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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Especially the skin piercing ones thats not even funny.
  2. One of my dvd's would be: GONZO: The life and work of Hunter.S.Thompson. And one of my books would be 'Murphy' by S. Beckett.
  3. They've whacked a £20m price tag on him which has done for Everton it seems. and left the door open for Big Mike ASHLEY WOooooooo! come on! Who's with me! YEAH!
  4. I don't see anything wrong with having a sip of water with yer Mars bar if that is any comfort to you mate.
  5. They've whacked a £20m price tag on him which has done for Everton it seems.
  6. no german league? 1 Parky OT slightly but I know you stay in Nord Deutschland, see if the kraut and dutch leagues merged, how many dutch teams do you think would be in the top 10? At least four in any given season I reckon. About right I'd say. Both leagues have a lot of weak sides once you move out the top 5/6. The French league for me though is particularly poor save the top 2/3, now that PSG and O.M aren't what they used to be. The german league is getting back up to 90's strength now that there is a lot more money coming into it. If we take the Uefa values Lyon are around 10th iirc and then you're looking at 30+ for the next French side. Munchen, Werder Bremen and Schalke are all in the top 20.
  7. Parky's personal database goal valuation system PL Goals Value 1.3 Serie A 1.2 La Liga 1.1 erdivisie/ potugese league 1 French league 0.9
  8. Cisse's best ever goal tally in the Premier League is 7 in 33 games. So far Martins has 11 in 33, 9 in 31 and 1 goal in the one game he has played this season. Both the previous seasons were in terrible Newcastle teams. its unfair to judge cisse on his time at liverpool because of his leg break and he was used on the right wing alot of the time Often confusing teams with a darting runs from right to left as the swallow flies.
  9. I hardly think what Cisse did 5 years ago in a Tier 2 league really matters much imo. Even a Liv he was regularly subbed for running really fast sideways.
  10. This is pretty much it. However for them a reasonable signing who might get 5/6 goals. By no stretch of the imagination is he anywhere near the menace that is Martins now.
  11. This is pretty much it. However for them a reasonable signing who might get 5/6 goals. By no stretch of the imagination is he anywhere near the menace that is Martins now.
  12. I think you lot have made more of it to be fair, or your sports minister has. We're just enjoying doing well for a change. Probably but that's not quite what I meant, I meant I've never understood why GB doesn't kick Australia's arse at each games just going on population differences, so it's about time. I'm ambivilant about the whole Ashes rivalry, unless I'm giving grief to an english mate. Personally I'm not a fan of the Olympics (I spend all my energy and support on football) and I hate how Australia chucks so much money at it's team producing twats like Thorpie, etc. If they spent half as much on the arts we might find this country has a little more culture than "football (AFL/league), meat pies, kangaroos and holden cars", fuck me stevie is right! There's your answer. UK sports funding is diabolical (it's better currently with the lottery, and because of 2012, but still pretty bad, especially in general facilities). Also when you look at the UK population as a whole it gets even worse, something like 4 out of 5 UK women do no effective exercise after leaving school (and these days even in school there isn't the mandatory sports there once was - or often the sports fields as they've been sold off for housing). That is a problem within itself. Yes there is funding available but the majority of it will be thrown into 2012 and the 2014 Commomwealth Games in Glasgow rather than at grass roots and other levels, For 2014 we had to endure a huge campaign encouraging the whole country to get behind the bid when in reality it is going to result in a fair bit invested in Glasgow but shall be subsidised from other areas and those areas and the facilities etc will suffer... It's not about funding the country breeds losers. It's alright to lose and winners are treated with suspicion. Total cliched and baseless bollocks that. This games has shown funding in the right areas works. I suppose the Chinese were all losers before the massive funding increases which led to better training, facilities etc. Same goes for the reverse now with countries like Russia. And look at the massive positive reaction when people/teams are successful in England or other GB countries - it's euphoria rather than suspicion. It probably is bollocks. But my mate was saying that the sailing stuff is cause there are just so many sailing clubs (dinghy/laser) etc, combined with the fact half the planet aren't interested in it. The cyclist are good cause they compete on a sponsored circuit all year round anyway....And we've always had good swimmers... I take your point about Russia, as the state have backed off the money and organising just isn't there. The acid test is track and field where we are nowhere.
