what words mean and other semantic and extreme example ping pong...Silence!!
  13. Just seeing if these little darlings have are organised at all or have any kind of formal protection etc...
  14. I'm not sure you can tie someone belief that something is "wrong" with an act of murder or violence (which is "wrong" no matter what the justification, and isn't "more wrong" because of one justification or another – that’s surely discrimination in itself ). At the end of the day paedophilia is likely a genetic predisposition (perhaps as much as any other sexuality – and given how many people are caught with it these days fairly wide spread condition, it’d be interesting to get a % population tbh), and in a strange way I kinda look forward to the paedophilic rights marches, because whilst the ACT must always be wrong, if you take PCism to its extreme it is “wrong” to discriminate against them so long as they do nothing to hurt others. Now that above paragraph should in any sane society be tongue in cheek, but of course now that we’re effectively making it illegal to criticse religions, I imagine it will actually occur one day. What are you two chuntering on about?
  15. Definitely closer to his written work than other adaptations (even 'Bladerunner' isn't really like 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sleep'). I enjoyed it too. And last night: The Ipcress File That role was made for Michael Caine. Ipcress is class Harry.
  16. What a good idea I'll have Gooch please I guess you lot talk about the wages and the long hours....What ideas do you have to try and change things? Are you members of unions?
  17. YOu have enough fun blasting people with death rays...
  18. Why don't you strike or stick to your rota hours? I know there are ethical issues, but I don't see another way, you are being taken advantage of. I know how hard nurses work and my sympathies are definately with you. If we stick to our rota hours then agency staff are brought in to cover the shortages. With regards to striking? Oooooooooo, it's a mortal sin. Looky... That's taken from a paper by Bridget Dimond who is an expert in Law and Ethics in Healthcare. Part of the issue is that women in general get a lower percentage of their male equivalents pay, throw into the mix these ideals of vocational work ie nursing and teaching and the picture is even more disconcerting. Women in Euro on average get 82% of their male conterparts pay in the U.K. this figure is 63%! Intersting article.. http://observer.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/sto...rticle_continue Also it would depend what they made you sign when you joined up..
  19. Why don't you strike or stick to your rota hours? I know there are ethical issues, but I don't see another way, you are being taken advantage of. I know how hard nurses work and my sympathies are definately with you.
  20. Not so much a problem but would like a none tutors view on things like Malthus and competitive markets and Adam Smith and stuff. Malthus was a nut job who thought that everyone was so sex mad that the worlds economy would collapse due to over population. Smith is most famous for his 'invisible hand' which contrary to popular belief isnt having a sly wank but is the process via which markets deliver optimal resource allocation. Right wing economics owes a lot to The Wealth of Nations. His main idea was to characterise individuals motivation to act in a self-interested manner. Modern economics has been built around developing this notion of a self-interested consumer or producer into something more complex, recognising our inability to always know what is our 'self-interest'. To see where this idea has ended up you should read Steven Levitt's 'Freakonomics'. http://www.freakonomics.com/thebook.php Here he dissects human behaviour into basic incentive structures and explains some quite random phenomena. A good read for non-economists too. ...don't you think he should have a go at normal economics first Chez?
  21. I hear she plays an instrument quite well.
  22. A true journey of personal discovery. This begs the question: Isn't it high time people listed their experiments with drugs on their CV's?
  23. ....even Donnie can't remember what version of the story he is telling... When a plastic bottle is thrown onto a football pitch, it's referred to as a "missile" is it not? When Martin Tyler is saying "there's missiles being thrown onto the pitch", believe it or not, he hasn't lost the plot and believes that those plastic bottles are weapons. ....we know we were just taking the piss...
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