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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Stop reading the Guardian. The Labour Party now has half a million members... Tories 150,000 and dropping every year. http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2013/09/conservative-party-membership-has-nearly-halved-throughout-david-camerons-premiership/ http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/uk/2015/10/tories-are-zombie-party-ageing-falling-membership-still-they-stagger-victory
  2. Correct. The more they go after someone the more dangerous they think they are.
  3. Yup. He kept it so simple it was like hypnosis. His hand movements became more graceful and he just used a lot of repetition. Graceful hand movement disengages the brain....Hillary no hand movements. Often standing stock still while speaking. Trump made a lot of future frenzy statements..."I will do this....I will do that etc..." The mind can't process all this stuff...Then he drops cadence and makes a joke and the audience think ah...it's ok...They hand over control because he gives uncertainty than a feeling of calm...
  4. Ultimately she didn't have a kill shot for Trump and she got involved down in the gutter with him with regard to fear and legitimacy. He managed to label her a corporate stooge and this stuck. He managed to pose her as the poster child for everything that is wrong in Washington. Drain the swamp etc... Lying Ted Cruise Low energy Jeb Bush 'Little' Marco Rubio Crooked Hilary....All killshots.
  5. To calm some fears. The political architecture in America is set up for compromise. Lot of the Trump rhetoric will be reigned in over the coming months. There will be one or two marquee elements in his desire for new legislation...But it's a long old road and he's gonna have to learn on the job.
  6. I'll expect you round later to have a nibble on my arse.
  7. "They see us as a true existential threat to their power, they have set about me with their whole MSM to stop me...I will take all the slings and arrows for you....I am doing this to take our country back..." DJT "This is a struggle for the survival of our very nation and this will be our last chance...This is reality...They know it, you know it....I know it...This is our last stand".
  8. You were sayin it was impossible last night. You left me alone on the beach....
  9. Megan Kelly trying to talk Trump up now.....She's so done.
  10. Clinton down 6 points on Obama in the Under 29 vote. Latino vote Clinton +34 % Obama +44% I mean what kind of dog are we dealing with here?
  11. CNN just did a desperate segment about people bringing their ballots back or summink....Vote again fuckers!!!11
  12. Lone nuts activated....Probably won't even get to the White House steps.
  13. Ha ha all the scum at CNN look well depressed.
  14. Yeah it's the Republican parts coming in first... The first sign will be Virginia...Neck and neck atm. If it's really close then might not be a walkover for Hillary overall. Democrats through everything at it last couple of days.
  15. The Clinton's are probably the greatest scam artists in the history of America and believe me the competition is stiff. If Bill isn't doing coke and dialing hoes in the big house by the weekend it will mean Trump won.
  16. Yeah he sound crazy and she sound well balanced and progressive.
  17. This Comey is a piece of work....Jeez! NSA, FBI, Whitewater...Yes Whitewater....HSBC, Clinton Foundation, Berger Investigation, Lockheed Martin..........The only thing not on the list is Haiti. If the Clinton's were allowed to choose a guy to investigate them it would probably be him.
  18. Why be so harsh on a geek brother?
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