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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Less air travel will be better for global warming innit.
  2. Agree with all of that. But we're nowhere near that yet.
  3. You always start hurling insults when you've been crushed. I might start to go after you a bit more.
  4. I agree as I did earlier that it will affect our energy needs at some point if the rot continues but we don't have the manufacturing base (as you say) that relies on cheap oil related derivatives.
  5. I've ans all your points especially the gigantic oil straw man rubbish.
  6. Try and differentiate between energy needs, manufacturing needs and basic consumer spending for one. For me energy needs could become an issue but the pound would have to fall a lot further for that.
  7. I don't like doing CT's job for him btw. As I said earlier there are much bigger issues down the line.
  8. The word you're looking for is consumer.
  9. The UK is not alone in this strategy - all 28 EU countries imported more energy than they exported in 2014 with the UK coming in as the 12th most dependent on foreign sources of energy. The ONS says that in 2014 the UK’s import dependency was below the EU average and it was the least dependent on foreign sources of energy out of the top five EU countries by energy use: Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the UK."
  10. So stop coming in here like a load of old Bremoaners every time the pound wobbles. There is going to be far bigger problems down the road than a weaker pound.
  11. World oil price pegs aren't set in relation to the strength of the pound last time I looked and our economy doesn't run on oil. AND crude prices are at an all time low aren't they? AND we don't have the manufacturing base that looks for loads of OIL related products...
  12. It will hurt their exports (we have a deficit so that is good for us). Our goods are cheaper to export (so that is good for us).
  13. If imports slow down who will it hurt??
  14. You lot are carrying on like currency traders in here. We don't buy or need anything significant from America and the stronger the euro gets the worse it is for European exports. FTSE is strong and the bond and gilt markers are firm. BOE isn't having to buy tons of UK bonds like the ECB is buying up Euro denominated paper. "The idea that the BoE might start buying sterling corporate bonds again is now being discussed, especially as the ECB is buying euro denominated bonds at a fierce pace as part of its QE programme. On the face of it though, credit spreads are trading near their historical average rather than near Great Depression levels as in 2009, and in the banking market both the availability of credit and the spread costs to large companies – those that could borrow in corporate bond markets – are benign, if not “easy”. So why would the BoE want to start buying sterling again" ?
  15. Russians delivered S300 to Iran 2 years ago (so I suspect the Syrians have some) and have warned the Americans not to attack Syrian forces in theatre anymore which the Americans have done twice now. Russia simply cannot back off in Syria or Ukraine. It's going to take a massive error or judgement on the part of the Americans for this to go hot however. ISIS is losing all over the place and the Americans/Gulf States/israel are pissed.
  16. BBC really bashing UKip tonight first piss taking on Newsnight and then a good pasting on QT. It's too late you dopey fucks! Probably someone has pointed out how many times UKIP were on QT in the months leading up to the vote.
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