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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. ...and I'm here undercutting the Germans. Get on yer bike as they say.
  2. I love Russell Brand. Actually after the radio show hiatus, I've been wading through all his shows on Utubular. Excellent stuff. Especially the ones with Mozzer and the Oasis bloke.
  3. Football these days is fast becoming goal keeping horror shows.
  4. Danny is a bit dim, he's jizzing himself in this thread cause Stevie said he was standing near him summink.
  5. Yes it does. Racism pervades their every policy and viewpoint. "concerned about immigration" my arse - their repatriation of british citizens based on skin colour is about as racist as you can get. Myth. Do you really think the repatriation will include Aussies, Kiwis and South Africans? Regardless of any of this, it doesn't make it right that their details are posted publically on the internet does it? The ideals of the people who are members of this party is not the argument. Tell me this, how would you feel if your name, address, phone number & email address were posted on the internet without your consent or knowledge? The party they belong to is the main reason it has been leaked don't you see the irony?
  6. Late Capitalism doesn't want (can't support) full employment or broadened ideas of education and self-awareness...If this happenned the whole house of cards would collapse.
  7. Nick what's his name in that video..."And if we get a riot out of it that will be great for us". What a sad fuckin loon.
  8. Yes it does. Racism pervades their every policy and viewpoint. "concerned about immigration" my arse - their repatriation of british citizens based on skin colour is about as racist as you can get. Myth. Do you really think the repatriation will include Aussies, Kiwis and South Africans? A. No mention of skin colour B. voluntary C. Incentivised. You sum up the reactionary bullshit that surrounds the party IMO.
  9. To cut to the chase, it is suggesting that "first contact" has already taken place and that there was a trade between high-level groups on Earth with Alien beings in which it was agreed they could have territory on Earth in exchange for technological information. Fair enough.
  10. Fucking idiocy IYAM And no, I'm not pro-BNP... Explain why it's idiocy? They're choosing to end his employment on the grounds of something that they have learned about him, not what he has actually done!! If he'd used his position as a platform to air his views and breach broadcasting code then I agree - he would have to go! Sacking him because of his political conurtations alone is prejudice of the highest order. I can understand the practicalities of why it's not suitable for party members to be employed by the police or in teaching but a radio DJ? Jesus - strong case for unfair dismissal tbh The quote actually says they have no plans of using him in the near future. Not sure he's been sacked as such although mileage will be in sensationalising it. I think listeners from diverse racial backrounds would be uncomfortable if they knew the iffy leanings of a presenter. The likes of James Whale and whatnot are great for radio, but I think being a memener of a quasi-right wing group is crossing the line for a broadcaster.
  11. Why is he constantly banging on about his contract ffs!! This must be about the 7th time in the last month.
  12. Fucking idiocy IYAM And no, I'm not pro-BNP... Explain why it's idiocy?
  13. Good. That's prime McCarthyism though. We need more of it.
  14. What the fuck is this shit JImbo?
  15. Do they? Certain posts within this thread prove it. Ok.
  16. Looking forward to this new standardised engine package. Might start watching it again.
  17. She's the cause, without a doubt. We're approaching three generations in now and that's probably irreversible. She had the right idea though with suggesting that the focus should be on taking responsibility for your own actions and putting an emphasis on family. Sort of falls down when you think of the industries she destroyed overnight without any long-term thought (or concern) for the communities that were devastated as a consequence. It was a very much a case of 'I'm alright Jack'. Did the civil servants who advised the Tories to close the mines include the costs incurred since 1982 in regenrating the north east? I doubt it. If i ever had the time, i'd love to look at the financial data used to justify the decision to get rid of the coal industry in the north east and see whether it took account of the money they are now spending to try and maintain communities on social welfare and regenerative projects (including those from the EU etc). Yes Adam, but I've got you down as soft right whereas Thatch was hard right. I dont believe in ideology James. I can believe that as when you put your mind to it you can come across as quite the existentialist.
  18. You can see people in this very thread have been taken in with regard to the real face of the BNP. The BNP for me are a quirk of history trapped as they are in an 80's timewarp. I don't see them as particularly dangerous (apart from the odd nutter in the ranks) nor do I see them as relevant in the modern world. Compare them with the animals in some former East German cities (where the right are making a comeback) or Front National in cities like Marseilles and Paris and they look like boy scouts.
  19. She's the cause, without a doubt. We're approaching three generations in now and that's probably irreversible. She had the right idea though with suggesting that the focus should be on taking responsibility for your own actions and putting an emphasis on family. Sort of falls down when you think of the industries she destroyed overnight without any long-term thought (or concern) for the communities that were devastated as a consequence. It was a very much a case of 'I'm alright Jack'. Did the civil servants who advised the Tories to close the mines include the costs incurred since 1982 in regenrating the north east? I doubt it. If i ever had the time, i'd love to look at the financial data used to justify the decision to get rid of the coal industry in the north east and see whether it took account of the money they are now spending to try and maintain communities on social welfare and regenerative projects (including those from the EU etc). Yes Adam, but I've got you down as soft right whereas Thatch was hard right.
  20. Whenever I go to England there is always some hoo ha like this going on if it isn't a baby, its Muslims if not that then scroungers or summink, it has become a very blame orientated culture propagated by a broadly right wing media. IMO vast sections of the German under 30's seem to lack initiative or drive...Probably more a European wide sickness.
  21. Did you watch that Soros link foppah? Need a plugin for it, apparently. It's on google video you muppet. Soros is one of my heroes, but in that vid he gives the game away....Near the end he says that American spending (one of the big dynamo's of world capitalism) will now switch off for a long time and needs to be replaced by something. That something he offers is global warming..ka chink!! Can't believe I'm always right. Both campaigns in the US ran on the platform of job creation through the Green bubble. Strange that they're bailing out GM to the tune of $25Billion (the 20th most toxic company in the US) to 'stabalise' the economy. Let it crash and burn, invest $25Bn on improving the electric car. If only it was that easy...
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