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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Am I the only one who doesn't believe this?? I think you are underestimating the specific nature of the cunt we are dealing with. See my edited post!!
  2. Am I the only one who doesn't believe this?? Nah, that's pure bull imo. He didn't miss the meeting to get pissed, he didn't go into the tent where he was invited by the delegation for dinner as believes the offer to be 'insulting'. Quite different.
  3. Am I the only one who doesn't believe this?? I think you are underestimating the specific nature of the cunt we are dealing with.
  4. Radio host: Are these men with burdens on their shoulders or are the jovial? Caller from Dubai: They look very jovial, drinking...Ashley broke into football song and then went to his knees as if he was praying...
  5. Wise was there and Lambrini and other shady looking hangers on. http://www.skirge.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/ashley.mp3
  6. Lot of sprained ankles. I told em not to train in Ice skates... but would they listen? I heard Ashley was promoting a new range of ice skates.
  7. I'm assuming, given the organisations represented, this is to supersede and unify the existing ones. One million members, One voice. It begins.
  8. Even £350m seems to be OTT. The value of the club is £240. Say he adds on £50m for good measure, I can't honestly see anyone paying more than £300m. Of course great if they did, but can't see it.
  9. Wise was there. It'll fuck me off no end if Wise, Lambrusco and Co. get massive pay-off's for basically drunken joyriding NUFC into wall. I don't think this is one they will walk away from.
  10. In various ways Ashley has lost a lot of money recently.
  11. Over the years enough money might be got together to buy a statke in the club........................................
  12. 1. It was made clear that nobody would be paid for anything they did, all things would be acountable but it would be a fighting fund as such, allowing for promotion material to be made, Printing costs that sort of thing. I dont think anyone will know properly until it has been discussed and formulated into a proper plan. One thing I would expect is that all this would be made clear if/when the thing goes live ie you wouldnt be expected to pay up without being told about accountability. 2. Im not sure that you will ever get everyones voices heard but what you can do is canvass the majority ie via the likes of here. I would expect the association to have a website with a facilty for members only to vote etc. 3. I would hope it would, basically it would be made clear to the press that the views of nufc fans are only official if they come from the SA. Anything else can be taken as the personal view of the speaker. We would have to recognise that sometimes these views would be given by the SA when they havent been able to canvass the opinion but thats unavoidable. At least you'll know that the release has some credibility. A website endorsed by all the major fanzine/website owners for fee paying subscribers to vote (rather than wax lyrical) on subjects that impact the fans sounds good to me I have to say. Certainly wouldn't get a bunch of Mackems distorting the view like you do in any other poll whether online, in the paper or on tv/radio. How many people are subscribed to NUFC World? Is that a tenner? I'd far prefer to pay for my voice to be heard and receive a fan orientated newsletter, than to get official news updates from the club and the odd interview. Good point.
  13. The fee could be a little higher, say a £10 so money could be used to strike back when required and maybe in the future buy shares in the club and whatnot..JUst thinking aloud.
  14. I suppose we could put our points and questions to people who were going. I'd have no prob with that. someone suggested having local branches, which would/could accomodate the views of exiled fans. Mate you don't want a local branch in Hamburg, the next thing you know tank divisions will be firing up and whatnot.
  15. That's all well and good fishy and very magnanamous of you...But we need your fucking money!!
  16. I suppose we could put our points and questions to people who were going. I'd have no prob with that.
  17. I'm in and would be proud to be in. I do a fair bit of writing for a living, so I'd be happy to proof read or edit statements, articles etc........
  18. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/foo...icle3885412.ece So who is lying? Not Mort's style.
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