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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. We won't be happy till we've got something on him, that my friends is the bottom line.
  2. The Russians have real problems and I can see why they drink. Most people who drink a lot do it for a reason. That wasn't really the crux of my post, however. Grass and Beer have different psychological dependance models. [Chez/]
  3. Desperate attempt to genetically infuse pace back into his game using horseslime in the Arshavin.
  4. Ah dinnae ken. No link as yet. Presumably something minor he's been carrying though. Hurt his wrist polishing his helicopter apparently.
  5. The Russians have real problems and I can see why they drink.
  6. "The number of people admitted to hospital because of their drinking has doubled in just over a decade to reach more than 200,000, new figures show. Treatment for alcoholism has also increased The figure includes 8,500 under 18s who ended up in hospital because they were drunk, injured themselves through drink or developed a secondary condition because of alcohol, according to data from the National Health Service. In just over a decade the number of children admitted to hospital through drink rose by more than half. Fewer children are drinking alcohol but those who did are consuming more than ever before." The data from the NHS Information Centre revealed cases of alcoholic liver disease have trebled in 12 years to reach 43,548 in 2006/7 and experts warn the disease will increase further. Alison Rogers, chief executive of the British Liver Trust, said: “Measures taken to curb this worrying trend just aren’t working so far. “This is set to hit England hard over the following years because liver disease can take up to 10 years to develop.” In total 207,800 people were admitted to wards because of their drinking, either they were drunk, had liver cirrhosis or a secondary disorder such as heart disease brought on by heavy drinking. They may also have been injured or assaulted while drunk. Mental health disorders due to drinking doubled to 68,005 and cases of alcohol overdose also doubled to more than 27,000 cases. Treatment for alcoholism has also increased with GPs prescribing 20 per cent more drugs for dependency than four years ago." The British disease?
  7. Park Life

    Kid Rock

    ....and power mad?
  8. Half way through my Cosa Nostra book. Turns out they were pretty brutal back in the day in Sicily.
  9. Disgrace. Players who are proven to make racist comments should be banned from playing for England imo.
  10. That "Cocaine Cowboys" is a hoot.
  11. Spray a think mist of pcp over them as you're hovering. Have some of that fuckheads.....Let's see you find you're way back home now!! Wouldn't that make them more unpredictable/aggressive??? They'd be tripping and lose all sense of time.
  12. Yes. Also he told that def to sit down and waste time instead of walking off. (Carvalho iirc).
  13. Park Life

    Kid Rock

    "I'm a CowBOYEEEEEEEE" Looks a bit gay. Quite catchy though. In a 1995 kind of way.
  14. Park Life

    Kid Rock

    What is he some sort of redneck?
  15. Spray a think mist of pcp over them as you're hovering. Have some of that fuckheads.....Let's see you find you're way back home now!!
  16. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/foo...icle3980899.ece Fucking hell, Matt Dickinson wants to have a word. It seems every Avram article over the last 6 months seems to mention the holocaust. Calm down Adolph.
  17. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/foo...icle3980899.ece Fucking hell, Matt Dickinson wants to have a word. It seems every Avram article over the last 6 months seems to mention the holocaust.
  18. Park Life


    Go to Tolouse or Corsica. End of transmission.
  19. Park Life


    No idea how well it works, or even how it works, but have read some good reviews: http://www.earwormslearning.com/intro.html La mia valiga.
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