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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Yes, after all the films were both a critical and commercial failure. Oh wait. The most godawfull toss those films.
  2. What does that even mean Clever one line replies.
  3. Alex general allround winner manages to combine footy common sense with general chat skills. Others to mention. HP - I look out for his posts more now that he is on the slide as a film buff. Verlaine - Witty, resonant and slightly arty which I like. 2J - Not as good this year as last. But still has the ability to tickle. T-Keith Brandishing a new line in pithy re-joinders. Jimbo, Wacky and Manc-mag for footie chat. Recently I've started noticing Rico.
  4. I just made that up btw, I have no idea who was asked first I asked Janitor after Alex couldn't make it. The admin side sent a couple/someone as well who's names escape me. He did a great job at the meeting btw and N.O. status went stratospheric after that. Drank more pints than Mort and all. Stevie you're way too dangerous to send.
  5. I thought it was complete horse shit. I thought I was unhappy with Kill Bill vol 2, but this drags Tarantino down to a Rob Zombie level of uninspired drivell. Inland Empire It is an incredibly dull film, and vacuous to boot. Everyone in Hollywood is a whore wracked with self doubt? You don't say! Is this a revelation that warrants three meandering and incomprehensible hours on the thought process of an actress? But then again it did intrigue me. I did after all sit there for the full 3 hours. And through the entire end credits (which I never do) and then for a little bit longer to think about it some more. And I want to watch it again to see if I can get my head round it, but it's the cinematic equivalent of a Paul Mckenna cd to cure insomnia, so I can't see that happening. Maybe I'm being harsh because I'd just watched Sicko beforehand and that was about a real issue (you know, people whose kids have died and that) wheras this is plainly pretentious guff about people who get paid to play dress-up. This is an unfair comparison as Inland Empire has a sense of humour about it's subject, just not a particularly funny one. I liked the Beck and Nina Simone tunes. And the Locomotion. I've also not seen all of Lynch's other films and there seemed to be a lot of references to the one I have, so maybe you need to be more familiar with his oeuvre (christ I'm more pretentious than Lynch) to 'get it', but even if that is the case, I still think a film should stand on it's own. The really annoying thing is reading back all the reviews by people that love it. I've not seen one be specific about where it's excellence lies. It's all vague gubbins about how brilliant it is that it makes no sense and how labrynthine it is, is that a good thing now? Feeling lost by your story teller? Mind, Laura Dern was good. But she's canny in Jurassic Park too, which was a much more fun experience. I've still got Mullholland Drive there to watch too. Looking forward to that. Mullholland drive is fantastic, one of my favourite films but based on your above review I'm not sure you will like it (although I've not seen Inland Empire yet I suspect there are a lot of similarities to Mullholland Drive and Lost Highway). Death Proof is horse shit but it's meant to be and I thought the action scenes were hillarious. MD is awesome. In many ways better than IE...imo.
  6. I cried at the bit where the black woman's child died cause she had to waste time taking her to another hospital due to the health insurance fiasco. It was a very sad image of her explaining how she asked forgivness from her dead child and that she had done all she could.
  7. None of our CM's are good enough. Butt, Emre and Barton miss too many components to their games. Less said about Geremee the better. Although Barton will develop into a good player for us. But he isn't the one to carry or pin the midfield.
  8. Like it. It's how Mrs P talks me into the night trances.
  9. His running style is great when he's on the beach in Midnight cowboy
  10. I can often get through the evening with a bit of mystery meat.
  11. Lasses just pooping out of bushes throwing the lips on you all the time, I bet. What can I say? I can't help it! But seriously, it was more just that I was taken completely by surprise the first few times. Surprise kisses are nice. But yet suprise sex is frowned upon. It's not rape if you shout 'surprise'. I've never understood that. Why does warning a girl of your actions suddenly mean she's consenting to them? As for my first kiss, I was 13, it was with a tubby girl who had a load of experience and she was lovely. She then proceeded to dump me the week before Valentine's Day and asked me out again the following week. Hmm... That's the dictonary definition for cruelty surely?
  12. When they go on about class actors it always comes down to quiet-shouty Pacino or gurning De Niro, but Hoffmann never gets any credit. Midnight Cowboy Tootsie Marathon Man The Graduate Kramer Vs Kramer All The President's Men Lenny Papillon Straw Dogs He's immense in them all. Not only that but he's been in the 2 greatest comedies of our lifetime, The Simpsons AND Curb Your Enthusiasm. Kudos Agree btw, Hoffmeister is a legend. Performances range from compelling and definitive in the above roles and stoop no lower than 'eminently watchable' in others He likes to get a running/jogging scene in as well.
  13. My 'stinkfinger' career started a lot earlier of course I must have been 7/8...
  14. Happy for Smith he's taken a lot of stick lately. Good player.
  15. Didn't see the game but it looks like a good result. As I was saying earlier nowt to worry about...
  16. Own goal? We'll win tonight, its the sort of crisis game we nearly always win. Arsenal don't like it up em either.... It was a joke like. Don't use the rollyeyes parky. I consider you above such things. Like to keep you on your toes Halex.
  17. Own goal? We'll win tonight, its the sort of crisis game we nearly always win. Arsenal don't like it up em either....
  18. Not as ridiculous as it looks Abramovitch spent 2 weeks in the summer negotioating with the player... How can you spend 2 weeks negogiating? - How much do you want? - x - I'll give you y - no -okay, lets meet in the middle or not sign at all. - done. The UN are looking for negotiatiors you should apply.
  19. Listening to a lot of George Micheal recenlty...Going through a phase.
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