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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. This is the guy the Republicans were most worried about early doors and it was part of Trumps MO to sideline him, but of course it has ballooned from there to the car crash it is now. Jeb Bush was meant to pick up the baton but he fell asleep. "We are tired of funding nations run by people who hate us; We are tired of arming "rebels" who wind up being more extreme than the people we wanted overthrown, and then get attacked with our own weapons." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7rntFsL1mE
  2. She is a consummate warmonger and Wall Street apologist. She even tried to talk Obama into invading Syria which would have started WW3. Mr Bash describes a foreign policy more hawkish than that of the current administration. He said there were a "lot of clues" to how Mrs Clinton will behave as commander-in-chief from her time as secretary of state. During that time she championed the intervention in Libya and advocated the arming of Syrian rebels against the regime." http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/07/29/hillary-clinton-will-reset-syria-policy-against-murderous-assad/ https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/18328 Hillary Clinton is a hawk and warmonger. People often point to her vote in 2002 for going to war in Iraq and her enthusiasm for it. After all, it was during her husband’s presidency that toppling the regime of Saddam Hussein became the official policy of the United States. But, her track record of starting and supporting wars, and siding with despots is much deeper than Iraq. She supported the coup in Honduras in 2009 and in Ukraine in 2014; was the leading advocate of the U.S. and NATO intervention in Libya that turned that economically advanced nation into a hub for all types of terrorist groups; laughed shamelessly at the news of Muammar Ghaddafi’s murder; supported extra-judicial assassinations by drones; backed escalation of the war in Afghanistan ordered by President Obama, and has taken an extremely hawkish stance toward Russia. And as Secretary of State she supported massive sale of advanced US weapons to Saudi Arabia and its allies in the Persian Gulf area, all reactionary dictatorships, the same weapons that are being used to attack Yemen."
  3. It was acid man...Made for the Third Reich by Jewish slaves in death camps and sold by Bayer to Hilary Clinton's grandad who was in the KKK while masquerading as a garment salesman.
  4. He's saving her 'girlfriend' for the third debate.
  5. Hilary really went after those women that's all on record. This is a woman who destroyed 14 of her mobile phones and poured acid on her hard drives when under investigation. Neither of them are fit to be President.
  6. She is in Goldman Sachs pocket...Weirdly this will never hit home with the average American and Trump has tried to highlight this with the campaign funds stuff but it hasn't really stuck.
  7. "Bill Clinton raped me and Hilary Clinton threatened me". Sound quality is poor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9ia972pJP8
  8. Bringing those women Clinton abused was a masterstroke. There was a silence when he announced it.
  9. Lucky for him most Americans don't really understand what he's saying...Neither does he probably.
  10. I'm still shocked he's got this far.
  11. No doubt it will all be out the widow if he wins. He hasn't done enough with regard to the black vote, just banging on about inner cities isn't enough. It's a very soft area because Obama has done nothing for blacks.
  12. It was worse than that...He was talking special prosecutor.
  13. It's weird Trump coming across as the anti-globalist candidate. Anti NAFTA against TTIP. De-escalating foreign wars etc...
