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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. http://knowledgenuts.com/2015/07/08/the-cia-spies-behind-disney-worlds-secretive-fake-cities/
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyle_Katarn
  3. This is a classic turn around result after a big win. Their minds just weren't right. Won't make any difference in the long run as I thing we have enough to win this league.
  4. I know what you're sayin cause he's good at mood and he's good at sudden bursts of archaic violence, just the ending seemed a bit forced. Loved the imagery mind.
  5. The first time I was bullied I couldn't sleep, so I got up at 5 and went round his house and waited for him to lumber out half asleep and broke my hockey stick over his head. Good days.
  6. I can't imagine you being bullied MF.
  7. Burn the whole fukin school down and then napalm the vicinity so bad that the U.N. start sending aid convoys.
  8. Your son has to fight back. Otherwise this whole thing will go round and round in circles. I took my daughter to self-defence early days.
  9. Didn't realise Trump was against TTIP.
  10. Asthma drugs would be a help in cycling it would depend how often they were allowed it and how much. Obviously a few puffs before a race would open up the lungs and also aggression as a by product and less fatigue. I personally believe all the top teams are doping in tiny amounts here and there, just under the radar...There is so much money and sponsorship in the sport now. There are also probably yet undiscovered invisible performance enhancers that have yet to come to light and will in a few years.
  11. Once everything is in the cloud this discussion will be academic. They will phase out all personal storage options.
  12. If they release the Israel archive the Peruvian Ecuadorian embassy will be blown up. Mossad don't fuck about.
  13. I've discussed this ad naseum with others and there is a commitment to as much transparency as possible....Because once the redacting starts where does it end? Who is going to get left in and who out? It's a nuance but it's also a slippery slope. Once they start filtering (they do some already) the material becomes tainted and filtering adds an unwanted dimension to their quasi-impartiality with regard to their 'service'. They have a lot of stuff on Israel which they haven't released that is a greater worry.
  14. I'm talking about Wikileaks in rounded terms with reg to their impact on the actions of scum who try and stay in the dark. I have no idea why you're having a pop at good people who take massive risks to expose corruption and state sponsored killing.
  15. It's not on the same level as blowing up women and children in wedding parties eh?
  16. Yeah that's what happens in the now hundreds of drone strikes by the people Wikileaks has been exposing. I never understand this thing where one side has almost no rules and the other side has to tiptoe through the tulips.
  17. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-07-31/whistleblowers-stunning-claim-nsa-has-all-hillarys-deleted-emails-it-may-be-leak The war against privacy.... To trick targets into visiting a FoxAcid server, the NSA relies on its secret partnerships with US telecoms companies. As part of the Turmoil system, the NSA places secret servers, codenamed Quantum, at key places on the Internet backbone. This placement ensures that they can react faster than other websites can. By exploiting that speed difference, these servers can impersonate a visited website to the target before the legitimate website can respond, thereby tricking the target's browser to visit a Foxacid server." https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2013/10/how_the_nsa_att.html If you've ever visited the Wikileaks site... https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2014/02/19/wiki-f19.html The government of the UK has played a major role in the targeting of the web site. The leaked documents contained information about a GCHQ program called ANTICRISIS GIRL. The program is revealed in a Power Point slide prepared by the British spy agency for the 2012 SIGDEV Conference, an annual symposium held by the surveillance bureaucracies of the major powers. Under ANTICRISIS GIRL, GCHQ has been collecting IP addresses of individual computers that visit the WikiLeaks site, allowing them to identify and surveil individuals who access WikiLeaks." Every single thing you fukin do on the internet is logged. EVERYTHING.
  18. There are no conspiracies remember.
  19. You'll note Sanders didn't speak at AIPAC. In America if you don't speak at AIPAC and you're running for office you're basically toast. http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/06/03/hard-times-ahead-for-the-israel-lobby-thank-sanders-and-trump/ http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.710219 Mr Sanders delivered his remarks to an audience in Utah. It was a balanced statement that began with the pledge: “If elected president, I will work tirelessly to advance the cause of peace as a partner and as a friend of Israel. But to be successful, we have also got to be a friend not only to Israel but to the Palestinian people." He went on to say that “Palestinians can’t be ignored. You can’t have good policy ... if you ignore one side". Mr Sanders called for ending the “occupation of Palestinian territory", and criticised Israel’s exploitation of Palestinian water resources, expropriation of Palestinian land, settlements and use of disproportionate violence. He decried the blockade of Gaza, its high unemployment rate, and the lack of progress in reconstruction."
  20. Putin knows it doesn't matter who gets in. It'll be Ukraine, Iran, Syria back on the table with the Guardian fully behind further war as they were for Libya. It's why the EU is pushing for an EU army, it's why now Ipiss have lost the media are obsessing about aid and safe corridors (not while Ipiss were winning). Destroy a country that has no debt (Iraq, Syria, Libya) ...I mean level the infrastructure and then send in the IMF with loans and take their central bank/resources hostage.
  21. The U.S. surveillance budget is bigger than the whole planet combined. Former NSA contractor Edward Snowden has leaked documents that map out a $52.6 billion budget for the NSA, CIA, and other security agencies in unprecedented detail. The Washington Post, which reviewed the documents, describes a detailed list of objectives, failures, technologies, recruiting, and other information; the apparently 178-page summary itself has not been published. An interactive chart of some of the data, however, accompanies the piece." Think for a minute that half this country is on food stamps.
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