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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. England isn't Ireland mate. Every single refugee here and every single economic migrant wants to get to the UK. They are never going to learn German (hard to learn even with the best of wills) and most speak passable English.
  2. You can put all the graphs in the world up...But the pressure on services, housing, and healthcare are unsustainable. Southern England has jumped from 13th to 2nd in population density only behind Holland now. We can't take in 300,000 or whatever people a year we just don't have the land, housing or finances to cope with it.
  3. That graph is nonsense. EU migration when you inc all the services they access costs the UK 3m a day. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/05/16/immigration-from-europe-cost-the-british-taxpayer-3m-a-day-last/ https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/oct/22/temporary-migrants-nhs-cost-study
  4. The private sector are seething about Brexit.
  5. Because we've been overloaded with Baristas and waiters signing on in two countries/tax credits/ and working in 3, living 5 to a house and banging our women... French don't even have to sign on they do it by phone. We're spending 900 million a year on free healthcare for whops and dagos and only getting 300m back. UK nurses a lot of em go into private healthcare once they've taken advantage of the best training in the world according to my cousin who's a matron or summink. Berlin is awash with Greeks who've only done media studies.
  6. We are in a strong position with reg to trade as the key EU members are heavily invested in exporting to us ie Germany with cars and white goods and France with food etc...But the 'free movement' thing is part of a greater plan and they can't give it up easily because their task masters are hell bent on a common European identity/labour force. The battle is far bigger than most of the politicians are even aware of. The goal is to erase national identities and national sovereignty somewhere down the line. This impinges mainly on France and us...Two countries with long histories of 'doing their own thing'. It isn't such a big deal with make weight countries like Holland and Belgium or 'young democracies' like Germany. Yet even in Germany the right are making gains and questions are being asked reg how long German finance can back up the ECB. We are approaching a massive historical moment not only for Europe but the whole world. The much vaunted and schemed for 5 trading blocks is on the line and it was Essex that done it.
  7. I think we'll get control back on a number of things but the rhetoric/signals from Germany and France is hinting at a strong stance on 'free movement' for 'free access'. Think we'll have to compromise. One of the ideas is to take the 7 year break that Blair skipped ie against the A7.
  8. It's almost like even the loony wing of the Tory party is under control from Ian Flemings castle in Switzerland.
  9. Made a career out of one good season at Bolton a million years ago.
  10. Thought he was an arch taskmaster and all that...
  11. As I was saying... AfD, by contrast, continued a remarkable streak of electoral victories at regional level. Three years after being founded on an anti-euro ticket in 2013, it is now represented in nine state parliaments. Its co-leader, Frauke Petry, described Sunday’s result as a blow to Angela Merkel. “Now it is our responsibility to make politics for the people. The people no longer trust the old establishment parties to do so,” Petry said." https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/04/mecklenburg-vorpommern-german-anti-immigrant-party-strong-regional-election-exit-polls-merkel The new right in Germany... 'But any attempts she makes to dismiss the far-right labels might seem hollow after the party’s recent announcement of a European alliance with the FPÖ. “True, our meeting with the FPÖ could be seen as moving the party to the right, but on the other hand the FPÖ is something you just cannot ignore from a German point of view because it’s so near in terms of language and political structure – it would be stupid not to talk to each other. We found similar characteristics with other parties, whether the Danish People’s party, the Swiss People’s party, the Sweden Democrats, the True Finns, also the Front National,” she says.
  12. I've had a few old mini's. Never go wrong and easy to fix. Rust issues and water getting in here and there are BAU.
  13. We're entering a new phase. Career politicians v nutters. Nutters won in the UK and are coming up on the rails in France, Italy (five star movement) and of course the U.S.
  14. Mario Monte. Is this the same Goldman Sachs, Coca Cola, ECB, Bilderberg - apparatchik who has a disdain for national sovereignty?
  15. Park Life


    I serve it with naan bread or roti?
  16. Bond and Bourne are another kettle of fish innit. Both are psychologically emasculated - Bond is adopted and has a lingering father complex (shares his dad with a villain) and Bourne carries obvious psychological trauma. Their brutish violent acting out of inner demons renders them incomplete as real men but knee jerk victims of their own inner turmoil. Both are unfinished articles....When Bond is confronted about his life he replies 'I don't really think about it'. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/jun/11/why-fiction-needs-more-female-spies
  17. Our masters noticed half the population wasn't paying tax. That's it. What followed was a massive media barrage starting in the 70's and 80's to reconfigure their identity and make them want things (it started in magazines). Women were resistant to capitalism (penny pinching housewife) whereas men were easily fooled by shiny things and horsepower. Women were remade and the family ideals of the 50's chucked out the window. The current media obsession with sexual identity is the follow up (LGBT) as the strong male is now to be done away with as well. He is simply old fashioned don't cha know... Stalin said it took 50-70 years to change society, Bernaise did it in 20...The classic getting women to smoke is still taught on media courses. The new Luke who knows more about the Millennium Falcon than even Hans Solo. It's an androgynous de-sexualised pixie figure.
  18. Word is 50% of the film has gone into re-shoots and Tony Gilroy (Bourne films) is helming it... Gilroy had already replaced Edwards in the editing room but Disney are so freaked they've asked him to do loads more. Rogue One is in deep trouble.
  19. The new one is absolute poop. Disney are proper going to drag this franchise into the gutter and that's without the moonlight. More 'Mary Sue' bullshit... I vaguely know Gareth Edwards and I had a little belief in him after his excellent 'Monsters' which he rendered the special effects for in his bedroom...But he's been sucked into a world of Disney shit.
  20. Call up again with another complaint..
  21. You love all this camping shit innit....
  22. It's poorly shot, badly edited and abysmally written. The actors could barely deliver the lines without bursting out laughing...
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