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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. I think they knew exactly what they were doing when hiring JFK. What was that? Hiring someone who would be so grateful for a job that he'd gladly be their mouthpiece and put up with their shit? But what about his management skills?
  2. I think they knew exactly what they were doing when hiring JFK. What was that?
  3. Cause I can't. I only get 15 points. I don't think 38 will be enough.
  4. I honestly think they didn't give it a proper look when hiring JK. Either that or MA was embarrassed at the package and ambition he could promise to a top line coach.
  5. This is a sly attack on MA and his team if you read between the lines, this is as close he dare get without confronting MA. The upside here is that it is clear he's been badgering the management team for players and money and that he realises we are in danger. There is still time, but he needs to get 2/3 FIRST TEAM PLAYERS in this window. If this doesn't happen well they will only have themselves to blame.
  6. What happened to 7th? It don't look good bro. Funny thing is if we'd have got 2/3 in at the start of the window we'd have cruised it from here.
  7. If the first team isn't refreshed with some quality (2 midfielders particularly) we will go down, simple.
  8. Quite content, created two or three chances, should be one up. I think we're winning this.
  9. These are the kind of no hope scenarios where we pull out a result. 0-1.
  10. That woman coming off with the airvest wrong way round.
  11. That's good....I'm gonna pretend it's this^^^^^^^. ....and relax.
  12. They do when the old sanctions start. That's what I mean, or even just making the USA withdraw more support politically. Mind you a war is a war (and that is how Israel views it, rightly or wrongly) and bad shit happens in every one. It's more like the slaughter of the defenseless. What is it now 1,000 civilians killed?!!
  13. Seriously man if this registers in my noddle I'm in trouble. Is there a way of blocking a whole thread mods?
  14. But would we have it any other way?
  15. Citeh have hijacked the deal with a 60m last minute bid.
  16. lets hope hes got safe search on hes not the best of spellers
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