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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. I always thought student unions were were ultra-pc gone mad. What with many and their 'affiliations' to various revolutions around the world and long speeches for Africa etc. "'Zionist' has become a word of opprobrium - all Jews are so labelled - and attacks on Jews rose with the occurrence of the Lebanon war - attacks on Jews in this country and elsewhere, not attacks on Israeli buildings," Lady Deech told peers. She added: "Once the equation is made between Zionism and Jews, anti-semites then feel free to attack all Jewish students without distinction. Protests start as attacks on Israel and conclude with threats to all Jews." http://education.guardian.co.uk/higher/new...2101283,00.html
  2. I haven't seen it Renty. Anything good in there? It was a channel 4 doc from the Papperazzi's (sp?) perspective. It completely dispelled any conspiracy theory so you'd have hated it. Rubbish then. Let the new inquiry take its course I say. Two masonic lodges head to head.
  3. No one can fuck with Dali. Florida-18-Dali....Who are you Quentin Crisp? We were staying nearby. Not sure if they really wanted to go but they thought it was class too. We managed to tag along with a guided tour which was very informative as there is so much going on in his paintings. I got a really good Dali book there too. The tour guide has a Dali moustache anarl. Florida and Dali is wasted on Americans.
  4. I haven't seen it Renty. Anything good in there?
  5. Shame the government put the block on the Kard Bar selling shrooms. Much more user friendly. Probably a bit mellower and a lighter come down than an acid Problem with mushrooms is you can get a nice light trip or a big motherfucker, top of your head screws off, don't come out from under the covers for days trip. There is no quality control (ok that's an oxymoron in regard to drugs anyway but you know what I mean.) Plus they taste like shit. I remember years ago a party where the hosts made chocolate shrooms, melt chocolate place shroom in ice cube tray pour chocolate over freeze and eat. Anyway one dopey friend decides the chocolates taste good, so he helps himself to three before someone can stop him. No one saw him for three days and he has no recollection of most of that week. Shrooms are much nicer basically.
  6. No one can fuck with Dali. Florida-18-Dali....Who are you Quentin Crisp?
  7. What with all the hiatus regariding everyone and his dog wanting the Diana thing to be put to bed, including me, these are some pretty strange remenarks from Harry. Certainly not the official PR line. In extracts released yesterday, Harry says: "You know, when people think about it, they think about her death. They think about how wrong it was. They think about whatever happened ... whatever happened in that tunnel, you know, no one will ever know." Asked whether he had stopped wondering, the prince replied: "I'll never stop wondering about that." Clarence House officials stressed that the remarks meant that the prince would never stop wondering whether the crash in the Alma Tunnel in Paris could have been prevented and he was not speculating about the crash itself. http://www.guardian.co.uk/monarchy/story/0,,2101586,00.html
  8. She does look like the type who's undergarments have that light piss aroma.
  9. I deal with ease with the wallah's who sell the Hamburg version (sort of local events/ arty stuff)...Just tell them I don't read German. Bye.
  10. I see you catwalk queens want all the benefits of late capitalism without the pains that go with it. It is in the interest of U.K. business wallahs to drive wages down.
  11. I wonder if she ever sold that tent? Titled: "All the people I have loved" or summat. My theory is if you move to Hoxton, Camden or Notting Hill your head goes to mush.
  12. Did anyone notice though? I recall one time I was standing out on a mates balcony staring up at a patchy night sky calling for people to come join me in "the mana from heaven" because it was spitting, but a friend thought I was asking her to join me on the balcony because of "the man from hebburn", she rushed out to see this wonder. there followed an hilarious (not for us mind) conversation which apparently was like the "Who's on first base" sketch with her demanding to know where this bloke was, me pointing to the sky and becoming more excitable with every repetition of her question. God, how dull people on drugs are if you're not
  13. I find myself in agreement. The 3d form seems too concrete lacking the scope for 'visual play'. In a sense there is less room for projection as there is in paintings where an emotional attachment can build slowly and perhaps be taken away.
  14. Same here. It's always been 5 mill anyway...He makes like there's been a price hike.
  15. I freely admit that I like 'her' ever since those drunken tv appearances, but her obsession with the body...Leves me cold. Damian and his sharks and stuff is more iconaclastic. Hirst is a fantastic pop artist. At least his stuff is fun to look at. His new diamond skull thing is further proof of this imo.
  16. I freely admit that I like 'her' ever since those drunken tv appearances, but her obsession with the body...Leves me cold. Damian and his sharks and stuff is more iconaclastic.
  17. Always admired he bravura as a person rather than her 'art'. The bed was the final straw for me. "In the centre of the first gallery, Emin has created four wooden constructions made of criss-crossed sticks, formless columns that look so fragile you could knock them over with a feather. Elsewhere, we find her signature embroideries, one with the words "No / You / Still / Hurt". A love poem in pink neon reads, in part: "every part of my body is screaming / smashed into a thousand million pieces..." In recent paintings in acrylic, Emin's subject is once again her own fragmented body, which she presents as abject, a passive receptacle, a thing to be penetrated. As you can see from all this, she has only has one subject - Tracey's fragility, Tracey's pain, Tracey's sense of betrayal. And so far, here in Britain, that's been fine. But, by showcasing this body of work in the international context of the Venice Biennale, the British Council has cruelly exposed Emin's limitations as an artist." http://www.telegraph.co.uk/arts/main.jhtml...2/baemin112.xml
  18. The art of begging encapsulated in one post.
  19. Been there, done that. Microdots were always the daddy for tripping. Couldn't think of nothing worse than taking an acid these days. It's alright when your younger with no responsibilities but the come down would be horrific I reckon now I'm older This is the thing. Would never touch acid type thngs now I'm a bit older and realise I'm more vulernable than I thought.
  20. They say this kind of stuff is like a race memory of old information, not sure where it is stored mind. Some South American Shamen's see 'a snake that talks' often before revelations. A modern interpretation of this and discussed in some studies is that 'the snake' is your dna.
  21. I used to love those moments. Remember in the garden once talking to a tree for some time and the branches coming down and offering me some kind of ride.
  22. It'll go to arbitration. Nothing to get het up about really.
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