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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Do people actually sit at home pretending to be guitar heroes?
  2. Just finished that as well. Kind of sci fi you'd like ALEX.
  3. 9 out of 10. Got the Toshack one wrong. 8/10 John Anderson one? 7/10 Wtf are music questions doing in there!? Toshack wrong as well.
  4. Get Coleman in, sharp as mustard apparently. Keen as. Oh noes I've fucked up.
  5. Is it me or is Shearer looking more like McLaren by the day? Don't want Shearer till he tries managing and succeeds somewhere else. See for reference, "kevin keegan". Yeah cause they are so alike. what was Keegans first managerial job? Im in no way against the keegan appointment, just think that people who think he should manage somewhere else first and not here seem to forget keegans first stint. The reason we want him to manage somewhere else first is to wipe that smug grin off his face everytime he is asked about the club.
  6. Is it me or is Shearer looking more like McLaren by the day? Don't want Shearer till he tries managing and succeeds somewhere else. See for reference, "kevin keegan". Yeah cause they are so alike.
  7. Is it me or is Shearer looking more like McLaren by the day? Don't want Shearer till he tries managing and succeeds somewhere else.
  8. Hard to see how Keegan would know which players he wants having been out of the game so long. In any case, I reckon we have a pretty decent squad to get us by seeing as we aren't going anywhere this season. Perfect for getting Keegers feet under the table and then launching an all out assault in the summer. Oh yes the assault is coming and it has been a long time coming and for this the coming won't be like before it has been away replenished its ferric self, its magnetic coils - the dark sleeping universe will bend to its will.....It is here...Don't you feel it?
  9. But of course in poker terms this signal from Ashley is 'all in'.
  10. He's been away 4052 days = 11. A full on magic number.
  11. Loves himself a hell of a lot more imo. QFT.
  12. You've left Ashley out of the equation. It is one thing when we scheme and dream in the pub over a few pints, it is a whole other thing when a billionaire gets involved in the dream game. If the money is forthcoming I can see little stopping us playing good football and enagaging the top 4. I don't even think it will take that long.
  13. Football has become everything KK hates. That will be his drive and his fuel. I too am optimistic...
  14. I think this is bigger than that. We are dealing now in the realms of myth, even what football is about.
  15. Of course everything about this appointment is so wrong it almost could be right. Mixed emotions all around us and scant regard will be paid to logic for some time. Ashley for me has acted and unlike him in this instance with an emotional descision when faced with his first real test. It is almost childlike in its beauty and simple in the way it reveals everything at once about how Ashley sees the needs of the club. It is of course utter madness....But deep down we all feel there is a chance it might work.
  16. This has nowt to do with reality that's why it is so exciting. Exactly. You can think too much sometimes. Allardyce is proof that all the dieticians, philosophy and synchronised swimming are no good if you don't score. Keegan will get us scoring again and we can work on the finer points afterwards. Saying that, it still feels a bit like I've woken up after shagging the town slapper and thinking "what have I done! It all seemed like such a good idea last night" It is clear now how 'over-functional' SA was...And how completely alien his ideas were to us. It is also a shame he couldn't modify or transcend his more ridiculous dogmas. Keegan is a step into the old world of football. We will now have the fun of watching magic v science, instinct v drills, potions v checklists. Dreams win prizes.
  17. It prevents forum "invasions" like the one with turkish blokes a few years back. It doesn't have to be non-ISP, it's just non-hotmail and one or two others. But we had much fun with the Turkish invasion no?
  18. This has nowt to do with reality that's why it is so exciting.
  19. Might even be a chance of a couple of signings now.
  20. Stunned. Mrs P said I was mumbling to myself. People have to see what this says about Ashley.
  21. Top 14, says I. It's only fair. Where can you see that?
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