  13. Here's one for you niss... "Will global warming fuck up my playstation"? "My dissertation will take a discursive approach bringing into play all three versions of the Playstation series and attempt to link occasional glitches in game-play with sunspot activity and the general concerns regarding the mean temperature of the planet".
  14. I think you lot have made more of it to be fair, or your sports minister has. We're just enjoying doing well for a change. Probably but that's not quite what I meant, I meant I've never understood why GB doesn't kick Australia's arse at each games just going on population differences, so it's about time. I'm ambivilant about the whole Ashes rivalry, unless I'm giving grief to an english mate. Personally I'm not a fan of the Olympics (I spend all my energy and support on football) and I hate how Australia chucks so much money at it's team producing twats like Thorpie, etc. If they spent half as much on the arts we might find this country has a little more culture than "football (AFL/league), meat pies, kangaroos and holden cars", fuck me stevie is right! There's your answer. UK sports funding is diabolical (it's better currently with the lottery, and because of 2012, but still pretty bad, especially in general facilities). Also when you look at the UK population as a whole it gets even worse, something like 4 out of 5 UK women do no effective exercise after leaving school (and these days even in school there isn't the mandatory sports there once was - or often the sports fields as they've been sold off for housing). That is a problem within itself. Yes there is funding available but the majority of it will be thrown into 2012 and the 2014 Commomwealth Games in Glasgow rather than at grass roots and other levels, For 2014 we had to endure a huge campaign encouraging the whole country to get behind the bid when in reality it is going to result in a fair bit invested in Glasgow but shall be subsidised from other areas and those areas and the facilities etc will suffer... It's not about funding the country breeds losers. It's alright to lose and winners are treated with suspicion.
  15. Discipline by Paco Ahlgren. It is a very well written piece of fiction that incorporates economics, time travel, and quantum physics. Looks good.
  16. Prefers the easy games innit. Likes to keep an eye on his goals per game ratio.
  17. Looks like the bloke at the back has done his hamstring just looking at Fungshweola.
  18. What kind of fucked up dissertation is that? Do they really give degree's for writing mithering shit like this?
  19. Used to be my fav events, the middle distance stuff.
  20. Aye and he's shite too, never seen a so called class centre half dive in as much as him. My Chelsea mates don't like him. He proves my point I think, along with others. Beletti?? Belletti's not what you could call "le vie de la chiens" in my opinion. Dani Alves is a class player going forward but is he a briwwiant defender? No, I don't rate Belletti. I reckon it would be pretty easy to come up with a team of shit Brazilian defenders. This Breno of FM fame looked oridnary to me as did Neves or whatever his name is..My theory is that the Spanish bloodlines apparent in Arg has saved them from what I call the effete overkill most of the Brazilians posess. Would make more sense if it was the Italian bloodlines. Not that I think it makes sense. Only the intro of a 'darker' Sicilian bloodline could save Brazilian defenders.
  21. Aye and he's shite too, never seen a so called class centre half dive in as much as him. My Chelsea mates don't like him. He proves my point I think, along with others. Beletti?? Belletti's not what you could call "le vie de la chiens" in my opinion. Dani Alves is a class player going forward but is he a briwwiant defender? No, I don't rate Belletti. I reckon it would be pretty easy to come up with a team of shit Brazilian defenders. This Breno of FM fame looked oridnary to me as did Neves or whatever his name is..My theory is that the Spanish bloodlines apparent in Arg has saved them from what I call the effete overkill most of the Brazilians posess. I've noticed Parky that you are a firm believer in genetics influencing many things. I agree. In my last post I tried a Del Boy to see if I could get away with it and I did you must've thought "le vie de la chiens" was a saying. It might be in a cat and dog shelter like. I did have a little chuckle.
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