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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Well they think he's planning on banning new gun sales of summink.
  2. That's true re: guns but apparently not tasers. 'The move is backed by the 140,000 rank and file police officers and chief constables.' The Times "Officials say the gun could be be used against anyone who put the lives or safety of officers and the public at risk. That includes aggressive drunken yobs, knife-wielding criminals and those who go "berserk" in public.
  3. Yes, I disagree, using that logic surely it is inevitable anyway the moment we gave the police truncheons? Wtf that has to do with tasering people for 2 hours or grasing people with bullets I'm still not sure about mind. Again no, as we've been though several times now (keep up), the use of a truncheon doesn't necessarily mean torture (as defined by the UN) or massive wounding. So the issue with their general deployment is different. If you'd have said CS spray then you'd have a point (and it has paved the way for Tasers, without doubt), but then I'm not sure it should be generally distributed either, as we've seen how it's terms of use have massively degraded in the time it has been available. So if the UN hadn't classified the taser as a weapon of torture (surely this is an abritrary term anyway as any weapon can be used for torture and I don't accept being tasered is worse than being shot, but anyway) we'd have no reason to fear guns being generally distributed to the police? Is that what you're saying? I really can't see the connection, please elaborate. Again that's nothing like what I'm saying (although you seem to be agreeing with Manc-foplite that torture isn't torture so long as you legalise torture - as opposed to it just being legal torture ). You're trying to link a fairy tale with distribution policy, which has nothing to do with anything in this thread (although it may take us another X post before we'd walked you far enough to realise it ). I'm actually really trying to follow your line of thought here Fop, in all honesty you seem to be talking gibberish half the time. The UN has stated the taser is a weapon of torture, yes? And it is being introduced to the police for general use, yes? Now how does that bring an inevitability about the general police being armed with guns, especially since they themselves don't want this? What's the connection or the relevance of 'torture'? Again 1 + b ≠ Aardvark. And as I said earlier a lot of police don't actually want the general deployment of tasers. The police realise the more weapons they carry the bigger targets they will become. But the powers that be don't give a fuck about that.
  4. I'm just ahead of this particular scam. They want to push birth control on countries that are lagging way behind the main polluters America, Europe and China. Indira Gandhi had a sterelisation project in India way back in 1972 iirc. China has child rate control. What particularly irks me about this is that third world countries with virtually no heavy industry are being targeted by Americans (biggest or 2nd biggest Co2 boys on the planet) for birth control which I predict (in moment of Foppery) will lead as they ramp up the paranoia to cash for sterilization scenarios. I'd like to see Gore promote birth control in the Christian right heartlands and not get his head blown off.
  5. You've already seen it, I predicted tasers would be handed out like sweets ages ago. It depends on what the Government can wangle, and how much it's pushed. We already see guns deployed to many situations they wouldn't have been just 10-15 years ago (even 7 years ago in some cases). So I expect we'll see them ever widened in steps before general deployment. Dey lova da weapons innit.
  6. You think that GPS vehicle speed monitoring system Labour were trying to big up wouldn't have been tied into the police databases?
  7. ...birth control drives in the third world and perhaps ultimately sterilization? Gore has already been on about it. Third World birth control tops Gore's list of 'global warming' cures By Paul Bedard, THE WASHINGTON TIMES "The third factor is the empowerment of women, socially, politically, and in the context of the family, to participate in the decisions about childbearing," said Mr. Gore, who is pro-choice. (October 2, 1997) Vice President Al Gore, warning that overpopulation fosters global warming, yesterday suggested expanding birth-control and abortion programs in developing countries to help reduce the environmental threat. Noting that Third World nations are producing too many children too fast -- in addition to too much pollution -- Mr. Gore said it is time to ignore the controversy over family planning and cut out-of-control population growth. While hosting about 100 TV weathermen at a White House global-warming conference, Mr. Gore was asked how to reduce population surges in developing countries that experts say will lead to a doubling of Earth's current 5.5 billion population within 40 years. After highlighting President Clinton's early decision to kill the Bush administration's so-called "Mexico City policy" that prohibited U.S. funding of overseas birth-control programs that include abortion, Mr. Gore focused on family planning and child mortality rates. "This doesn't have to be as controversial as some people make it out to be," Mr. Gore said, offering three solutions to overpopulation.
  8. You dodged the question!! I'd rather be grazed by a bullet Fop. Now please answer, how is the question relevant? So does that therefore mean you'd rather be shot by a gun than tasered? No. Are you feeling OK? So basically then you agree with me that it's NOT the issue. You've lost me. Are you saying that tasers are usually used to shoot someone constantly for two hours, and that marksmen with firearms aim to graze? That you agree that their potential use in differing situations is completely independent of and nothing to do with, their overall deployment policy. It sometimes takes a few posts, but we get there in the end. I think we're talking about entirely different things. I'm talking about real life, you are stuck on planet Fop. There are obviously different issues between general deployment of guns and tasers, which would you prefer to happen? Like I said once tasers are generally deployed (unless they happen to kill a kid with one on live TV or something), the general deployment of conventional guns will inevitably follow, and you basically agree. The police are pushing for space based weapons platforms.
