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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Actually Enrique coming into the side and Zoggz moving upfield will quieten my angst somewhat. Last month SA was saying that he likes a proper def ie def who can defend and that was to cater for setting up with a more attacking stance or something like that iirc. He is not the def bombing forward school I don't think for what he is saying and doing so far. When we did play that kind of footie tho we had a very shaky def...I mean someone like Albert would just be laughed off the training park by the like of SA and Pearson if he claimed to be a def. I undrstand that we need to be setting up with the idea initially of not getting beat, but I want to see more footballing ambition from the side in the near future as well.
  2. This is like some sickness that is taking hold and the crew members on the spaceship are all in denial.
  3. Am I getting the feeling that we could play like Wimbledon and as long as we keep winning no one would care? *Trap set*
  4. You have to look past the cold dead murderous eyes. C'mon, she's fucking hot! HOt with a twist. Just as I like it.
  5. It's basically all made up in a back room at Langley.
  6. YOu can't really buy a proper milkshake in the shops....
  7. Park Life


    Ditto, although it was my mates that told me, weirdly it was the ones that had never bothered with the likes of Myspace before. I signed up but didn't even get as far as putting my photo up. Better off getting a big book cutting a hole in the cover and sticking yer face through it as you jump out on unsuspecting shop assistants...
  8. Barton will be an improvement in certain ways ie attacking the box etc...But he isn't really creative.
  9. I hate these things going on in the public eye. Just get the negotiations done in private...
  10. do you believe your God is more concerned with how "good" a life a person leads or whether they acknowledge and worship him? - If its the latter then he's a very vain and petty being imo. Thats the biggest problem I have with "Christians", and I've had this argument before with them, and its the biggest flaw in my opinion, in that a person could lead a "Christ-like" life, IE full of loving, caring, forgiveness, self sacrifice yet would burn in hell if they didn't believe in christ or god. You'd be better off as a Buddhist then Jim.
  11. No one is saying they're offended by it. They're saying it's ill-advised. Which it is. And what's more it would have been ill-advised 10, 15 or even 20 years ago - fuck all to do with "PC-gone-mad". It's a shit headline. You have been on form lately fella.
  12. They were still dunking witches In England a 100 or so years ago....
  13. I need to see more footage of the wife before I can erect the Parky kangaroo court.
  14. Fine, what's the problem then? I'm sure we'd have more respect for footballers and their agents if they didn't talk shite. He's been poor recently as well, and is not the finished product, so should zip it. COmments like 'I only hope they are not trying to force Steven out' are also ridiculous and contemptible. Saw that and it's totally not needed, looks like 'they' are trying to stoke the fire and get some attention.
  15. My god there is going to be some humungous fallout if there is truth in this.
  16. Mate I nominate you to take over these delicate negotiations.
  17. What's apple tea?! Sounds minging. Its lush tbh Totally different from normal tea i guess, apart from the fact it's in a bag (sometimes) and in a cup but you dont use milk, The older gay couples favourite so I'm told.
  18. ...how long are people going to be happy with the clunky,combative, kick it into dangerous areas footie...(Not saying we haven't had one or two nice spells)...? As a side we seem a lot more secure and less anxious and the main defensive 6 have a good idea what their roles are, but I for one am looking forward to some proper football (perhaps the return of Barton, Emre and Duff).. Hopefully SA will play more a 442 at home with less def cover...
  19. What's apple tea?! Sounds minging. Apple tea is a fiasco nothing more.
  20. My mother is diabetic, but apparently according to her it is only passed down in the female genes. Rest easy.
  21. Silly really...Perhaps in poor taste at worst....Louise Taylor will be loving it, the kind of thing writers love as it shows thier writing has made contact..
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