  14. Guardian comments: OMG! Have the British only now discovered how most countries in Europe work? Yes, pretty much all countries have ID cards and require registration. Yes, many countries have restrictions who can buy property. Yes, most countries do not pay benefits or welfare to EU-migrants because their systems are insurance based, not tax-based. And no country in the Eu has a free health-system. It is only Britain that lets everyone in, allows everyone to vanish unregistered, pays everyone benefits and welfare money and gives everyone free treatment! Up to 3 months is the EU rule! Not forever! Nobody who has not worked and paid into social & health insurances in Germany, France, Holland, Sweden, Austria etc. can get any money there. Welfare money, if in a desperate need. But only as much as necessary to go home again. The British system is simply total anarchy. Nobody knows who is doing what in the UK or where people are. This has however also been pointed out before the referendum. Nobody really understood Camerons demands. Why don't they just do their homework? Within the existing treaties UK lawmakers could have for years already gotten a much better grip on the influx of and especially the payments to people. Of course it requires and ID. And of course it requires much more staff to monitor people and make sure everyone sticks to the rules. And be strict about saying "No". Within the EU treaties it is totally possible to expell other EU citizens from a country if it is suspected they just are there to get benefits. And when people work illegally and undermine national minimum wages, well those few-hundred staff in Britain, checking that, is ridiculous. Germany has 7000 policemen doing nothing but checking businesses, workers and contracts and payments to ensure no foul-play. If Britain only was a functioning country, with a functioning administration and border-police and police staffed somewhere near average northern European countries, and not just some cut down and privatised Micky Mouse admin and police force, it would have far more control over its countries. And that Britain sells all its property to Russians and Arabs is their choice. Other countries don't. Restricted by national law. The British government does not make any national laws. Because it does not want to. It could however anytime shop around and use Danish, German, French, or Liechtenstein laws as model which are all doable in the EU. But the British government wants to sell the countries to the highest bidder, it seems. And it wants explicitly people moonlighting and undermining them silly minimum & living wages, otherwise it would just put enough staff there, checking up on businesses and see nobody works for less. And fine them. Yes, you read right! Elsewhere companies pay fines of up to 25.000 Euros for each worker they hire and who they not pay the minimum wage. In Britain? Micky Mouse police can do nothing and Britain thus has become and anarchy and an unregulated capitalists wet dream and an honest workers nightmare. And neither the EU nor foreigners are at fault. That was done - or purposefully NOT done, left completely unregulated, by the rich companies servants a.k.a. British government. Well, the British will that out soon after Brexit, when nothing actually gets better and people realise: hmm, it was obviously not Brussels that prevented our government from doing nothing. It was them crooks in Whitehall themselves.
  15. It's going to be a lot closer than that. His vote will come out - all of them. Florida is going to be very close. Anyone but Trump and Hilary would be losing this. Also Trump will go to the river in the second debate and try and drown her. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/09/19/upshot/florida-poll-clinton-trump.html?_r=0 http://www.businessinsider.de/can-donald-trump-win-path-2016-10?r=US&IR=T
  16. From Gurardian comments: There is so much rubbish being spouted about all this. Under WTO rules, an organisation that all concerned are both jointly and severally members, There are only two possible outcomes of Brexit. 1) We can stay in the EU Customs Union either through re-joining EFTA (which we started) or by bilateral negotiation. This involves accepting the free movement of people. 2)Adopt WTO Most Favoured Nation status. Under WTO rules a WTO member is not allowed to offer worse terms to another WTO member than the best terms it offers it's "Most Favoured Nation" trading partner. The EU currently has 27 Free Trade Agreement's in operation. The South African/ EU TDCA establishes a free trade area without a Customs Union or free movement of people and is broadly in line with the much touted, but still to be ratified, Canadian agreement. The EU cannot do otherswise but offer us a trade deal on these terms The plan to offer the UK a "special deal", either good or bad, is not an option open to the EU, as a member of the WTO. The deal it offers the UK must be the deal it will offer any member of the WTO. (Unless the EU is planning to leave the WTO) Every other option is just political hot air"... I don't know how solid this is...But hadn't really looked into the WTO stuff as I never imagined we'd be mad enough for hard Brexit.
  17. Yeah but it will be all forgotten in a couple of weeks cause his campaign will start another fire on something else. It's not as if he can't go after Hilary for putting up with her husbands serial womanising. This isn't as fertile a territory as it appears. The whole strategy is about sending a message to the establishment and that won't be shaken by this.
  18. The average Joe just loves all that shit. The more scandals the bigger chance he'll win.
  19. Ukip MEP, Nathan Gill, put it: “Steven is sick of croissants and ready for a full English.” I like how even this comment smacks of resentment at foreigners (they’re still technically foreigners, even though it’s their own country, aren’t they?). A dim view appears to have been taken of the hospital, which had not only the temerity to treat Woolfe without charge, but then to offer him a continental breakfast."
  20. Is there anything Renton won't get hysterical about? Once he comes out from under that desk... *Sips Chai latte.
  21. All sorts of piddly little European countries have been taking the piss. They have no fucking idea about the depth of our resolve.
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