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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Nearly every post in every player transfer thread on N.O. is like this now. Takes some of the fun out of it really.
  2. What did KK say on the matter himself on the telly?
  3. Funny thing is he's probably better than Enrique.
  4. Whatever happens he's going to win, they might as well get used to it.
  5. ...and they're everywhere.
  6. Only been half a year Sh*la. Doing a great job showing the world his brain is in tip top condition. We must be paying him too much.
  7. A few mins later: KABAAAAAAAMMM!!!
  8. Basically we've shown interest in him, but they're quite keen to keep him.
  9. ...and am still banned, 13 months of forum incarceration. did you try you know what? I did try that lads user name and password, but they've even blocked the proxy hiders now. Fuck them. Yorkshire cunts. Who are they?
  10. Makes the hairs on yer neck stand up. Hope he recovers and gives another couple of years.
  11. 4x4 are banned in Paris I heard. Heard a funny story about 4x4s in Paris...a group of enviromentalists went around at night letting down tyres of the petrol guzzling child killers, and not surprisingly their owners got a bit miffed. They went to the police, reporting it as vanadalism, but as the cars weren't being damaged then no actual crime was being comitted so they wouldn't do anything. Lovely.
  12. Drive to countryside watch the Mrs put up tent, get in tent, drink beer fall asleep.
  13. I think far more than 10% of them know it, they just can't be bothered. I'm one of them. Same here. Worried about hassle. Aye I know what you mean, but you can download and burn a liveCD and mess around without having to install anything at all, which is a good way to test the water (although if you're on Mac hardware maybe not, it's possible but probably more hassle than it's worth). Won't help the fight against malaria much though. Could try it on the laptop. So just boot from disk you say?
  14. I think far more than 10% of them know it, they just can't be bothered. I'm one of them. Aye there's that too. Although short of gaming and some soundcards it's not that hard now, about as easy as installing windows XP anyway (baring wireless in some cases). Which is sad as the world would greatly benefit from some genuine for MS to push things along. I've started using the alternative free version of Word recently. But some things don't recognise the docs.
  15. 4x4 are banned in Paris I heard.
  16. I think far more than 10% of them know it, they just can't be bothered. I'm one of them. Same here. Worried about hassle.
  17. Anyone with any sense shouldn't care less about Gates wealth in an absolute sense, but should realise that he's made it in ways that have directly held back technology as much as (if not more than) he's pushed it forward. The examples are numerous, but the most obvious is IE, which didn't have anything but the odd vital security update for over 3 years (despite all the issues with IE at that time) until Mozilla and such rallied and really started to retake some market share (and the stuff MS and Intel for that matter have done regarding 3rd world access to technology is nothing short of shameful - at no time have they treated it like a charity/aid exercise, but simply as a new market and have made decision after decision to that effect that had pushed back and restricted technology deployment again and again - much like recording companies without realising that their long term profits would have been better anyway had they openly embraced a new world). Hopefully we'll see more examples with things like OOo and the success of Eee PCs not running windows or only running XP (as Vista is far too fat and bloaty for them). The truly strange thing though is that 90% of the users of say this forum will be able to do everything they do on their PC without using any MS products and likely without having to pay for any software and yet they don't know it and perhaps never will. That's not geek that's just not plain ignorant. As for Gates and his one on one fight to the death with malaria......... Aye it's bollocks.
  18. He's recovering from injury and he's probably on a multitude of theraputic drugs for his knee. Shame on you lot.
  19. He is rich, fat and lazy. Dunno if anything will bring back what he was. Once the rich fattiness takes over err...It takes over.
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