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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Classroom locked and kids tear gassed. 1.34min in... http://www.consciousmedianetwork.com/video/123008.htm
  2. Fungshwela has turned into John Fashanu.
  3. In the history of conflict peace only comes when the superior force wants it.
  4. Can't have it both ways tbh, either don't have democratic elections (in which case they're backwards barbarians who will never be modern) or don't cry when they don't go as planned (in which case they're terrorists) Israel has the best security force in the world in the Mossad. I simply reject the idea that Israel can't find and deal with whoever is responsible for the rocket attacks without demolishing the homes, businesses, lives of people who are not involved. That is terrorism, end of story. [/shieldsupcaptain] Totally agree. This is Obama baiting pure and simple.
  5. The irony is that the Palestinians were persecuted, subjugated and had violence aimed at them for centuries before Israel was born. Of course that's never mentioned now, Palestine was clearly a land of milk and honey before mid-last century. You've got to admire Hamas though, they play the game so very, very well. They set up their safe-houses and weapons dumps next or even in things like schools, hospitals and residential areas, then fire a few rockets at Israel and then just kick back, relax and wait for the massive PR victory that ensues when Israel retaliates. It's pure genius and it would take Israel to basically accept rocket attacks with no retaliation for months or even years to fail (and that is about the only way peace may ever come about there - but it won't happen for obvious reasons). You aren't condemning the slaughter then? Furthermore it is rather sad to see you of all people try and reduce this to artifice.
  6. You know you're in trouble when Mechazilla beats Godzilla.
  7. Clearly utterly clueless. "Earlier, Jimmy Carter, the former US president, said that Hamas was prepared to accept Israel's right to “live as a neighbour next door in peace.” Carter met twice with Mashaal over the weekend. "They said they would accept a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders if approved by Palestinians ... even though Hamas might disagree with some terms of the agreement," Mr Carter said during a speech in Jerusalem." Independant.
  8. Definitely, for both parties. Though what can be effectively done to solve the problem is a tough question to answer. Israel doesn't want peace. Israel and American are irritated Hamas won the democratic elections and immediately tried to starve them of money. Now they are trying to finally destroy the infrastructure let alone killing and injuring hundreds in indiscriminate air strikes with heavy bombs and missiles targeted at civilian areas. Scum Activists trying to bring aid to Gaza today claimed their boat had been rammed by Israeli gunboats in a "criminal attack" in international waters. The Free Gaza Movement said its vessel, the Dignity, was intercepted by several Israeli ships as it headed to the Gaza Strip, which has been under Israeli aerial bombardment since Saturday. One gunboat rammed the Dignity on the port bow side, causing heavy damage, although no one was hurt, the group said. "When attacked, the Dignity was clearly in international waters, 90 miles off the coast of Gaza," the group said on its website. "The gunboats also fired their machine guns into the water in an attempt to stop the mercy ship from getting to Gaza. "Israel thumbs its nose in the face of maritime law by attacking a human rights boat in international waters and has put all of these human rights observers at risk. "At no time was the Dignity ever close to Israeli waters. They clearly identified themselves, and the Israeli attack was wilful and criminal." The Guardian.
  9. Really? From what I've seen it's always Israel is a monster, Israel is the biggest threat to world peace etc and the new channels seem biased towards that view. There's always two sides to these war debates. People should feel sorry for the Jews as well given the persecution they have had to put up with for centuries/milleniums. Erm.. I think a nation armed to the teeth bombing civilian districts with no air defense doesn't bear one iota of sympathy. It's barbaric and totally unwarranted and disproportionate. If America had any balls they would stop all aid to Israel immediately.
  10. Ironic? Parky hating on Jews. Well I never. There are many brave Jews who are against Israel's continued genocide in Palestine. It was tongue in cheek man. I know it's the Zionists you're really after and not your every day orthodox Jew. Depends what side of the bed I get out of tbh.
  11. Ironic? Parky hating on Jews. Well I never. There are many brave Jews who are against Israel's continued genocide in Palestine.
  12. This is part of their lets fuck up the middle east before Obama takes office plan no doubt. Destabilize and continue stirring up the Arab world.
  13. The number of civilians killed has continued to rise. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency, which supports Palestinian refugees and has large programmes in Gaza, said it believed at least 62 civilians were dead, at a conservative estimate. The overall number of injured is thought to be as high as 1,400, although Gazan hospitals are so overcrowded and short of medicine and equipment that they are turning away all but the most seriously wounded." Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary general, called for swift and decisive action to end the "unacceptable" violence, and urged world leaders to step up pressure for a political solution. In his third statement on Gaza in three days, Ban said he was "deeply alarmed" by the escalation of violence. While recognising Israel's right to defend itself, he condemned its "excessive use of force". http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/dec/3...el-gaza-attacks I don't suppose anyone will care or intervene.
  14. That is my optimistic view, you dont want to hear my pessimistic/realistic one We're at our lowest ebb in almost 2 decades, and we're still better off than the Mackems who were supposed to push on to the next level this year. We'll always be able to laugh at Sunderland. I was just scanning the odds on Spuds relegation today.
  15. Well Wise is easy to miss, being 6 inches tall and allergic to going north of Watford, but Lambrusco's job is to be visible, and yet I think almost anyone could do that bit of it better than him. The invisible fucking man could do it better tbfh I can't find him.
  16. Doesnt even appear to exist if you listen to JFK. As anyone seen the lad? he's been on the bench the last few games if he can't get on ahead of carroll or ameobi, he really must be shite tbh Wise and Co reckon he's the dogs gonads apparently.
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