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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. I'm very positive about this if I think it means what I think it means.
  2. Totally agree. I've long given up on the notion that the Govt are even vaguely intersted in the people any longer. Wind power anyone? Go back to Berlin, you big fat Deutschlander. If I could get me cock out yer mouth for a second I would.
  3. This is becoming like a runaway train. I guess things will be clearer in a few weeks.
  4. Agreed, some already starting to question KK's and Morts decisions, saying they hate Wise when I bet there's not one of them ever met the bloke. You couldn't make this shit up Just imagine we were (the wife saying no) away from: Redknapp AND Wise.
  5. I'm sure the odd libretto will be heard as inattentive fingers touch hot grill.
  6. Post of the thread. Or in less verbose terms make the dumb - dumber. What about the luvvies? What say them?
  7. Kids will be throwing away their bunsen burners and rushing to McDonalds to get these new exclusive qualifications. Won't somebody think of the children!
  8. Totally agree. I've long given up on the notion that the Govt are even vaguely intersted in the people any longer. Wind power anyone?
  9. Soapbox beautifully mounted. Happens to be my honest opinion. I do a job which is 95% populated by people who are completely up their own backsides and have the sort of elitest opinions that make me utterly ashamed to be part of the profession. Too many people written off cos they didnt get GCSE's, for society to feel entitled to look down on them for the rest of their lives. If some young 'un wants to graft their bollocks off in McDonald's instead of following their mates and smashing up bus stops then I want it recognised as much as any law degree etc. Old labour? I want to agree with you but something smells rotten about this...... I'm a socialist if thats what you're getting at but I'm not some Old Labour dinosaur. I just happen to think this is a step in the right direction re attitudes towards education and qualifications. The rotten smell was probably just a whiff of the McDonald's apron. Reminds me of that time in Paris after the third bottle of Beaujolais I started telling people I was a Marxist. If they tried this in France sheep would be burnt on major motorways.
  10. Soapbox beautifully mounted. Happens to be my honest opinion. I do a job which is 95% populated by people who are completely up their own backsides and have the sort of elitest opinions that make me utterly ashamed to be part of the profession. Too many people written off cos they didnt get GCSE's, for society to feel entitled to look down on them for the rest of their lives. If some young 'un wants to graft their bollocks off in McDonald's instead of following their mates and smashing up bus stops then I want it recognised as much as any law degree etc. Old labour? I want to agree with you but something smells rotten about this...... Would it be okay if it were BAE, Sage or Rolls Royce doing it? If anything can be done to encourage young kids to start learning - and hopefully progress further - then I'm all for it. The principle is fine. As Manc says if only it weren't the evil that is McD. McD love this kind of shit cause it makes them more visible...How comitted they are to helping youth is another matter. Not long ago kids were working 12 hour days in there at £2.75 an hour.
  11. Soapbox beautifully mounted. Happens to be my honest opinion. I do a job which is 95% populated by people who are completely up their own backsides and have the sort of elitest opinions that make me utterly ashamed to be part of the profession. Too many people written off cos they didnt get GCSE's, for society to feel entitled to look down on them for the rest of their lives. If some young 'un wants to graft their bollocks off in McDonald's instead of following their mates and smashing up bus stops then I want it recognised as much as any law degree etc. Old labour? I want to agree with you but something smells rotten about this......
  12. Series One is a little harder going, however Series 2 is where it starts getting on with it.
  13. Is out and about get on it children. Utter class and ep 5 hails the return of 'Omar'.
  14. Fakin ell he'll finish Owens career over a disagreement about who's taller.
  15. This is one of those moments when we just have to take on faith KK knows what he's doing I guess.
  16. Is this a case of Leeds have stalled a bit and Spurs have done well since he went there or have you genuinely heard that was the case because it seems like a classic case of 2+2=5. Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc We are talking about Dennis Wise right? Would you like fries with that? I'll go on record and say Dennis Wise is shit in any capacity in any variance in any position. Avoid. Keegan was a step I can understand, but hiring Wise (unless just for scary half time talks) is madness on every conveivable level in all given realities. I'll come off the fence later. I did have a dream about him recently mind....And KK has strong Ju ju.
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