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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. You make me sound like Hitler with your foundationless geography patter. The thing about you is, you try to promote yourself as some bland articulate intellectual, then you go and spoil it all by spelling board as "bored". Nah, not Hitler. I doubt you have his flair for oratory. The bored thing is obviously some Freudian slip, a subconcious reaction to reference to Danny Zzzzzz By the by? I don't think I'm intellectual. To cut to the chase who are we hooking up to the 20.000 volts ah!!!!??
  2. It's why he was a gonner. The meeting went like this... SA Money? Mort What? SA Fuck you! Mort I'd say! end
  3. We'll be setting up ways for members to put their views forward yes, whether the best way to do that is a forum is to be seen. Personally I dont think so but thats a personal view. To me its a series of simple straight forward "yes/no" or "How (on a scale of 1 - 10) etc" type questions with a facility to add comment that would be best suited. Otherwise, as we see here it ends up going off track and more importantly makes it difficult to exactly gauge the feeling. Ser5iously pud make it 20.
  4. NO. Baggio I spit on yer tenner. Just FUCK OFF.
  6. Don't waste any money on 'members benefits'. Keep it for advertising and promotion.
  7. Zoggy in full flow. Wow! Thank god he is still with us.
  8. Tbh once the Spanish Villa is sorted we'll get you out for a weekend.
  9. If he has been appointed I genuinely wish him all the best, but it doesn't stop me in the privacy of this board to unleash an "OMFG" of disappointment. Of course it doesn't, but that doesn't contradict anything I said either though, does it? When did I say that it did ? So the point of you saying what you said was? In fact don't bother answering, it's entirely irrelevant, this has already turned into a "you said..." - "I said..." thing, and I have neither the time or the inclination to get involved in one of those. I'm off out to the pub instead, that's fun, talking about NUFC isn't. In fact forget I even posted, it's a pointless waste of time talking about this at the moment, see you later, maybe. YOu seem to be in a perpetual huff these days mate. Take it easy Hindigo.
  10. So are you saying though, that you dont have enough trust in those running it? (and Im not getting defensive here, Im trying to see where the issue is). £10 is £10 whether you're one of 100 or 50000 you would still be paying the same. The difference in your argument is that the club will have more cash at its disposal. So we can either do more things or have a bigger surplus running over into the following year. I, personally have a thousand and one ideas as to what the money could be used for and what this club can do in the future, I know others on there do too. Add to that the membership when its up and voting and you have an unlimited supply of ideas etc. I do know however that it will not all be used on getting Ashley out by scrawling on bedsheets. All accounts will be fully audited, available for viewing and covered by all of the relevant statutes and rules. We already have accountants and solicitors on the board. The bank account requires 6 signatures on it and a minimum of 2 to move any money out. Its a dedicated account for this type of thing and in a bank that is not going to be affected by the credit crunch. Look at it this way, if you do join up and we fail miserably then all you will have done is made a donation to the SBR appeal. There are only two reasons why people shouldnt join up, 1 they dont believe in what we're doing which is fair enough I have no problem at all with the fact that some people will not want to join. Or 2 you simply cant afford it, but if thats the case then I would urge you to register your support and send an email in explaining why you cant afford it so we can gauge the opinion and levels of the problem. My hesitation is about trust, yes and the (potential) sums involved. for example - is there any dirt the press could dig up about the people running this? like a conviction/caution for theft when they were 14?? basically pud - i would feel a lot better with more info. i appreciate things are still at an early stage and a lot of things wont have even been discussed never mind decided on so ill be hanging back absorbing as much info as possible and will see how things develop. Why start looking for negatives even before it's started? I find that a bit strange with all due respect.
  11. It's a large sum, but it's a small contribution. I personally hope we get to half a million and become a force that is heard across the media spectrum.
  12. Agreed. I'm sure people will be kept informed regarding spending of cash. For me it's simple. It's a small amount of money and the people who I'm giving it to have the best interests of the club at heart.
  13. I've come to the conclusion that all this shite Baggio comes out with is bollocks tbh
  14. It didn't sound like fighting spirit to me, it sounded like a man confused, scared and out of his depth. Quicker he is replaced the better.
  15. Mourinho was a world class manager with a world class backroom, I suspect he had time to dabble in mind games. I never heard him swear and ramble mind.
  16. Why? Cause he lost it with some 3rd rate journos, while getting taped and the whole thing being laughed at by all and sundry on the internet? seems we dont need to do anything to be laughed at here like, but at least the man has shown some passion and said it like he sees it. since when do we care what other people think ?? especially on the internet Mirror is read by at least a million people. It's only my opinion, but it would be better if he saved his energy for the training ground.
  17. Why? Cause he lost it with some 3rd rate journos, while getting taped and the whole thing being laughed at by all and sundry on the internet? So far: He's told everyone/anyone who'll listen (which means almost anyone) that the squad speaks too many languages. Gone on about injuries. Also that the squad lack confidence. IMO it would be better he keeps all this to himself and gets on with it in a professional manner. If you listen to that audio it is clear he has a historical chip on his shoulder about the press, we're not paying him to grind that particular axe. He is being paid to put points on the board. That's it.
  18. Why? Cause he lost it with some 3rd rate journos, while getting taped and the whole thing being laughed at by all and sundry on the internet?
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