  9. Park Life


    They need to use "if I have 3 bananas and I take..." or it'll never sink in. And they're going to tax me at 45% too? Cunts. That's another interesting point, an independent financial think tank has said that will basically raise £0, as people will simply put more effort into tax avoidance. The people that are going to be most hit (and basically pay the most for all this) are those on £19,000 and below. I'd scrap tax for people earning under 15k. ...and while the banks are stunned make trains free.
  10. From Co. Durham though. Should have been keelhauled tbh. \
  11. Love the way they took TT down just to check. The F3 is old tech developed in the mid to late 80's. It is rumoured to use SHARP (Super heated arurora reflection protocols). There is some coating on it when electrified makes the surface take on the colour of it's surroundings or summat. That was above the Springsteen 'Obama' concert.
  12. The American Navy F3 (invisible triangle) mistaken for Ufo.
  13. Ufo? Caught on tape by military jet. "I don't know what that is"... "I gotta heat on him" (Air to air missile lock?)
  14. Mystery objects caught on film causing air show crash.
  15. Deffo not a UFO, but a beautiful image to look at...(Maybe some Underworld as backing music?).. http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/data/LATEST/current_c3.mpg
  16. Self regarding nonsense. Your assumption is top players go to a club for it's magnificent fans. Even if the fans spend a lot of the time booing the team and protesting those in charge while the club hasn't got into a European spot for 5 years and have got through 6 managers in that time. Robinho's move shows that top players will go anywhere for huge money. But then, we're still only one win away from Man City who spent almost £70M in the summer. Either way. We agree that a competent manager is the most important step, and that backing them is imperative once they're in place. The current board didn't do that. Keegan didn't want to move for Ashley Cole or any "top" players, just for some premier league standard cover, and the owner didn't allow it. The problem is still going to be getting a manager given our history of impatience mentioned above. Kinnear might be our best bet for a while yet. We're only 14 games into the season. The crap squad factor doesn't start telling till inj and tiredness start to show (Dec/Jan/Feb). We're definitely short on players. That's the big thing I love about you, your insightful words, giving the public angles they'd never considered.
  17. Self regarding nonsense. Your assumption is top players go to a club for it's magnificent fans. Even if the fans spend a lot of the time booing the team and protesting those in charge while the club hasn't got into a European spot for 5 years and have got through 6 managers in that time. Robinho's move shows that top players will go anywhere for huge money. But then, we're still only one win away from Man City who spent almost £70M in the summer. Either way. We agree that a competent manager is the most important step, and that backing them is imperative once they're in place. The current board didn't do that. Keegan didn't want to move for Ashley Cole or any "top" players, just for some premier league standard cover, and the owner didn't allow it. The problem is still going to be getting a manager given our history of impatience mentioned above. Kinnear might be our best bet for a while yet. We're only 14 games into the season. The crap squad factor doesn't start telling till inj and tiredness start to show (Dec/Jan/Feb). We're definitely short on players. Oh how magnanimous of you.
  18. KK wanted Diarra, Warnock etc...Yet you see how quickly people jump to Rooney (trophy signings) etc...To support their argument. Just saying.
  19. Self regarding nonsense. Your assumption is top players go to a club for it's magnificent fans. Even if the fans spend a lot of the time booing the team and protesting those in charge while the club hasn't got into a European spot for 5 years and have got through 6 managers in that time. Robinho's move shows that top players will go anywhere for huge money. But then, we're still only one win away from Man City who spent almost £70M in the summer. Either way. We agree that a competent manager is the most important step, and that backing them is imperative once they're in place. The current board didn't do that. Keegan didn't want to move for Ashley Cole or any "top" players, just for some premier league standard cover, and the owner didn't allow it. The problem is still going to be getting a manager given our history of impatience mentioned above. Kinnear might be our best bet for a while yet. We're only 14 games into the season. The crap squad factor doesn't start telling till inj and tiredness start to show (Dec/Jan/Feb).
  20. They were all on speed. I was actually thinking about that. Might have been a factor tbh. Although it doesn't really make you hallucinate the lack of sleep because of it can. I don't think it completely explains the whole thing however. Drugs, lack of sleep and masses of stress can do all sorts, but , and I guess no one ever will. The only thing is, there are occasions when you had a whole crew of a bomber seeing the same thing at the same time. I'm not saying that means we're dealing with alien spacecraft or anything. Also, the phenomena was reported by Allied and Axis airmen alike. The phenomena was markedly different in the Pacific compared to over Europe as well. Well and truly weird imo. Probe droids innit.
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