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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. No. They have quite a following in Hamburg. So does the legend that is Haddaway. The Cocteau Twins coffee morning is down to 4.
  2. Park Life


    Blatently spent ages trying to think of a way to be alternative against the Ipod generation. I'll deal wiv it.
  3. No. They have quite a following in Hamburg.
  4. Raaaaydiohedh-In Rainbows. Basically the best album I've heard this year.
  5. ...a real stream of consciousness..
  6. Park Life


    I'd never ever buy one. Life is full of music you don't need it dribbling into yer skull.
  7. Park Life

    Wrong Numbers

    If they call me and it's a wrong number they go away knowing it is a wrong number a VERY wrong number. You boys are too soft on these muppets.
  8. Why is everyone so down on fanatics? They change the world. *Comfy slippers adjusted*
  9. Would love to set up those movement detecting automatic machine guns somewhere but I can't think of a venue worthy of such high art. You idiot Park Life. I find in life there's never enough ammo.
  10. Park Life

    Doris Lessing

    LIked it when she went through a wierd sci-fi phase. *Loving the new avatar. *Does my mate need permission to cover your songs?
  11. Would love to set up those movement detecting automatic machine guns somewhere but I can't think of a venue worthy of such high art.
  12. Thats whats happenned in America. Skulls, snake oil and a good chanting beat is the way forward.
  13. I started at a £5 then talked myself down to £3.
  14. I'm liking it on the first listen, much easier to listen to than Kid A (which I love). http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7037194.stm the last paragraph sums up this numpties views. Pablo Honey. bah. New album available only as download here.. http://www.inrainbows.com/Store/Quickindex.html Pay what you like!! I paid £3.
  15. It uses a lot of ram cause it checks thousands of times a minute if there is summat it can grass you to Microsoft for..
  16. Not when he reckons he's been shot at though.
  17. They told you who was getting your bank details. Not like in the good old days. Firstly its not MY bank details it's company bank details.....Bring back the good old days...This is getting brazen and against all ideas of privacy and freedom.... They only ever were ideas, I thought everybody knew that. No people fought for basic freedoms. That statement is quite correct the way I read it. ...tired..tired..tired of them fiddling in every aspect of our lives...
  18. They told you who was getting your bank details. Not like in the good old days. Firstly its not MY bank details it's company bank details.....Bring back the good old days...This is getting brazen and against all ideas of privacy and freedom.... They only ever were ideas, I thought everybody knew that. No people fought for basic freedoms.
  19. They told you who was getting your bank details. Not like in the good old days. Firstly its not MY bank details it's company bank details.....Bring back the good old days...This is getting brazen and against all ideas of privacy and freedom....
  20. That is the wrong response. Ammending and keeping an eye on legislation is the way forward. They tell us nothing!
  21. Should a foreign Govt. have access to U.K. citizens banking paraphanalia? yes. Russia? China? Iran?
  22. Should a foreign Govt. have access to U.K. citizens banking paraphanalia?
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