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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Obama done fucked up Florida with his sanction lifting on Cuba. The whole Cuban pop of Florida immediately went Trump. The only reason it is close now is cause of the newly arrived Latino vote.
  2. Prepare yourselves dimwits. A storm is coming.
  3. Just had a fun bet after he got the nomination.
  4. 3 Dem states go to no clear leader....Moving to Republican all day... and Nevada leaning Democrat. General swing to Trump all day.
  5. Democrats are up nothing like what Obama was after early votes. Very close.
  6. These things are designed to play on fear. Fear is an election winner. It doesn't matter what is made up. If it instills fear people's critical thinking goes out the window. Up and down America there is real fear and somehow he's directing it at the establishment. This is a game he can't lose because he isn't identified as a politician. Places where Hilary was up 5-6-7 points up are now too close to call. If there is one more big hit from anywhere against her she's done.
  7. The Republican establishment tried to bury him early doors...They had Jed Bush and the two creeps Lyin Ted Cruz and 'Little' Rubio as back up. So he went further to the right of them then even they could handle...Muslims, walls, immigration, NAFTA, tax cuts, because he needed to make his mark. This was a smart strategy as he was essentially surrounded. When he went so far right he was out of the circle and the the rest of them were left staring at each other the rest is history. He developed kill shots for all the main GOP front runners.... Trumps has also improved his speaking style with more graceful hand movements and a slower pace. That's designed to make people think subliminally that he's already the President. It's why Clinton swapped from a lot of talk about policy to her new thing about Trump being dangerous....Nobody was listening to all the policy chit chat.
  8. He upset most people when he was after the Republican nomination...He was only talking to Republicans at the time. You'll notice he's toned a lot of that down now.
  9. A lot of the Trump vote will be emotional and anti-establishment...Very little to do with him or his policies.
  10. People don't like her. It's the biggest thing in American politics....If you're likeable.
  11. Trump. Yes. Liverpool. The establishment had everything set. Hilary had her campaign manager at Bilderberg, she had 500m campaign funds and 90% of the MSM on her side...It's weird watching the whole thing unravel.
  12. Hilary lead in polls in Virginia, Pennsylvania, Colorado and even North Carolina wiped out. I'm gonna build da wall..
  13. Crooked Hilary Lyin Ted Cruise Little Rubio Low Energy Bush These are all kill shots.
  14. It's almost like the 'scandal' is front running 'the scandal'. "Yeah what we do is start a completely harmless scandal and we'll even get the FBI to play along"....Done.
  15. Him, his buddies and her husband spent a lot of time on that jet and on 'that' island innit.
  16. The funniest thing to watch has been the Obama back flips with reg to him slamming Hilary in 2008 and now says she's cushty...
  17. Hey! You guys gonna vote for Hilary? No we're voting for the orange skinned, racist - wall builder...
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