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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Renton couldn't care less about the people who's lives have been degraded and impacted by illegal surveillance. He deserves to be on a watch list for his holier than thou - leisure-fair approach to this important topic. War on Renton! *Nice bit of auto-correct there.
  2. It's so far beyond what we're discussing here. What we're having is a genuine debate about things that are already two decades out of date. If they target you they can predict what you think, what you are likely to do in any situation and the same for everyone you know or have ever had contact with. For instance they farm data on say 100,000 individuals their computers have modeled who might be high risk, then they put out a fake news story or some social media claptrap and they monitor and calibrate the reaction and interaction of those individuals to the bait. They're working on 'halo' where every person in the street will be colour coded and tracked with regard to their risk assessment based on experiments on the one above. The intelligence services seed I'd say 90% of tech startups. No Parky it's some geezer who started in a garage!!11
  3. Just checked her speech and it was a bit scary.
  4. Well I think they know that if we think we are being watched it modifies our behavior. We are the most studied thing on the planet. It might seem ridiculous to us but this thread will be recorded because of some of the words used. How does that feel? Power has one goal to develop more power. There was a time on this board not so long ago that people wouldn't even admit their phone and laptops might be targeted. Now the tune has changed to....Well so what?
  5. Enough whistle blowers have said that the intelligence services have full spectrum surveillance running for this to even be a debate. Mass surveillance is used to gain advantages in all areas inc business, military, finance, intellectual property and keep an eye on everyone. They spend billions on it it's a matter of record. It's not exotic anymore its a banal fact of everyday life now. The Merkel thing caused a big stir here and then it came out that the whole UN was bugged and diplomats were helping by getting mobile phone numbers and so on.... It's just routine now and frankly it was something that might have been interesting to discuss 10 years ago but not now.
  6. Yup. It's also cover to steal a lot of intellectual property, insider info on the stock market and get a business advantage on behalf of multinationals, especially American ones.
  7. Coming into TT is like Alice in Wonderland stuff for me.
  8. 1973: Martin Cooper (1928–) of Motorola made the first cellphone call using his 28-lb prototype DynaTAC phone.
  9. Are you seriously saying mobile phones is new technology? You'll be saying cars are next. They are at least 60 years old. Probably 70.
  10. People get defensive when every little plastic thing they love is acutally bollocks.
  11. Mobile phones are ancient technology. End of.
  12. They had phones that didn't rely on brain frying masts every couple of miles.
  13. They had computers in the 30's man. People were writing papers on the post industrial era in the 20's.....
  14. No all that shit was added later for muppets.
  15. R&D? Mobile phones are 60's technology. The new iphone 17
  16. But say you do something one day ie civil liberties or some kind of whistle blowing......??
  17. They won't accept anything in here till their front door is kicked down and a hood is put over them.
  18. I was there a couple of weeks ago. Christ what a shit hole! Looks like Camden/Soho circa 1992.
  19. It just amazes me how much restraint they show as all digital data/images can basically be seamlessly altered.
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