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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. I'm not having it. All black people, gays, Latino's and women hate Trump. It was made clear in the polls and the rolling coverage. He only won because of the racist poor white man vote.
  2. That's surprising I imagined all women on earth hated him.
  3. Did your free pass on here just run out?
  4. The young have no idea what's going on. They vast maj are frighteningly naive and trusting and think the world works in a certain way cause that's just how things are....Hey man is that a free range egg? Yeah? Cool. That sort of shit. Working class kids are quite different and you can see the early signs of psychosis that will stand them in good stead. Like even people around our age know absolutely nothing. I mean the questions I get asked here about Brexit you'd just piss your pants. The young across time are anti-establishment in what are essentially side shows...Music, arts...Mild anarchy in the Canning Town squat till someone nicks their food. My daughter said they'd been talking about Trump at school and I was waiting for some kind of political insight and she goes...'Orange is the new Black'.... As Rayvin keeps pointing out the young/new left Labour are mired in identity politics, green politics, gender politics and so on... There has only ever been one politics to wrench and redistribute wealth in a fairer way. Full stop.
  5. Good concession speech from Clinton there. Trump should put her on the team as long as it isn't anything to do with foreign affairs or Russia.
  6. They're sayin that Obama isn't looking forward to meeting Trump. No shit.
  7. On the blower to the lone gunman. Trump said she had called him and conceded. ?? He says it 22 secs in...
  8. I honestly can't dismiss that as a cogent counter argument. It might well be a flux in constant movement with appearances of design. In conspiracy circles counter to my positions on here I am actually the voice of reason.
  9. It'll depend on what he tries to do. But right now he is untouchable...Anything happens and there will be guns on the street. Lucky for him TTIP is more or less nixed. But his campaign anti-globalist rhetoric might have other outcomes. You know more about it than me but I think he'll try and get rid of Obamacare....The elite don't really like Obamacare so that might not be a red line... Foreign policy is the one to look at. The Military industrial complex have tried to get Obama into Syria a couple of times and credit to him he's resisted. However Syria is on the list. And anybody who wants to know who the elite are well Trump has called some of them out in his campaign videos. (Even though they don't exist obviously).
  10. I honestly think things just happen by accident.
  11. Lyin Ted.... "Where's your Goldman Sachs jacket? We know your wife works there...."...
  12. Yeah the elite don't conspire and they don't control anything. The neo-Liberals and Globalists have exerted hegemony spanning three decades via chinese crackers. The 1,500 lobbyists are playing bridge all day at the EU parliament....Clinton got 500 million for pantsuits... 12,000 odd NGO's are embedded just doing good things and holding hands...
  13. American vassal state. Will do as she is told.
  14. I sense straw....I sense a man behind such straw. I've laid out in clear terms how the Globalists are in crisis over the last couple of years. Brexit and Trump are the opening exchanges the war is just getting started. There are no winners yet. There's 50 pages on N.O. where I repeated why Brexit might happen and that a reset was coming, that it might actually be good that the people feel they are re-engaged in politics...That the purview was the whole world...Ripples have traveled across the pond. AND this is and internet revolution...Fought across borders, thoughts, ideas and information exchanged in seconds. Firewalls have replaced propaganda, linking and hot desking has replaced war rooms, blogs have replaced anchors....Hope has trumped fear.
  15. They'll play along for a bit.....Even pretend to be listening etc....They know they can't make a move right now. All those highly paid think tanks are feverishly trying to work out the new scams. But for now its coming so thick and so fast and from so many places they are scared. They are also scared because the MSM has lost two fights in a row....The will possibly be busy trying to colonize the alt media...The legacy media is toast. Nobody believes it, nobody watches it and kids make up stuff that goes half way around the world in 5 minutes. A storm is coming.
  16. It's Corby who will move the party back to the left.....His replacement will get elected.
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