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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. I hardly touched it Guv!
  2. Might I suggest that your opinions would arguably have more cachet if you had the nerve to state what you did for a living. He works for big oil.
  3. Spot on bro. We have healthcare insurance but pay a pittance for Kindergarten. So Parkyesque Jnr can afford ballet and piano muckabouts. For the record the welfare/freeish healthcare state was a bold move and should be preserved at all costs.
  4. ...not sure how red eyes dripping acid will go down either..
  5. I don'y mind coldness to a degree - I've said before I'm torn between a very left wing view of things (due mainly to my Mam) which I'm proud of which sits beside a very cold view which involves execution for minor crimes and as I argued at my last works xmas party a view that a nuclear war/bird flu which wiped out the USA/Chiana and India would be for the "good" of mankind in terms of population and climate change. On Africa I remember being torn when the Ethiopian famine was happening - wanting to help but at the same time thinking "that's nature - if the environment doesn't support you then take the hint and move" - impractical of course but nonetheless "right" (though horrible). I get drunk at parties and talk shit but I don't really believe in it.
  6. I know - my other ideas about completely abolishing private healthcare and education would suffer from the same drawback - as well as people going abroad for them - thats why I'd need a world order to be able to do it. The thing is I can see combined global action being needed within a couple of hundred years (if climate change happens) so population control could follow - if its not too late. Are there really too many people on the planet tho? Probably - a lot of studies seem to think so - I think the projected 10bn would be too many - I would feel a lot "happier" about mankind's future if it dropped a bit. Of course advances in food production could mean its easily feasible but that assumes said advances were passed on to the poor. generally they are the Green Revolution of the 60's and 70's saw almost all of Asia come out of mass starvation - it used to be common in China India and Indonesia but these days it almost gone except in exceptional circumstances Africa is still a serious problem but a lot of that is due to constant warfare Yeah but the Green Revolution (much like globalisation) is a one time thing, yields don't go up indefinitely (even with all the technology possible), and agricultural land is finite. We probably have too many people on the planet now (at 6 billion) for everyone to have a Western type lifestyle, at 9 billion by 2050 there's going to be a LOT of new (and old) problems to deal with. Breeding rates that are designed (in evolutionary terms) for MASSIVE child mortality quickly cause all sorts of problems (just look at the maths involved never mind anything else) as soon as that mortality is in anyway reduced. If we were any other species disease and starvation would have put us on the bust part of the population cycle by now, but we've managed to stave it off with technology to a certain degree....... although I suspect we're just allowing bigger problems to build for the future rather than actually solving anything at all. They really have tried everything almost to kill off Africa. True, but when the entire African population are dropping sprogs still at pretty much the maximum human rate, it's near impossible for anything but a nuclear war even slow down the growth. In a strange way medical aid has done as much harm to Africa as anything else, it's a pretty cold way to look at it, but when you "save" a child, you've then got to support them through their life and then all their progeny too (a task with becomes pretty much exponentially more difficult with each generation), or you're actually "saving" nothing. Even if you look at the West you don't have to go that far back to find massive child (and even adult) mortality, it's an incredibly difficult task get an ever growing population through that to a more sustainable level. Again in a really cold (but still true) way, it would have better to introduce health measures at the same rate as infrastructure and technology increase..... of course war, corruption and wealth stripping makes that even more impossible to actually do (and even when it is more successful it doesn't take much to destroy it all again, just look at Zimbabwe). Which really goes back the UK underclass issue, whilst their population maybe isn't expanding at quite the same rate, incentives that actually effectively encourage population growth (rather than personal growth), and do little to actually change the lives of the people from generation to generation are probably at best just putting off issues for the future. Africa is the most underpopulated continent on earth. As you say sustainability is the modern dilemma...Maybe mother nature has some tricks up her sleeve for us?
  7. They are slavering at the mouth of wrapping this onto some kind of id card initiative I bet.
  8. I know - my other ideas about completely abolishing private healthcare and education would suffer from the same drawback - as well as people going abroad for them - thats why I'd need a world order to be able to do it. The thing is I can see combined global action being needed within a couple of hundred years (if climate change happens) so population control could follow - if its not too late. Are there really too many people on the planet tho? Probably - a lot of studies seem to think so - I think the projected 10bn would be too many - I would feel a lot "happier" about mankind's future if it dropped a bit. Of course advances in food production could mean its easily feasible but that assumes said advances were passed on to the poor. generally they are the Green Revolution of the 60's and 70's saw almost all of Asia come out of mass starvation - it used to be common in China India and Indonesia but these days it almost gone except in exceptional circumstances Africa is still a serious problem but a lot of that is due to constant warfare Yeah but the Green Revolution (much like globalisation) is a one time thing, yields don't go up indefinitely (even with all the technology possible), and agricultural land is finite. We probably have too many people on the planet now (at 6 billion) for everyone to have a Western type lifestyle, at 9 billion by 2050 there's going to be a LOT of new (and old) problems to deal with. Breeding rates that are designed (in evolutionary terms) for MASSIVE child mortality quickly cause all sorts of problems (just look at the maths involved never mind anything else) as soon as that mortality is in anyway reduced. If we were any other species disease and starvation would have put us on the bust part of the population cycle by now, but we've managed to stave it off with technology to a certain degree....... although I suspect we're just allowing bigger problems to build for the future rather than actually solving anything at all. They really have tried everything almost to kill off Africa.
  9. I anticipate carbon footprint stickers on pints before long.
  10. It's true like. There's a certain irony to this and all the non-smokers who thought the persecution of smokers (a strong way of phrasing it, perhaps but anyway) was dead funny and have had no problem with the way they have been marginalised etc. That'll learn em. The WHO is a total joke.....Sure some drugs company is cooking up a vaccine for it as we speak.
  11. Thats what iv been saying all along I know, try telling Parky that though Don't get me mixed up in this shit.
  12. Shocking. The image that came straight to my mind was Winston Smith sat in his little room doing fuck all.....as I'm sure those in charge would prefer. I'm sure J69 will be over the moon. Anyone else? Slowly the anti-smoking hysterics start to see the bigger picture. Yes they are coming for YOU!!!
  13. What's your game? I think he wanted to know how someone could be impressed with someone who had done fuck all. Yeah, but how does he know Wise has done fuck all?? Needless rocking of the boat imo.
  14. Been setting up a new company. They want the eye colour of all the directors. How the fuck will this make any difference to anything? Hardly a genetic marker is it?
  15. You don't think Rob actually reads the threads do you? still don't know who the Legal Eagle is on here............... manc mag.
  16. Most of my stuff ends up in the loft. that's what my mate had - a bloody big box after an hour the VAt man said "Mr Smith - we are paid to collect VAT not to be your accountant and filing clerk - we will return in 2 weeks and if it is not sorted............" How rude.
  17. Most of my stuff ends up in the loft. And you live in a flat. At me mums.
  18. I know - my other ideas about completely abolishing private healthcare and education would suffer from the same drawback - as well as people going abroad for them - thats why I'd need a world order to be able to do it. The thing is I can see combined global action being needed within a couple of hundred years (if climate change happens) so population control could follow - if its not too late. Are there really too many people on the planet tho?
  19. Most of my stuff ends up in the loft.
  20. Park Life


    Recently switched back to olive oil spread. I'm wondering if there is really any point in these minor dietary corrections?
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